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24.4.2020.0 - 2024-09-10#


  • Manuel insert of invoice ledger entries to sales invoice line - Qty is not updated in some cases (#12064, PSA-2314)

24.4.1977.0 - 2024-09-04#


  • General performance and stability improvements.

24.4.1912.0 - 2024-08-22#


  • General performance and stability improvements.

24.4.1822.0 - 2024-08-09#


  • Delete project reference on item ledger entry - number serie of the transfer posting is not updated - information fields on item ledger entrie are not filled (#11682, PSA-2090)
  • Call JobTimeJournal from JobTimeJournalBatch causes error (#11697, PSA-2077)
  • No test "sales line Quantity" vs. "Qty in invoice ledger entries" if billing-type = package Invoicing (#11706, PSA-2156)
    The test of the sales line Qty vs. the qty in the invoicing ledger entries has only to be done if the invoicing type is "time and material" but not with invoicing type "package invoicing"
  • Field "Blocked" on project card to editable FALSE, because of mandatory field integration this field (#11777, PSA-2203)


  • sales quote function - Append sales order (project) - has to transfer the template informations (#11678, PSA-2067)
    Creating sales quote lines by project template, and transfer some of the sales quote lines into an existing sales order (of the same project) by the function "append sales order (project)", the existing informations about the project template have to be transfered with the sales quote lines into the new sales order lines.
  • Rename "project measurement template" into "project measurement" part 2 (#11732, PSA-2167)
    Some more recaptions from "project measurement template" into "project measurement"
  • Add events in codeunit "KVSPSAGet Activity Management" (#11733, PSA-2173)
    Technical Development Improvements. Added events: - KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobTeamFilterOnTimePostInGetActivityTime(var SkipCheckJobTeamFilterOnTimePost: Boolean) - KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferJobBudgetLineFields(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")
  • Add events in report KVSPSAUpdateJobBudgetEntries (#11736, PSA-2174)
    Technical development improvements. Added events: - KVSPSAOnBeforeInsertNewJobBudgetLineInUpdateTotalCost - KVSPSAOnBeforeDeleteNewJobBudgetLineInUpdateTotalCost
  • Add Events to Report KVSPSACreateJobShipmentFromPSP (#11766, PSA-2200)
    Technical Development Improvements. Add Events: - KVSPSAOnBeforeModifyGlobalJobDocumentHeaderOnCreateJobDocumentHeader - KVSPSAOnSetFilterOnBeforeTempGlobalJobDocumentHeaderFindFirst

24.4.1807.0 - 2024-08-08#


  • sales price finding in project budget line with invoicing qty but not only by direct validation of the invoice qty (#11759, PSA-2186)
    in project budget line the sales price finding the invoicing qty has to be used. There was a temporary GAP, only if the invoicing QTY was changed manually directly in the field the sales price was correct, but if the invoicing QTY was changed indirectly by changing the QTY the sales price finding was incorrect.
  • Service Package in project budget line - sales amount (LCY) calculation is wrong (#11760, PSA-2188)
    Some improvement to the service packages (resources) in the project budget line, regarding the sales amounts.
  • Create "General Planing" in Resource Planing failed (#11771, PSA-2195)
  • RunTime Error by selecting a project with mandatory "contact no" in time registration (#11779, PSA-2194)

24.3.1766.0 - 2024-08-02#


  • CTC Line Cancel - Wrong Resource is getting used (#11738, PSA-2175)
  • Service Package (Resource) - validation of Invoice QTY and project sales prices are not working corr (#11741, PSA-2148)

24.3.1738.0 - 2024-07-31#


  • CTC Line cancel - Entry No. Job Time is not filled in posted CTC line (#11723, PSA-2169)

24.3.1728.0 - 2024-07-30#


  • Sales budget on wbs is not blocked by creating a wbs from sales order if "Fixed Sales Budget when Ordering" is set in projects setup (#11407, PSA-1994)
  • too much warehouse entries by cancel of more then 1 posted project shipment line with the same item in one posting (#11485, PSA-1996)
  • Undo posted purchase return shipment line - line no = 0 for the undo line and missing item ledger entry (#11487, PSA-1998)
    Restructing the undo posting of purchase return shipment lines.
  • project ledger entry for non-inventory item is not updated with function "update project item cost" (#11489, PSA-2011)
    Changing the unit cost of a non-inventory item, the new cost was not transfered into the proejct ledger entry by the project-item-update-function
  • bin code error by posting a sales order line to a project (even there is no item usage posting) (#11491, PSA-1970)
    The test on bin code in sales line connected to a project was wrong.
  • sales price calculation including budget calculation defaults - Problem by changing the quantity (#11493, PSA-2006)
    If budget calculation defaults are used to calculate the sales price in the budget lines, some problems have been fixed regarding the changing of the quantity in the budget line.
  • Cancel CTC time tracking is not possible because of missing contact no. in posted CTC (project is set to contact no for time tracking) (#11598, PSA-2033)
  • Purchase price list - Quantity-dependent price is only working if the price is lower in the next qty-level, the other way is not working (#11600, PSA-1723)
    In purchase price list a quantity-dependent price was not working, if the price is rising. For example: 1 piece 10,- but 10 pieces for 12,- / piece.
  • Posting Code of a purchase line is not transfered into Warehouse Activity Line (#11603, PSA-1954)
  • Free Times Overview isn't calculated - the matrix shows only value of 0 (#11607, PSA-2045)
  • Function will be deleted in project team setup by adding project team role (#11611, PSA-2110)
    If a project team role is inserted into a project team setup line, the function of this project team role must only be transfered into the project team setup if it is not BLANK.
  • CTC Time Tracking - no budget line access if the ctc-line is on wbs-line level (#11636, PSA-2113)
    Error on time recording on wbs-line level because of missing resource budget lines.


