23.14.1944.0 - 2024-12-30#
- Fixed error on report KVSFCYOpenPurchWithOldVersion (#13106, FCY-1591)
- Carry out action message on subcontracting worksheet does not require source locations (#13117, FCY-1593)
23.14.1895.0 - 2024-12-18#
- Fixed potential deletion of table Advertising Group Member (#12654, FCY-1494)
- Removed modify on Sales Header at validation of Sales Line (#12699, FCY-1507)
- Selection of Item Tracking was not possible in Inventory Movements (#12720, FCY-1514)
- Expected Quantity was miscalculated in Planning Components (#12732, FCY-1522)
- Fixed error on Cost Adjustment in combination with consumption costs (#12858, FCY-1534)
23.13.1671.0 - 2024-11-05#
- Fixed potential bug which could lead to unfinishable production orders (#12640, FCY-1487)
23.12.1497.0 - 2024-10-08#
- General performance and stability improvements.
23.11.1371.0 - 2024-09-09#
- Calculation: fixed wrong unit cost calculation on added components (#11785, FCY-1360)
23.10.1242.0 - 2024-08-08#
- Post output by "Inventory Put-Away" corrected (#11633, FCY-1339)
Creation of warehouse entries added.
- Field "Description 2" added to API-Page "Production BOM lines" (#11523, FCY-1325)
- Consider stored production order components at creating picks (#11560, FCY-1332)
23.9.1139.0 - 2024-07-09#
- Assignment of longdate items doesn't work as expected (#11418, FCY-1300)
Components of "Production Order Lines" with higher levels wasn't considered at assignment function of longdate items
- Additional functionality in PDM Interface (#11439, FCY-1303)
- Delete "Production BOM Lines" by functons in API-Pages of "Production BOM Header" and "Production BOM Version"
- Change "Status" of "Production BOM Header" and "Production BOM Version"
- Permission-set vor PDM Interface completed
23.8.1038.0 - 2024-06-10#
- Assignment of "Manufactuing Policy" corrected at creation E+D Production Orders from Planning Worksheet. (#11008, FCY-1261)
- Correction at the assignment of "Manufacturing Policy" in "E+D Production Order" (#11009, FCY-1259)
If existing stockkeeping unit masterdata then will be the "Manufacturing Policy" of stockkeeping assigned. - Problems with stored production orders at E+D Modification Proposal was fixed. (#11043, FCY-1267)
- Synchronisation of numerical attribute values to defined item fields corrected (#11181, FCY-1278)
- Modification of field "Calculate Routing" in different E+D Prdocton Order Pages allowed (#11093, FCY-1270)
- etagis-Interface updated 05/24 (#11187, FCY-1280)
Detailed logging and handling errors at etagis-import function. Processing of import-files optimized.
23.7.923.0 - 2024-05-06#
- Missing Licence Check in Copy Document (#10872, FCY-1239)
- Error in Combined Purchase Quote with empty Contact No. (#10897, FCY-1240)
A problem was fixed that prevented the creation of a Combined Purchase Quote with two or more vendors without contact. - Plant Engineering: "Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced" was not reset correctly by posting from sales order (#10898, FCY-1241)
- Error in Pruchase Delivery Schedule with activated Order Flow (#10908, FCY-1243)
23.7.920.0 - 2024-05-06#
- General performance and stability improvements.
