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Quality Management#

24.7.685.0 - 2024-11-28#


  • Automatic printing no longer works correctly (QME-279)
    The automatic printing of test orders no longer works correctly, this error has been fixed.

24.7.664.0 - 2024-11-15#


  • General performance and stability improvements.

24.6.646.0 - 2024-10-30#


  • Open work plan reference with correct type (#12596, QME-273)
    Various action that called the 'Inspection Plan Usage' page directly were triggered with the wrong filter, this issue has now been fixed.
  • Insp. Plan Item List not correct (#12605, QME-276)
    Due to incorrect filtering, an inaccurate result list for "Insp. Plan Item List" was displayed. This error has now been corrected.

24.5.560.0 - 2024-09-30#


  • Adaptation of error message location with put-away and quality management (#11354, QME-233)
    Put-away is only supported if you are also working with warehouse receipts, an error message has been added for this case.

24.5.512.0 - 2024-09-19#


  • Inspection Order for Transfer Order (#6766, QME-156)
  • Procedure "Set" to scope global (#12023, QME-258)
    The “Set” action on the “Carry Out Inspection Order” page can now be called up externally.

24.4.464.0 - 2024-08-21#


  • Error Production Order and QME-Setup - Inspection Order by Lot (#11876, QME-252)
    There was a issue if for a production order a output was posted and in the Quality Setup the field ‘Incoming inspection order by lot no.’ was set to true. This issue has been fixed.

24.4.447.0 - 2024-08-08#


  • Inherit fields from the test task line to the test data entry (#11540, QME-236)
    In the inspection data and the inspection result matrix a fact box is now available that displays the current data of the test to be performed
  • Renaming the page "Manual Inspection Order List" (in German) (#11627, QME-234)
    The page "Manual Inspection Order List" was renamed in the German Version of the App. The old name "Manuelle Prüfaufträge Übersicht” was changend to “Manuelle Prüfungen Übersicht”
  • Update Tooltip and Error Message for Vendor Rating Test (#11667, QME-246)
    The tooltip for the vendor rating connection test and the error message have been adjusted, it is now clear that data must exist in the 'rating types' table before performing the connection test.

24.3.404.0 - 2024-07-10#


  • Blank check report to print out (#8182, QME-189)
    It is now possible to print the report 'check report' as a blank version.

24.2.382.0 - 2024-06-25#


  • Duplicate Update Tags (#11397, QME-235)
    If the app is repeatedly installed and uninstalled, duplicates are created in an update table that finally prevents the installation, this error has been fixed.

24.1.342.0 - 2024-06-07#


  • Reference from Posted Whse. Receipt to closed inspection order (#10917, QME-219)
    The inspection order no. is now also stored in the posted warehouse receipt lines.

24.1.323.0 - 2024-05-21#


  • Posting preview in the warehouse receipt is not working correctly (#11028, QME-220)
    If the booking preview was used with the QM app, an incorrect message was displayed at the end of the preview and a new posting was only possible after logging in again. This error has been fixed.
  • Registration PutAway not possible after QS inspection (#11089, QME-222)
    Registration Put-Away not possible after inspection, this error has been fixed. - 2024-04-25#


  • Inspection Result with Inspection Mandatory On Release (#10645, QME-197)
    It is now possible to force the entry of test values in a inspection order even if the test result has been set to "error", this function must be activated in the quality assurance setup. - 2024-04-25#


  • Open Inspection Order from Finished Prod. Order (#10675, QME-206)
    It is now possible to open the corresponding Inspection Order directly from the Finished Production Order.
  • New Table Quality Employee (#10756, QME-211)
    New Table Quality Employee for setting the assigned user in an inspection order.
  • Authorisation of manual postings in the Item journal worksheet / Inventory (#10850, QME-191)
    Whether manual bookings are permitted can now be defined for each user. The old setup switch in the QM setup is now without function. - 2024-04-15#


  • Translation Error in KVSQME - Insp. Order Header (5483787) -Field Status (1, Option, PK) (#10737, QME-209)
    The missing and incorrect translations have been corrected. - 2024-04-03#


  • Implementierung Change Loq Quick Access (#3561, QME-65)