  • Translation changes by external Translator (English Captions) (#11547, PSA-2082)
  • Discontinuation of earned value module (#11549, PSA-2001)
    earned value module will be deleted with BC26
  • English Captions in some Role Center labels (#11578, PSA-2103)
  • CTC line cancel - even if time journal line is not set to visible to the users (#11579, PSA-2108)
    If the time journal is not set to visible in the proejct setup it was not possible to use the CTC-Line cancel function.
  • Placeholders used in labels should be described in "Comment" / ToolTips should be moved to Table Objects (#11582, PSA-1060)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Create wbs by sales lines - transfer budget lines from template with qty and invoicing qty of the template (#11605, PSA-2027)
  • Change ToDo No in project ledger entry by function - check on several things (#11608, PSA-2056)
  • Don't update Sell-to Customer in project at validation of Sell-to Contact (create project in status quote to a contact without customer) (#11615, PSA-2112)
    Now it is possible again to create a project to a contact without a customer as long the project is not in status order.
  • Add event "KVSPSAOnFromJobsToShipmentLineOnBeforeCreateShipmentLine" in codeunit KVSPSAJob&Resource Subscribers (#11617, PSA-2117)
    Technical development improvement
  • Make variable "GlobalManualNo" in page "JobCreationWizard" external available (#11621, PSA-2116)
    Technical development improvement
  • Block item and resource for new sales quote and sales orders (#11631, PSA-2015)
    new field on item and resource card, to block the item / resource to be used in new sales quotes and sales orders, the item / resource can only be used in invoices and quotes.
  • Rename "project measurement template" into "project measurement" (#11645, PSA-1959)
    project measurement template was a bit confusing for users because this is not a template, it is only created by a template. The rename into project measurement should make it much clearer.
  • Project Template - new register "posting" on card page (#11646, PSA-2064)
  • Don't use findlast in posting function to find the last job time ledger entry (#11656, PSA-2126)
    Technical Development Improvement.
  • Add views for Projects with Mandatory Field Checks (#11660, PSA-2132)
    New predefined views on project list for mandatory field check status (only visible if the mandatory field check for project is active).
  • Show Mandatory Fields Function only by active setup (#11661, PSA-2133)
    Mandatory fields functions only visible if mandatory filed check is active.
  • Add view for "My Jobs" (#11665, PSA-2135)
    New predefined view in project list for all project in the "my project" list.
  • Request to make the Setter function (table 5025978 Job) public (#11673, PSA-2140)
  • Request to make the KVSPSAGetActivitySingleLine function of the Purchase Line Table public (#11674, PSA-2139)
    Technical development improvement.
  • Problem to get different sales invoices created from Job Payment Plans and not only the first one. (#11684, PSA-2142)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Add events to report "KVSPSAJob IC Post-Processing" (#11699, PSA-2153)
    Events to be added: - KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckJobOnPreReport(var Job: Record Job) - KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateJobOnPreReport(var Job: Record Job) - KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateJobOnPreReport(var Job: Record Job)

24.3.1622.0 - 2024-07-10#


  • Show sales line type "Heading" and "Subtotal" in bold again (#11512, PSA-2086)
    In sales document the subtotal are presented in bold, this has been lost in BC24.2.

24.3.1613.0 - 2024-07-09#


  • Payment Plan: Check if 100% is allocated by summing up "Net Amount" and compare to expected base amount (#11067, PSA-1604)
    New kind of testing the maximum amount in the payment plan. Because of rounding differences we are testing no more on the the percent-field but on the amount-field. In addition: If there is sum of 99,99 % in the payment plan there will be an automatic amount adaption to reach the 100%.
  • "Target Resource No." is not getting set by the used "Project Template" when creating a new Project by a Sales Document (#11179, PSA-1945)
    If a resource sales line is created by a project budget line template (type resource) the resource is changed into the invoicing resource of the work package (in normal setting the resources are not set to be used in sales lines). Creating a wbs and the budget lines the resource of the budget line template has to be inserted into the new project budget line (and not the invoicing resource).
  • Correct Dimension of Job Ledger Entries - filtering function is not working (#11251, PSA-1961)
    Filter the project ledger entries in the function to change the dimensions was not working very well.
  • Automatik Dimension creation for a new project - if the dimension is a global dim 3 to 8 the new global value is not set correctly (#11341, PSA-1847)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Holes in the numbering of Project Shipments (#11350, PSA-1933)
    Document Number handling for project shipments to avoid gaps in the posted shipment numbers.
  • Filtering error in role center "Time Recording" when user name contains special characters (#11357, PSA-2021)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • recreation of sales lines - how to handle existing manual extended text (#11371, PSA-2013)
    Handling of sales document line extended texts by automatic recreation of the sales document lines (after changing of important field on sales document header).
  • Can not delete Customer in Buget Line, if Customer in Project is empty (#11386, PSA-2030)
    Technical Development Improvement by chaning the customer no. in project budget lines.
  • incorrect stock commitment after posting a transfer order (#11401, PSA-1987)
    Create a transfer order to an project budget line (item) and post the transfer, the item is still in the warehouse but in access to the budget line (by the wbs-line reference fields). This causes a rising of the stock commitment, but this value was wrong because every single item ledger posting was in reference to the wbs-line, this caused a wrong value.
  • Job Evaluation: Cannot add new Evaluation Lines after posting a job evaluation (#11444, PSA-2062)
    The check on Row-ID in the evaluation template was to restrict. It was not possible anymore to define a new evaluation line with a new row-ID.
  • Job Evaluation: "Mark As Posted"-flag not considered on cancellation of job evaluation (#11478, PSA-2063)
    wrong G/L posting by cancel a posted project evaluation which is marked in the field "mark as posted", because there must not be a posting in this case because there havn't been one on the posting of the project evaluation.


