Quality Management Extension#
20.0.83937.0 - 2023-06-26#
- Remove function "C99000753_OnAfterCopyRouting" (#6250, QME-142) This function was removed to avoid automatically created lines in inspection plan usage after copying a prod. routing.
- Consider Versions for reduced inspection plans (#6418, QME-148) This topic assure that sample regulations for reduced inspections are also taken from current inspection plan version.
- Multilevel prod. orders with inspections failed (#6440, QME-150) This topic assure that mulilevel prod. orders can be calculated also if the bin code for subordinated prod. order lines is empty due to missing bin content details.
- Renumbering of item failed in inspection iten tracking (#6448, QME-154) Missing table relation was added.
20.0.79375.0 - 2023-05-30#
- Wrong ApplicationArea in pageextension 5483784 "KVSQMEModuleSetup" (#5517, QME-116)
- "KVSQME - Tracking Mgt" Permissions Error (#5949, QME-132)
- Wrong Dimesion Value in Item Journal Line (QM) (#6145, QME-137)
20.0.61493.0 - 2023-02-08#
- Error message when calling the document release during the final check (item with item tracking) (#5135, QME-108)
20.0.54133.0 - 2022-12-15#
- Renumbering of inspection order no. (#4538, QME-89)
- New Event for Creation of manual inspection required (#4565, QME-91)
20.0.50862.0 - 2022-11-22#
- Status change for test equipment (#4302, QME-81) On Using the action "Release" for status change in the equipment card an error accured that the status can't be changed. Due to this a correction has been done, that the status of a equipment also can be changed by the action "Release".
- Internal Procedure "PostManualJnlCreateInsp" should be public (#4384, QME-84) Function “PostManualJnlCreateInsp” in codeunit “KVSQME - Insp. Order Mgmt.” was set up as public function to allow access to this functions for foreign development.