24.8.2666.0 - 2024-12-17#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.7.2534.0 - 2024-11-05#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.6.2437.0 - 2024-10-08#
- Wrong check on "Purchase Blocked" for Item with Replenishment System = 'Prod. Order' (#12303, TRD-620)
24.5.2381.0 - 2024-09-30#
- Bug in purchase quote and quote with using contacts and items with Alloy surcharge (#12197, TRD-612)
- Item Lifecycle - Usage of field "Blocked (User)" in Item Card (#12120, TRD-586)
- Implement additional extensibility events and procedures in codeunit KVSTRDAlloySurchargeMgt (#12130, TRD-606)
Added events: KVSTRDOnAfterSetValuationDateInUpdatePurchaseLines(var ValuationDate: Date; var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line") KVSTRDOnAfterSetValuationDateInUpdateSalesLines(var ValuationDate: Date; var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line") KVSTRDOnBeforeInsertItemChargeAssignmentSales(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean) KVSTRDOnBeforeInsertItemChargeAssignmentPurch(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean) KVSTRDOnAfterSetFilterOnBeforeFindSetPurchaseLineInUpdatePurchaseLines(var FilteredPurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var ValuationDate: Date; var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line") KVSTRDOnAfterSetFilterOnBeforeFindSetSalesLineInUpdateSalesLines(var FilteredSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ValuationDate: Date; var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line") Added external procedures: InsertAndCalculateItemChargePurchaseLinesByItemAlloySurcharge(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line") InsertAndCalculateItemChargeSalesLinesByItemAlloySurcharge(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line") - Manufacturing: Setup time and run time in standard tasks (#12145, TRD-498)
24.5.2330.0 - 2024-09-16#
- Problems with Color Picker Addin in Rental Setup (#12006, TRD-597)
- Create Service Order from Sales Return Order: wrong assignment service item (#12020, TRD-598)
- Demand Planning Calculation: Demand Planning Calculation Schedule Card without "Value adjmt. type" (#12021, TRD-599)
- Demand Planning Calculation: consider "Lost Sales" in calculation (#12022, TRD-600)
- Default shipping agent services in shipping agent (#11796, TRD-554)
- Using calendar weeks in sales and purchase date fields (#11870, TRD-463)
- External access to function "SetRequisitionLine" of page 5157247 KVSTRDItemVendorCatalogPrices (#11899, TRD-589)
- Improvement of Printing Warehouse Picks (#12083, TRD-603)
24.4.2216.0 - 2024-08-21#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.4.2203.0 - 2024-08-20#
- Subcontractor location for neutral provision must be included in the components when calculating the Prod. Order (#11877, TRD-593)
24.4.2196.0 - 2024-08-19#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.4.2183.0 - 2024-08-16#
- Necessary Changes + Migrations in Service Archive / Simplified Planning and Multiple VAT per Customer / Features moved to KBA (#11850, TRD-588)
24.4.2148.0 - 2024-08-09#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.4.2142.0 - 2024-08-08#
- Alloy Surcharges in combination with planning/requisition worksheets (#11708, TRD-578)
- Item Listings/Exclusive Items/Prohibited Countries with Variant support (#11468, TRD-207)
- Obsolete - "Service Archive" and "Service Special Order / Drop Shipment" functionality (#11675, TRD-577)
- Rework - Obsoletion of "Source Location" functionality in KBA Module (#11691, TRD-571)
24.3.2047.0 - 2024-07-23#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.3.2041.0 - 2024-07-22#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.3.2029.0 - 2024-07-18#
- Problem with automatically inserted freight costs on Approval with Prepayment (#11628, TRD-574)
24.3.2019.0 - 2024-07-16#
- Field "KVSTRDManufacturer Item No." in Item has wrong field length (#11569, TRD-573)
24.3.1985.0 - 2024-07-09#
- Problems with Alloy Surcharges - Blanket Orders / Return Orders (#11399, TRD-565)
- Transfer Routes - Define shipment method for transfer orders (#11375, TRD-555)
- Define Sorting Method/ Fill Qty. To Handle for Logistic documents at the location code (#11423, TRD-312)
24.2.1925.0 - 2024-07-02#
- Freight Costs - Translation for Resources does not work (KBA feature) (#11435, TRD-570)
24.2.1816.0 - 2024-06-14#
- Freight Costs - Problem with Automatic Inserts on Prepayments and Approvals (#11319, TRD-553)
24.2.1808.0 - 2024-06-14#
- Alloy Surcharge - Missing "Variant Code" field if Flow Field is used (#11297, TRD-550)
- Vendor Order Address - Problem in Requisition Worksheet (#11304, TRD-551)
- Alloy Surcharge - Message Box shows up two times if no price exists (second issue) (#11306, TRD-552)
24.1.1739.0 - 2024-06-06#
- Consider historical item ledger entries in Item planning parameter suggestion (#11121, TRD-535)
24.1.1616.0 - 2024-05-22#
- General performance and stability improvements.
24.1.1606.0 - 2024-05-21#
- Problem with field "No Default Receipt Code for Bin Content" in "Warehouse Setup" (#11083, TRD-532)
- Problem with Purch./Sales Blanket Orders in comibination with the Qty. validation in the related Order (#11098, TRD-534)
24.0.1508.0 - 2024-05-07#
- Alloy Surcharge - Message Box shows up two times if no price exists (#10884, TRD-525)
- Problem with "VAT Registration No." in Sales Header - Message Box with wrong information appears (#10991, TRD-526)
- Extend/Fix function "Blocked" in Location (#10984, TRD-530)
24.0.1423.0 - 2024-04-23#
- Problem with Assemble to Order - Reduce Pick to Avail. Qty. (#10851, TRD-501)
- Minimum Sales Order Value (#8534, TRD-393)
- Rework and Fix Sales/Purchase History (#10759, TRD-488)
- "Delete posted documents allowed" in combination with standard field "Allow Document Deletion Before" (#10768, TRD-489)
- Performance optimization due to telemetry data (#10778, TRD-492)
- Rework / Fix "Auto Attach Docs. on Print or Send" - Copy Attachments to Posted Documents (#10800, TRD-493)
- ReportExtension KVSTRDCalculatePlanReqWksh - Add check On GuiAllowed (#10831, TRD-494)
- Set function "GetRentalDescription" from internal to public (#10833, TRD-495)
- Use "WhseShipmentRelease.Reopen" in "KVSTRDDelShipmLinesPostEvMgt" - "OnBeforeDeleteWarehouseShipmentHeader" (#10834, TRD-496)
- New field "Variants available" on Item card and list (#10852, TRD-500)
24.0.1341.0 - 2024-04-12#
- Fixes and Changes for BC24 (#8377, TRD-396)