  • Performance in function create job measurement template (WIP accounting) (#8391, PSA-1515)
  • Project ledger entry transfer posting for items with item tracking (#11036, PSA-1772)
    Now it is possible to use the function "transfer suggestion" for project ledger entries of items with item tracking. The function transfer suggestion (on the project ledger entries page) creates 2 lines in a project journal: one for the cancel posting and one for the reposting to anotoher project and/or wbs-line. This was not possible for items with item tracking.
  • Payment Plan: Use threshold for minimal deviation from 100% and add remaining amount to "Net Amount" (#11068, PSA-1605)
    New kind of testing the maximum amount in the payment plan. Because of rounding differences we are testing no more on the the percent-field but on the amount-field. In addition: If there is sum of 99,99 % in the payment plan there will be an automatic amount adaption to reach the 100%.
  • Set a project evaluation line not to be recalculated (#11170, PSA-577)
    Possibility to fix a project evaluation line and save the value by a recalculation. The new field can be set manually and is set automatically if the user is inserting a manual value.
  • Deletion of Evaluation Template by existing of an unposted project evaluation to that template only if the user confirm a security query (#11172, PSA-746)
    User will be asked if he/she will realy delete the evaluation template if there are posted project evaluation templates existing to that template.
  • Performance in calculation of the controlling values in project list (#11185, PSA-1844)
    Technical development improvements
  • Checking guarantees for advance payments on sales (#11327, PSA-2008)
    Check guarantees to objects to be ready for automatic sales invoicing.
  • New Test on 24 hours in time sheet submit function (#11348, PSA-1898)
    Avoid the posting of more then 24 hours per day per User (Resource).
  • Automatic block from other wbs-template by creating a new wbs by a project template (#11352, PSA-1983)
    New fields on the project template "Automatic Block" and "Automatic Block position". With these 2 new setting fields it is possible to define if there should be inserted an additional block into the wbs. This is used if a wbs is created by a template. If there is an automatic block defined in the template the wbs-template-lines of that template are inserted additional at the beginning or at the end of the new wbs. The ideas are: 1) If there are wbs-lines which have to be inserted into several types of project they don't have to be defined in each template. They are defined only once and specified as automatic block in the templates which are used by creating new projects. 2) Creating a wbs by sales line starts by creating the sales line by template. But in this case the admin work packages are not transfered into the sales document (because of the setting in the field "copy to sales doc.". And so they will be missing in the wbs. In this case it makes sense to define a project template for admin work packages and set them as automatic block in the other templates.
  • Add Project Description in Posted Project Evaluation Book (#11363, PSA-2023)
    New field in posted project evaluation: Project description for better user experience
  • Extension of the page KVSPSA PSP-Line (Activity) (5026262, List) by the fields Unit Price (LCY) (15, Decimal) and total Price (LCY) (21, Decimal) (#11364, PSA-1934)
    New fields in page "WBS line selection" and rearrange the fields
  • Add Sales Quantity to the summary of the project Journal (#11366, PSA-1653)
    Sales Qty. was missing in the information pane in the bottom of the project journal.
  • project time posting with contact no. for sales jobs (projects) - new field on project template (#11378, PSA-1883)
    The field "Contac No. for time tracking" can be predefined on the project template now.
  • Intercompany - transfer project - validation of the sales job prices after the transfer (#11383, PSA-1856)
    Transfer a project into an other company including resource sales prices: the new price list in the target coompany is now checked and ready to use.
  • IC-Partnercode in project template line (wbs-line template) - Transfer by creating wbs from sales line (#11387, PSA-1829)
    On project template it is possible to define an intercompany partner on a wbs-line. Creating a wbs by the function "create wbs from template" transfer this setting. But if a wbs is created by a sales document (quote / order) this setting hasn't been transfered if the sales line has been created by the template.
  • create project shipment - seperate the new documents by customer of the budget line (#11405, PSA-1955)
    Creating project shipment for budget line by function: There have to be separate project shipment documents, if there are customers defined on the budget lines.
  • Commit in post project evaluation (#11446, PSA-2061)
    Technical Development Improvement in project evaluation posting.
  • Show wbs-line in time recording for wbs-lines with budget lines of the types item and G/L Account (#11503, PSA-1981)

24.2.1536.0 - 2024-06-20#


  • Incorrect filter in the creation of credit notes from invoice suggestion (#11372, PSA-2025)

24.2.1528.0 - 2024-06-19#


  • Bug in CU 5025875 KVSPSACreateInvoiceFromInvSug with function CreateInvoicesForJobPaymentPlan calculating line No. (#11367, PSA-2024)

24.2.1488.0 - 2024-06-14#


  • No project measurement entries in usage FlowFields (budget line and wbs line) (#11055, PSA-1815)
  • Function to calculate the work days in a project budget line is ignoring the project-calender of the resource (#11111, PSA-1915)
    Fix in the calculation of the work days in a project budget line to a resource.
  • Temporarily created Default Dimensions for Job WBS Line and Job Budget Line doesn't get deleted (#11184, PSA-1781)
    If it is defined in the project setup to use the dimensions of the wbs-line and/or project budget line as default dimension in document lines (sales, purchase and so on) or in journal lines (project, resource and so on), then this dimensions are temporarily transfered into the table 352 "Default Dimensions" to have them in the same table as the dimensions of the other data like resource, item and so on. After the dimension finding in the document line or in the journal line this temporarly default dimensions are deleted automatically. In some cases, this is not working. With a new report "Delete Default Dimension from Job WBS and Budget Line" it is possible to check this situation and to delete this unnecessary data.
  • Undo posted shipment line with item on location with bin code is no more possible (#11265, PSA-1979)
  • OData WebService request on page 5026056 (WBS Lines with Budget) returns an error (#11274, PSA-1986)


