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19.17.65429.0 - 2023-03-06#


  • Change Upgrade Item References, because MS has changed the upgrade path (#5234, KBA-723)
    With BC22 the old upgrade path is no longer available, the own update routine has been adapted to the MS path.
  • Copy Item: delete Routing No., Production BOM No. if the copy was not selected (#5244, KBA-726)
    If the Routing and Prod. BOM information is not to be copied, the corresponding fields in the item are cleared (in contrast to the default behavior).

19.16.60323.0 - 2023-02-01#


  • Beginning text and Ending text are not printed for service contract (#4834, KBA-641)

19.15.56855.0 - 2023-01-09#


  • Item attributes type date are not printed (#4383, KBA-553)
    Case extended by the return value in the format Date
  • Sales Prices - filter control (#4404, KBA-563)
    Allow deleting filters in prices and discounts (sale and purchase)
  • Dispatching Headers comments FlowField does not work (#4411, KBA-565)
  • Calc. Expected Inventory for Lots on Phys. Inventory (#4588, KBA-588)
    Obsolete customization deleted.
  • Mandatory field check attributes type date does not work (#4698, KBA-613)
    For attributes with type date no mandatory field check could be performed. This is now possible.
  • Default dimensions of the production order type are deleted (#4701, KBA-616)
    The default dimensions of the production order type were lost when source number or location were entered.

19.13.49469.0 - 2022-11-14#


  • Function email print -print dialog activation switch "print with stationery" (#4060, KBA-498)


  • Check status release when creating a direct delivery or special delivery in the sales order (#4093, KBA-505)
  • Change document footer font size via settings possible (#4206, KBA-526)
    In the company Information you can specify the font size of the footer, the default value is 7.

19.12.44372.0 - 2022-10-04#


  • Error in Change in Posting Code (Header) will not be changed in Lines (#3879, KBA-432)
  • Message with text constant LinesExistContinueQst filled with wrong variables (CU KVSKBADispatchMgt) (#3945, KBA-453)
  • Extended Sales Price Worksheet - Price Unit (#4003, KBA-475)

19.11.41775.0 - 2022-09-06#


  • Missing parts check and display calculated availability without date filter (#3646, KBA-377)
  • Use Qty. Items in Label Interface (#3652, KBA-380)
  • Event Request: Order Flow Entry Creation at document posting (#3808, KBA-417)


  • Ext. Lot No. not in Lot info card when transferring Lot (Item Reclass. Journal) (#3656, KBA-383)
  • Filter Problem in Customer Price List (old Price Calc) (#3668, KBA-386)
  • Bug with Language in SalesContrConfirmation(Report 5049161) (#3732, KBA-393)
  • KBA Archived Documents Reports Error with "Doc. No. Occurrence" (#3794, KBA-410)

19.10.38511.0 - 2022-08-08#


  • Sales Shipment printout from registered dispatch order prints alway only the first shipment (#3449, KBA-306)
    This Issue was corrected. If for example a registered dispatch order have 3 Posted Sales Shipment, all the 3 Posted Sales Shipments will be printed.
  • Inconsistency check Item blocked at Purchase (#3455, KBA-309)
  • No consideration of the start date in resource pricing in the quote (V15) (#3479, KBA-326)
    In resource pricing the posting date was used, this is empty in the quote.
    Now the order date is used in the quote and order, as in the article.
  • Label Structure Header Code "Blank" should not possible (#3498, KBA-329)
  • For foreign customers the interest amount on reminders is missing (#3501, KBA-331)
  • Work with negative component quantities at CalculateStatusMaterial (#3555, KBA-352)
    At CalculateStatusMaterial work with negative component quantities.
    At CalculateStatusCapacity work with Base Quantity.


  • Change KeepTogether Property at Masterlayout (#3471, KBA-318)
  • KVSKBADocTextLength nicht obsolete (#3476, KBA-321)
  • Unused Table KVSKBAVendorGLAccountMapping Obsolete (#3531, KBA-342)
  • Convert labels to constants in Document Print (#3542, KBA-343)
  • Extend master layout for Advance Payment final invoice (#3545, KBA-346)