23.6.815.0 - 2024-04-09#
- Fixed incorrect calculation of plan values (#7688, FCY-988)
- Changed Caption on suggest price lines (#8273, FCY-1141)
- Inventory Picks created by Delivery Schedules could not inserted into Dispatch Orders (#10684, FCY-1226)
23.5.759.0 - 2024-03-28#
- Corrected E+D-Position on sub production orders (#7591, FCY-983)
- Collective invoice of shipments was not possible (#8626, FCY-1195)
- Creation of a inventory putaway on production order did not fill factory specific fields (#8649, FCY-1201)
- E+D orders did not respect stockkeeping units correctly (#10536, FCY-1204)
- Function "Split Planning Lines" doubles quantity, if budget line was deleted (#10569, FCY-1189)
- KVSKBAShortageList (5048816, List) showed items which are not inventoriable (#10601, FCY-1219)
- Get Source Documents on warehouse receipts was not possible for purchase orders with relation to job (#10620, FCY-1218)
- Set KVSFCYProdOrderJobCard to obsolete (#8208, FCY-1128)
The copied report KVSFCYProdOrderJobCard is set to obsolete. The enhancements of this report are implemented in a reportextension to standard report 99000762 "Prod. Order - Job Card". Till now both reports are operational. The option to show a barcode is hidden in the reportextension. If this feature shall be enabled (be sure the correct font is available) do at own risk by subscribing to the event Codeunit::KVSFCYReportUtilities, 'OnProdOrderJobCardReportSetBarcodeOptionVisible'. - Order Calculation - calculation of structure of production order lines may not rely on field "Reworked" (#8277, FCY-1144)
- Changed ApplicationArea for Gantt-Viewer to plant engineering (#10538, FCY-1208)
- Integration of production BOM or Job structure into service item components (#10578, FCY-623)
- Unit Amount Prcesion had no effect (#10612, FCY-1221)
23.5.695.0 - 2024-03-08#
- Return order does not reset invoiced quantity in job planning line correctly. (#8527, FCY-1178)
- Creation of order in combine purchase quote with reservation option (#8595, FCY-1191)
23.5.684.0 - 2024-03-06#
- Purchase Delivery Schedule: removed errors in logistics (#8464, FCY-1171)
- E+D Order Planning: supply quantity was not used in order creation (#8496, FCY-1179)
When creating a Purchase Order out of ED-OrderPlanning, now the value of the field Supply Quantity is used for the ordered quantity. A Notification is displayed, if the value of Supply Quantity is smaller than Planning Quantity. - Removed error in Value Entries / G/L Entries after adjustment (#8513, FCY-1180)
- Fields "Shipment Method Code", "Shipping Agent" and "Shipping Agent Service Code" are not transferred to warehouse shipment (#8520, FCY-1181)
- Plant Engineering: default dimension in Prod. Order Line (#8541, FCY-1174)
- Field "Reserved Quantity" is editable on Job Planning Lines (#8579, FCY-1190)
23.4.647.0 - 2024-02-28#
- Application Area corrected for Plant Engineering (#8524, FCY-1183)
23.4.642.0 - 2024-02-28#
- Purchase Consignment: Purchase Order with Directed Put-away and Pick could not b posted (#8399, FCY-1158)
- Warehouse Setup "Add Types for Receiving" = false, but additional lines were creted in warehouse receipt (#8466, FCY-1168)
- Error on Internal Movement / Inventory Movements (#8491, FCY-1173)
- Obsolete Report KVSFCYItemAbleToMakeTimeline (#8202, FCY-1122)
The copied Standard report KVSFCYItemAbleToMakeTimeline did not work ("Rendering output for the report failed and the following error occurred: The Value expression for the text box ‘Variant_Code’ refers to a non-existing report parameter ‘VariantCodeCaption’. Letters in the names of parameters must use the correct case."). The FCY-Code is moved to report-extension and subscriber and the report KVSFCYItemAbleToMakeTimeline is set to obsolete and hidden. - Planning Worksheet: extremely low performance with Plante Engineering activated (#8329, FCY-1149)
- Purchase: Redesign synchronization of Job Planning Line to purchase line (#8340, FCY-1151)
- Removed unneeded code in codeunit KVSFCYReleasePurchDocumentSub (#8362, FCY-1156)
- Removed error on Item Attribute Search (#8406, FCY-1162)
- Actualisation of etagis Interface (#8480, FCY-1161)
23.4.592.0 - 2024-02-09#