  • budget vs. actual - overview for all projects (#11013, PSA-1629)
    New overview of all projects with budget - actual comparision.
  • WBS-Line Card (#11019, PSA-1697)
    New card page for wbs-lines. On that page the wbs-line-fields and the functions regarding the wbs-line are available. This card page is for a better overview about the fields of a single wbs-line.
  • Purchase alternative text - some improvements by changing the vendor language in the project budget line (#11021, PSA-1876)
    Automatic changing the purchase text in project budget lines by changing the vendor with different language code: Respect manual text and less questions to the user.
  • Intercompany - in transfered projects it is not allowed to delete transfered wbs-lines and budget lines in the target company (#11022, PSA-1755)
  • Automatic fill "Project Team Role" after "Job Title" validation in "Project Team Setup" (#11024, PSA-1875)
    In "project team setup" the "job title" is automatically filled by the "project team role". Now it works in the other way too: giving the "job titel" the system is searching in the "Project team role" for the correct Team role and fills this into the "project team setup".
  • Create wbs by sales lines - create sales lines by template - mark Begin-End-total-lines representing a wbs-line for budget line not to be transferred - Part 2 (#11034, PSA-1863)
    Create wbs by sales document. If there are sales lines to be transfered as budget lines in a begin-total-Block: Transfer the description of the sales sub total line into the new wbs-line which is created to collect the project budget lines.
  • Change project no. in purchase header - validate new project no. only in purchase lines with project no. BLANK or different project no. (#11051, PSA-1628)
    Avoid the revalidation of the identical project no. in the purchase line.
  • Non-deductible VAT - avoid combination of "Non-deductible VAT" AND "Unrealized VAT" in VAT Posting Setup (#11053, PSA-1784)
    The combination of NON-deductible VAT with unrealized VAT is not allowed (only by using the prepayment module). The check was in the posting function. Now the check is in the VAT posting setup too.
  • New page to change status on project budget lines (#11096, PSA-1741)
    New page to have an overview of all budget lines of a project. In this page only the status of each budget line can be changed.
  • Add permission to codeunit "KVSPSACalc. Trace Management" for table "KVSPSACalc. Trace Record Buf." (#11161, PSA-1940)
    Technical Development Improvement: Add indirect permissions for table: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete
  • Remove check on duplicate Deferral Templates in Purchase Line at Purchase Post (#11162, PSA-1941)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Invoice suggestion and manual sales invoice - purchase G/L account of project ledger entries have to be switched to Invoicing type and no. of the work package directly when creating invoice suggestions lines (#11174, PSA-1942)
  • Only check on differing Unit of Measures between Sales Line and assigned Invoice Ledger Entry of either type 'Resource' or 'Item'
  • Set WBS line description in created Sales Invoice Line when invoicing type is 'Resource' instead of 'G/L Account'
  • Technical Development Improvement: Code Restructuring; Extract functionality to set Description of Sales Line to a general place and removed duplicate code
  • Allow to change Checks in IC-Postprocessing (#11176, PSA-1943)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Transfer invoice ledger entries from canceled posted sales invoice into new sales correction (unposted sales invoice or sales order) (#11186, PSA-1881)
  • Add event "KVSPSAOnBeforeGetWBSCommitmentActive" in tableextension KVSPSAPurchaseLine (#11205, PSA-1951)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Add additional argument "Result" to event "KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckFixedJobPrice" to provide a possibility to change the return value of "CheckFixedJobPrice" (#11206, PSA-1952)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • HR Cockpit: Change "Project Title" back to "Job Title" (#11208, PSA-1953)
    change the english caption of the job titel (it was changed to project titel by mistake).
  • Add event in report "KVSPSACreate SalesDoc from PSP" (#11229, PSA-1971)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Add event to avoid job status check in codeunit "KVSPSAJob Jnl.-Check Line" (#11230, PSA-1972)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • CTC Time Tracking - Single line cancel including new posting of the time entry (#11237, PSA-1819)
    A posted CTC Time Tracking can be canceled only in complete (the entire day with all CTC-Lines of that day) - Often only one single line of a CTC-Card should be canceled. Now this is possible, but with some restrictions: Because the posted CTC-Card is a posted document the total qty must be the same after the canceling of a single line. For this it is necessary to choose an other project and/or wbs-line for the canceled qty. So the cancel function for a single line is more a reposting function then a cancel function. The other restriction: Only reposting of time ledger entries are allowed, if the time ledger is posted as project ledger or if there is only a project ledger entry existing the cancel function is not working.
  • New field for Credit Memo Comment in posted invoice ledger entries - don't change the description in the posted invoice ledger entries (#11263, PSA-1966)
    If a posted sales invoice is copied to a sales credit memo by the document copy function it is possible to transfer the posted invoice ledger entries into the sales credit memo. Posting the credit memo including this invoice ledger entries turns back the complete invoicing process. The project ledger entries are free for a reinvoicing. To document this there are some fields on the posted invoice ledger entries to show the user if a posted invoice ledger entry and its project ledger entry has been reopend by a credit memo posting. In a new field "application cance
  • Make StyleExpressions external available + additional events in page (#11298, PSA-1995)
    Extensibility Request

    Added events:

24.1.1402.0 - 2024-06-03#


  • Add additional parameter to event publisher "KVSPSAOnAfterSetFilterOnJobPaymentPlanningEntryInSetJobPaymPlanningEntryFilters" (#11204, PSA-1950)

24.1.1345.0 - 2024-05-22#


  • General performance and stability improvements.

