Item Costing#
See also the following ChangeLogs#
25.2.484.0 - 2024-12-19#
- Cost shares show incorrect values (#12972, ITCOST-116)
- Sales price transfer from costing proposal does not work (#12993, ITCOST-118)
- Costing & Valuation Setup - New Field "Unit-Amount Rounding Precision" (#12998, ITCOST-120)
- Manual assignment of nos. not possible for calculation condition header (#13096, ITCOST-122)
- Standard Cost Worksheet - Consump. default value (#13123, ITCOST-119)
- Missing reference if “Calculation basis raw materials/purchased parts” is not specified (#12970, ITCOST-115)
25.1.437.0 - 2024-12-02#
- Calculation of complex Subcontr. Ovhd. Costs in the Cost Values (BOM) (#12531, ITCOST-97)
- Cost Adjustment of material overhead differences (#12545, ITCOST-98)
- Demolition Cost Adjustment (#12866, ITCOST-99)
- Fehlermeldung "Anlage Kalkulationskondition" (#12876, ITCOST-110)
- Wrong Unit Cost Calculation Type used for Machine Center in Production Journal (#12901, ITCOST-113)
- Korrektur Berechnung Fremdarbeitskosten (#12903, ITCOST-114)
- Check Subscriber (#12616, ITCOST-105)
- In Kalkulationswerte (Matrix) das Spaltenlayout "Vergleich" anpassen (#12791, ITCOST-108)
- Transfer item no filter and category filter from Standard Report "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" to own (#12873, ITCOST-111)
25.0.376.0 - 2024-10-17#
- Improve Setup Experience after installing App from AppSource (#12356, ITCOST-96)
25.0.355.0 - 2024-10-02#
- Multi-level consumable-activated material overhead included twice (#12260, ITCOST-89)
- Some changes in translation (#12214, ITCOST-88)
- Revision of the translations (#12231, ITCOST-90)