EDX - Electronic Data eXchange#
25.1.756.0 - 2024-12-12#
- INBOUND Purchase Shipments are beeing set to Status "BC Document created" and archived, but are not (#12535, EDX-325)
- Purchase order confirmation: Determination of buy from vendor (#12642, EDX-332)
- Purchase delivery/confirmation: Field change check ‘EDX Sender County’ (#12647, EDX-331)
- Partner assignment in sales shipment message for drop shipment process (#12817, EDX-338)
- Customize Error Message: "EDX Inbound Entry %1. XMLPort can''t process XML File." (#12823, EDX-339)
- Ressource Mapping (#12428, EDX-230)
- List of message types/message setup (#12446, EDX-236)
- Discontinuation of the XmlPort ‘KVSEDX Transm. Confirm.’ (#12455, EDX-326)
- EDX Prozess Intercompany Credit Memo (#12471, EDX-237)
- Sending e-mails with CC and BCC (#12544, EDX-303)
- Grouping of customers in an EDX partner (#12563, EDX-233)
- Job do delete KVSEDX Inbound-/Outbound Archiv (#12658, EDX-310)
- Execute EDX list functions for selected data records - example ‘Archive document’ (#12759, EDX-314)
- Optimize UI message setup (#12863, EDX-235)
- Possible fail when Transferfields in Sales Documents (#12959, EDX-340)
25.0.592.0 - 2024-10-01#
- EDX BC 25 Major Release vorbereiten (#12175, EDX-250)