24.1.1338.0 - 2024-05-21#


  • Manual Invoicing QTY on time posting on project budget level is not allowed if invoicing % is defined on project budget level (#10677, PSA-1657)
    Time recording on a project budget level with invoicing type "time and material" - If the user is allowed by the setting to change the invoicing Qty - If the "Invoice Qty. %" of the budget line is < 100 it is not possible to change the invoicing qty during the time recording, because in this case the invoicing % is a setting by the project manager. The invoice Qty can be changed manually only if the invoicing % = 100, which is the default.
  • Fixed Asset with project integration: Error by posting with disposal calculation method Brutto (#10678, PSA-1712)
  • copy wbs function: new starting/Enddate is not updated in budget lines (#10679, PSA-1718)
  • Create job or wbs by sales document: Transfer Resource Group from template into job budget line failes in some cases (#10789, PSA-1617)
  • Avoid user permission error on table "Dimension Value" by opening Rolecenter (#10796, PSA-1703)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Invoicing plan on wbs-line level: check on planned amount vs. wbs-line-amount is using only the work package code and not the phase + task + step codes (#10798, PSA-1725)
    The consistence test failed because of missing filters (phase, task, step code was not filtered only work package code).
  • Function to delete the project reference in an item ledger entry with item tracking can't be processed (#10807, PSA-1678)
    The reservation entries will be canceld automatically after a user request.
  • Function to renumber wbs-lines or to move wbs-line to another position - error message by existing budget lines in some cases (#10835, PSA-1807)
    Technical Development Improvements
  • Change wbs-line on project budget line with project inventory (#10865, PSA-1769)
    Posting a purchase receipt for an item purchase line connected to a project budget line without automated usage posting, creates an item ledger connected to the project budget line. After the function "change work package" is used to the project budget line the item ledger entry is still connected to the no more existing budget line. The item ledger entry has to switch to the recreated budget line in the target wbs-line.
  • Validation of field "Week" and "Year" leads to a change of the start date in procedure "ValidateResourceJobPlanningFields" (codeunit KVSPSAUpdateAbsencesToResPlan) (#10868, PSA-1826)
    Technical Development Improvements
  • Field is obsolete error when refreshing page "PSP Lines with Budget" (#10882, PSA-1832)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Invoice Suggestion: Creating direct invoice for a Payment Plan line leads to an error when using "No Separate Pmt. Plan Invoices" in Project Setup (#10885, PSA-1833)
    The setting field "No Separate Pmt. Plan Invoices" in Project Setup caused an error if there was only a payment plan line to be invoiced and no additional "normal" invoicing.
  • Previous and After Texts getting lost after changing "Sales Document Type" in Sales Document (#10886, PSA-1821)
    The extended Texts got lost by recreating the sales line after changing the sales document type
  • Transfer sales quote into order - the Sales Line WBS Prepare get lost (#10893, PSA-1818)
    Scenario: Create a sales quote, create the sales lines by function "create lines by project template". In the background the informations for the function "create project and WBS" are prepared. The quote is transfered into an order (by function). In the order the informations for the function "create project and WBS" got lost.
  • Delete selected project evaluation templates in list page doesn't work (#10900, PSA-1834)
    Selected project evaluations in the list page can be deleted now.
  • wbs copy function - copy into a new version of the same project it is not possible to define new to do nos in budget lines (#10947, PSA-1724)
    It has to be possible to create new budget to-do Nos. if a wbs is copied into a new version (of the same project). In normal cases the to-do has to be the same, but the use must have the selection if the to-do Nos. must not be the same as in the old version.
  • Create sales lines by project template - use work type of the project template in the sales line (#10948, PSA-1726)
    Create sales lines by the function "create lines from project template": The work type is filled by the work package, but it has to be filled by the value of the template line.
  • Project ledger entry transfer posting for items are not correct (#10949, PSA-1771)
    If an item usage posting to a project is on a wrong work package (or wrong project) the user can use the function "Account transfer suggestion". After selction a project and / or work package the function is creating 2 project journal lines. One for the cancel posting and one for the re-posting to the new project / work package. After posting the 2 lines the item usage is transfered to the other project / work package. In some cases the application of the 2 new item ledger entries is not correct.
  • Missing Permissions for create Dimension Value (#10986, PSA-1871)
    Technical development improvements
  • WBS and project budget line dims are missing in time sheet (#10988, PSA-1872)
    If it was defined in the project setup to use the planning dimension of the wbs-line / budget line in actual postings and documents, these dimensions was missing in the time sheets.
  • Create sales lines by project template - sales document status is ignored, no insert by status released (#11016, PSA-1776)
    the function to insert sales lines by selecting a project template must not be executed if the sales document is released. Error message to the user.


  • Quantity informations in time tracking budget line / wbs line selection page (#8030, PSA-1458)
    In the time recording process (wtc-card, project time journal, time sheet) the selection of the wbs-line or project budget line (task) has more information about the budget quantity, the obligo quantity, and the usage quantity.
  • Surcharge and Stand-by costs in time registration (#8417, PSA-1465)
    Define surcharges and stand-by costs for resources working on weekend, night shifts, holidays and so on. The time ledger entries will be marked for extra costs. Posting the time ledger entries as job ledger entries the extra costs will be posted automatically on the project by seperate job ledger entries.
    Attention: This function works only by using the job time journal or CTC, and it works only if the time ledger entries are manually posted by the job journal. It doesn't work with CTC using the posting option to post directly the job ledger entries without controlling in the job Journal.
  • Add Guarantees to "Search in Company Data" (#8439, PSA-1620)
    Add "guarantees" to function "search in company data"
  • No item tracking in job shipment line if "no usage posting" is set (#10634, PSA-1592)
    Let us be more consistent. If there is no item posting by a project shipment line (because the flag "no usage posting") there shouldn't be an item tracking to this line.
  • Filter for Invoicing responsible in job (project list) + Activity Confirmation Job Ledger Report (#10635, PSA-1632)
    The invoice responsible defined by the project team setup and the project teams, can be used as filter on the invoice suggestion. In the same way there is a filter function on project list to filter on invoice responsible. Same on report "Proof of Performance Project Ledger Entries"
  • Keep the request page fields saved in report 5025986 KVSPSACreateInvoiceSugLines (#10636, PSA-1670)
    the user can reuse his filters in the function "create suggestin lines"
  • Sales budget and sales actual into project budget-actual FactBox (#10695, PSA-1693)
    The fact box on project list and project card is expanded by the sales budget amount and sales actual amount
  • Event requests in codeunit "KVSPSATimeManagement" (#10767, PSA-1805)
    Add event in procedure "ValidateResNoWithResAdministration": KVSPSAOnBeforeValidateResNoWithResAdministration(var ResNo: Code[20]; var UserSetup: Record "User Setup"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Add event in procedure "TestJobStatus": KVSPSAOnBeforeTestJobStatus(var Job: Record Job; var IsHandled: Boolean)
  • New event in project budget line to avoid manual sales price user message (#10779, PSA-1806)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • General extensibility requests (#10783, PSA-1808)
    Technical Development Improvements

    table "Jobs Setup":
    Add external procedure to retrieve value of field "KVSPSAEnableStatChgAftCloInv" and provide an event publisher for changing the return value

    codeunit "KVSPSAEntryChangingManagement":
    Add event "KVSPSAOnAfterUpdatePSPLineFromJob" in procedure "UpdatePSPLineFromJob"

    table "Job":
    Make local procedure "KVSPSAOpenEvalEntriesExisting" (returns boolean value) external available
  • New name of procedure: "KVSPSAOpenJobEvaluationEntriesExist"
    Make local procedure "KVSPSADeactivationEntriesExist" (returns boolean value) external available
  • New name of procedure: "KVSPSADeactivatedJobEvaluationEntriesExist"
    Add event publisher "KVSPSAOnAfterSetFilterPurchaseLineInCheckToFinish" in procedure "KVSPSACheckToFinish"
  • CTC Time Tracking - Controlling Report KVSPSAResCapZDETimeControll (5026250) - Improvements (#10785, PSA-1558)
    Make the controlling report "Resource Capacity/CTC List" more readable and user friendly
  • IC-Partnercode in project template line (wbs-line template) (#10797, PSA-1702)
    On project template line (= wbs-line template) it is possible to define an IC-Partner (Intercompany Partner) which is by default the target IC-parter to be transfered to.
  • Add Project Description in Project Evaluation Book (#10808, PSA-1814)
  • Implement Employee Posting Group in HR cockpit (#10814, PSA-1816)
    The employee posting group should be available as a field in the HR cockpit in the project365-standard.
  • Time Sheet Infos on Role Center (#10830, PSA-1695)
    New Information and direct access to time sheets on project role center and on time register role center.
  • Posting of cancellation of Job Time Ledger Entry: Set default value of confirmation dialog to "Yes" if execution context is a web service (#10861, PSA-1822)
    Technical development improvements
  • Add event publishers (#10862, PSA-1823)
    Technical development improvements
    codeunit 5026100 "KVSPSAJob Forecast Functions"
    -> KVSPSAOnBeforeTransferPSPLines(var JobPSPLine: Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine; JobNo: Code[20]; BudgetName: Code[10]; VersionNo: Code[20]; ForecastNo: Code[20])

    codeunit 5025972 "KVSPSAJob&Resource Subscribers"
    -> KVSPSAOnBeforeInsertDimValueOnUpsertIntegrationDim(var DimensionValue: Record "Dimension Value"; TableID: Integer; DimNo: Code[20])

    codeunit 5025929 "KVSPSAValidateJobStatusProc"
    -> KVSPSAOnBeforeTestClosingInvoiveCreated(var Job: Record Job; var IsHandled: Boolean)
  • Move procedure "OpenComment" from page "KVSPSAInvoice Suggestion" to table "KVSPSAInvoice Suggestion Line" and make it external available (#10864, PSA-1824)
    Technical Development Improvements
  • Add events in codeunit "KVSPSAZDE-Card Post" (#10869, PSA-1831)
    Technical Development Improvements
    KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckZDELineQuantity(var ZDELine: Record "KVSPSAZDE-Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    KVSPSAOnBeforePostZDELine(var ZDELine: Record "KVSPSAZDE-Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
  • Invoice suggestion - purchase G/L account of project ledger entries have to be switched to Invoicing type and no. of the work package (#10877, PSA-1820)
    Invoice suggestion: create a direct invoice line for project ledger entries (time & material) regarding a G/L account which is not defined for using in sales document caused an error. Changing: The sales invoice line is no more created to that G/L account but to the invoice type / no. of the work package.
  • Event request for custom invoice merging (#10887, PSA-1795)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Make procedures external accessible in codeunit KVSPSAJobAccSchedManagement (#10896, PSA-1839)
    Technical Development Improvement
    procedure FormatCellAsText
    procedure GetDivisionError
    procedure GetPeriodError
  • Define Table Relation in field "Journal Batch Name" of the table Invoice suggestion line (#10901, PSA-1840)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Create enum "KVSPSAInvSuggLiWBSStatusFilter" and provide procedure "SetOptions" for report "KVSPSACreateInvoiceSugLines" (#10910, PSA-1845)
  • CTC-Copy functions: change the sorting of the CTC copy-source (#10923, PSA-1729)
    It makes more sense to sort a selection list from the newest on top to the oldest on the bottom. This new sorting is used now in the selection of a CTC card in the CTC-copy-function.
  • New MenuItem in purchase order archive: Guarantees (#10924, PSA-1803)
    Guarantees related to a purchase order can be opened by that purchase order, and by the archive of the purchase order.
  • No more rename of project and main project (#10925, PSA-1804)
    For security reasons it is no more possible to rename a proejct or rename a main project. Rename = Change the number in the (main) project card.
  • Allow to change Posting Description for Project Evaluation Postings (#10928, PSA-1848)
    Technical Development Improvements
  • Project account list in Tell Me (#10956, PSA-1853)
    There are 2 project account lists available by the search function. One is without flow fields and very fast, the other (Chart of project account with balances) has all the informations by flow fields but can be much slower. To create a new project account it will be better to use the first one.
  • Blank Zero in field "Stock commitment (LCY)" on wbs-Pages (#10957, PSA-1522)
    More useability in the wbs-pages and budget line pages.
  • Default project location (#10958, PSA-1694)
    On project template it is possible to define a default location and default bin code for the project (on project level, not on wbs-line level). Creating a project by using a template fills the new fields on the project card "default location" and "default bin code". The location code and bin code on wbs-line is filled by the default location of the project (no matter how the wbs-line is created, manually or by project template). The location code and bin code on project budget line is filled by the wbs-line.
  • Improvements for opening document after Order/Invoice/Credit Memo got created in "Create Invoice From Inv. Suggestion" (#10964, PSA-1855)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Add event "KVSPSAOnBeforeInitNoSeries" in codeunit "KVSPSACreate Job With Template" (#10966, PSA-1857)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • New flag in project setup to deactivate the calculation of the 2 controlling flags in the project list (#10968, PSA-1843)
    With a new flag in project setup it is possible to hide the 2 controlling informations "budget status" and "profit status" on the project list, including the calculation. This gives a lot of performance to the list page if these 2 informations are not relevant.
  • Add event "KVSPSAOnBeforeModifyJobPSPLineInUpdatePSPLineAndBudgetLines" in report "KVSPSAJob IC Post-Processing" (#10990, PSA-1873)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Make procedures in table "Job" external accessible (#11004, PSA-1879)
    KVSPSACalcNotInvJobLedger(): Decimal
    KVSPSACalcNotInvPayPlan(): Decimal
    KVSPSACalcStockLiability(): Decimal
    KVSPSACheckPaymentPlanTotal(MessageType: Option OnlyDiff,Confirm,Verbose)
    KVSPSACheckToFinish(HideError: Boolean): Boolean
    KVSPSAInsertPSPFromTemplate(WithMessage: Boolean)
    KVSPSAShowJobPaymentPlan(KVSPSAJobPSPLine: Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine)
    KVSPSAShowJOBTextLines(Position: Enum KVSKBATextPosition)
  • Show "project-Time Ledger Entries" in Tell Me (#11005, PSA-1880)
    Find the project time ledger entries by the search function in the same way as other entry lists (like project or item or resource ledger entry)
  • Project shipment header: Set field length of "Your Reference" to 35 characters (set obsolete) (#11040, PSA-1897)
    Technical Development Improvement
  • Add event publishers in codeunit "KVSPSAJob Forecast Functions" (#11045, PSA-1907)
    Added publishers:
  • KVSPSAOnAfterCalculateJobForecastLineHoursBeforeSetZeroIfNegative
  • KVSPSAOnAfterCalculateJobForecastLineMCBeforeSetZeroIfNegative
  • KVSPSAOnAfterCalculateJobForecastLinePCBeforeSetZeroIfNegative
  • KVSPSAOnAfterJobBudgetLineSetFilterInGetExpectedValuesBudgetLines
  • KVSPSAOnAfterJobBudgetLineSetFilterInGetTotalPriceExpectedBudget
  • KVSPSAOnAfterJobBudgetLineSetFilterInGetUnitCostLcyHForecast
  • KVSPSAOnAfterJobBudgetLineSetFilterInLookupExpected
  • Change field caption on job template line (#11047, PSA-1500)
    More user friendly field caption.
  • Set the unused BC Standard Fields on job card again to visible=FALSE (turn back the US-Version compatible changings) (#11049, PSA-1278)
  • Make procedure "DisableFindBudgetLinePrice" in table "KVSPSA Job Budget Line" external available (#11071, PSA-1916)
  • Add event publisher "KVSPSAOnBeforeTestConnectedBudget" in codeunit "KVSPSAFindPSPAndBudgetLine" (#11072, PSA-1917)
  • Obsolete field "Package Tracking No." in table "Job Document Header" and "Posted Job Document Header" as it is not used (#11079, PSA-1918)
  • Add event "KVSPSAOnValidateShortcutDimCodeBeforeModifyRecord" in table "KVSPSAHR Cockpit" (#11095, PSA-1923)

24.0.1099.0 - 2024-04-12#


  • Rename main project doesn't rename the main project lines, they get lost (#10514, PSA-1715)
  • Salesperson of the project into sales document in combination with responsibility center (#10632, PSA-1700)
    There was a gap by transfer the salespersone code from project into a sales header in combination with using the responsibility center code.
  • Item card unit cost is not used in project budget line (#10709, PSA-1774)
  • WBS page with budget - remove the CurrPage.update in field description (#10712, PSA-1615)
  • Project Journal - Update project description fails if next journal line has the same project no. as the one above (#10719, PSA-1654)
  • Not possible to add WBS lines from a Sales Quote to a project which status is "Open" (#10722, PSA-1791)


  • 2 new filters in function "create invoice suggestion lines": Type + No. to filter on job ledger entries. (#8627, PSA-1516)
    Invoice suggestion function "create suggestion lines": 2 new filters "Project ledger entry type" and "No.", regarding the project ledger entries. With this 2 filters it is possible to filter the project ledger entries on resources or items in general or on selected resources or items. This 2 filters are only for "time and materials", because "project ledger entries" are only relevant for this "invoice type".
  • Prepare all apps for next major 24.0 (#8646, PSA-1701)
  • "Row No." of measurement templates shouldn't be changed, if already posted project measurement templates are existing (#10542, PSA-40)
  • Job-Time Control (5025870) has to calculate the not posted ctc cards in time balance too (#10543, PSA-1565)
  • CTC Time Tracking - changing job (project) or task in existing CTC-Line: save some field content (#10544, PSA-1584)
    In CTC (time tracking) sometimes the user has to change the project or the task in an existing not posted CTC-Line. In some cases the quantity and the manual description is correct, only the task was a mistake. Now the quantity will not be changed by selecting another project or task. The description will not be changed if the description is a manual one and not the task-description.
  • Sliding average unit cost in job budget line (#10602, PSA-1463)
    New function to update the unit cost of existing project budget entries. This is relevant for long time planning.
    For example: Planning a resource with a valid unit cost is planned by monthly budget entries for a 1 year periode. After some month a price update has been done in the purchase price list. The new purchase price list line has a starting date in the middle of the planning periods of the project budget line. With the new function only the budget entries which has to be updated because of the new cost are updated with the new unit cost. With that update there will be a new sliding average unit cost for that budget line. Some new fields on the budget line will inform about that.
  • Create job or wbs by sales document: Validate the field "Transfer to Job" in the SalesLineWBSPrepare automatically (#10603, PSA-1572)
  • Create job or wbs by sales document: field "your reference" has to be transferred into the new job (project) (#10604, PSA-1573)
    The field "your reference" of a sales header (quote or order) is now transfered into a new project if the project is created by the function of the sales document.
  • Create invoice suggestion - new wbs-line status filter (order, quote, all) (#10605, PSA-1593)
    New "WBS line status filter" in the function "create suggestion line" in "invoice suggestion".
    With this filter it is possible to filter this function on wbs-line with status order or quote or both.
  • Make procedure in codeunit TimeManagement and variables in page ZDETimeRecording external available (#10625, PSA-1743)
    Technical development improvement: codeunit TimeManagement -> procedure ValidateResNoWithResAdministration
    page ZDETimeRecording -> GlobalIsPostedZDE, GlobalIsOpenZDE, GlobalResourceNo
  • Create wbs by sales lines - create sales lines by template - mark Begin-End-total-lines representing a wbs-line for budget line not to be transferred (#10631, PSA-1664)
    If sales lines (quote or order) are created by the function "create lines from project template" there will be a subtotal block around the sales lines created by the budget lines for 1 wbs-line. Each wbs-line from the template which has to be transfered on the budget line level has its own block. This sales block lines (begin and end lines) must not be transfered into the wbs by the function "create project and wbs" because there will be automatically created a work package line in the wbs to receive the budget lines. The wbs should look like the project template. For this these subtotal blocks can't be transfered into a wbs, they are blocked to be marked in the field "transfer to project".
  • Posting of different Invoicing Quantity in case of invoicing type = "no billing" without confirmation (#10643, PSA-1740)
    Posting project journal line with different qty to invoicing qty: It is no more necessary to aprove this lines if the billing type is "no billing". Note: the aproval can be set in the project setup.
  • Function to update the customer address in project should update the shipment address too if it is not a manual or a shipment address (#10646, PSA-1641)
    The function to update the customer address in project is now updating the shipment address too if it is not a manual address. If it is a shipment address, the update will be done by the shipment address.
  • Make procedure "CreateForecast" in codeunit "KVSPSAJob Forecast Functions" external accessible (#10651, PSA-1750)
    Technical development improvement
  • Extract procedures to update job teams from "KVSPSAJob&Resource Subscribers" to "KVSPSAJobTeamManagement" (#10652, PSA-1751)
    Technical development improvement: Needed preparations for feature PSA-1583: "Job (project) Manager (Person Responsible) in job budget line to be able to filter on that field in page Budget Line Activities"
    Logic to update job teams got reviewed, refactored and moved from codeunit "KVSPSAJob&Resource Subscribers" to codeunit "KVSPSAJobTeamManagement".
  • Project Manager (Person Responsible) in project budget line to be able to filter on that field in page Budget Line Activities (#10654, PSA-1583)
    In the page "Budget Line Activities" it is now possible to filter on the project Manager (Person Responsible) and on the sub project manager (of the wbs-lines)
  • Improve temporary generation of Default Dimensions for Job WBS Line and Job Budget Line (#10711, PSA-1779)
    To transfer dimensions from a related Project WBS or Budget Line (by using the setup fields "Use WBS Line Dim. as Default" or "Use Budget Line Dim. as Default" in Projects Setup) temporary records in the Default Dimension table will be generated.
    This temporary records have set the respective table no. and also a key generated by the current timestamp for the field "No.".
    As the generated key by the current timestamp only contains the hours and minutes this logic can lead to potential primary key errors as a record can already exist.
    Therefore the generated key will now contain the hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds and also a random generated number between 1 and 10000.
    This solution should minimize the risk of getting mentioned error.
  • Transfer "phase" "Task" "Step" code from "Begin-Total" into "Work package" WBS-Lines (#10714, PSA-1660)
  • Do not automatically set "Shipment Date" at creation of a new Sales Document (#10720, PSA-1789)
  • Add events in codeunit CreateInvoiceFromInvSug on function UpdateInvoices (#10724, PSA-1793)
    Technical Development improvement
  • Insert "Description 2" into the Project Wizard (#10726, PSA-1796)