- Printing item attributes in purchase receipts anf sales shipments corrected (#8128, FCY-1094)
- Correction at creating purchase orders from project planning line for non-inventoryable items (#8144, FCY-1103)
- Page ressource availability corrected (#8149, FCY-1097)
Recalulating subpage at changing periods. - Printing item attributes in sales and purchase documents for item variants and item versions corrected (#8160, FCY-1113)
- Update date conflict in multiple reservation entries corrected (#8225, FCY-1136)
- Function "Suggest lines" in "Price Worksheet" (new priceing V16) corrected (#8273, FCY-1141)
Price condition "Sales Price" not considered - Update "Qty. transferred to invoice" in "Job Planning Line" after delete sales document corrected (#8343, FCY-1152)
- Redesign of copied report KVSFCYGetSourceDocuments (now obsolete) (#6200, FCY-699)
In future standard report with reportextension will be used. Step 1: setting report to obsolete. - Integration of etagis-APS (#7886, FCY-899)
An interface to etagis is now available and must be activated in "Module Setup"". First a planning and scheduling of production orders will be possible. The planning and scheduling job planning lines will follow next time. - Zero-Division at "obsolete" codeunit KVSFCYJobStructureMgt removed (#8152, FCY-1110)
- Different reports setting "obsolete" and move to report extensions (if required) (#8195, FCY-1074)
- Report KVSFCYApprovalUserSetupTest (#8197, FCY-1118)
- Report KVSFCYCreateStockkeepingUnit (#8199, FCY-1119)
- Report KVSFCYCustPaymentReceipt (#8200, FCY-1120)
- Report KVSFCYFilterCfgDataLines (#8201, FCY-1121)
- Report KVSFCYItemTrackingAppendix (#8203, FCY-1123)
- Report KVSFCYServiceDocument-Test (#8210, FCY-1130)
- Report KVSFCYSingleLevelCostShares (#8211, FCY-1131)
- Report KVSFCYVATViesDeclarationTaxDE (#8212, FCY-1132)
- Report KVSFCYVendorPurchaseList (#8213, FCY-1133)
- Report KVSFCYImplementStdCostChange (#8307, FCY-710)
- Codeunit KVSFCYBlankPurOrdtoOrdSubscr setting obsolete (#8215, FCY-1135)
- Table KVSFCYBodytextSelection setting obsolete (#8230, FCY-1139)
23.3.442.0 - 2024-01-18#
- Wrong value entries were created on inventory adjustment (#8130, FCY-1085)
23.3.426.0 - 2024-01-17#
- General performance and stability improvements.
23.3.422.0 - 2024-01-17#
- Corrected multiple errors in purchase consignments (#7904, FCY-1056)
- Payment Terms Code at job creation (#7923, FCY-1060)
- Calculation: new unit list price was not converted to foreign currency at transfer to sales quote (#7927, FCY-1063)
- Item Attributes: removed control KVSKBAPrintingSequence (#8016, FCY-1081)
- Reservation in production order was deleted in planning worksheet if date conflict was enabled (#8085, FCY-1093)
- Modified E+D-Modification to correctly determine item version (#7931, FCY-1066)
- Set report KVSFCYServiceContrQuoteDetail to obsolete (#7954, FCY-1075)
- Set report KVSFCYCalcInventoryValueTest to obsolete (#7955, FCY-1073)
- Added new action "Reset Selection" in page "Item Tracking Summary" (#8013, FCY-1089)
- Set report KVSFCYExchangeProdBOMItem to obsolete (#8014, FCY-1087)
23.2.317.0 - 2023-12-12#
- Testfield added in posting routine for purchase consignment (#7696, FCY-1002)
- Item calculation: Field "New Standard Cost" in "Calculation Worksheet Plan Values" is ignored if the value equals the field "Last Direct Cost" (#7709, FCY-1003)
- "Promised Receipt Date" in purchase line is changed by create purchase order confirmation (#7725, FCY-1016)
- No Warehouse Request was created if no line of type "Item" was added to purchase order. (#7766, FCY-1026)
- Overflow in function "CalculateStatusCapacity" at calculate "Planned Time (ms)". (#7805, FCY-1030)
See also to task FCY-1040 the calculation of durations in milliseconds will be replaced in future. - Action type of bin could not be changed to "Put-away"" in "e;Warehouse Put-away" if source document is "Warehouse Internal Put-away" (#7807, FCY-1033)
- Field "KVSFCYMatOverheadAccConsActiv" in "Inventory Posting Setup" was set to obsolete, because it had no longer any functionality (#7684, FCY-1000)
- Function "Get Source Documents" corrected in combination with ":Transfer Receipts" (#7695, FCY-989)
- Added Events in Codeunit KVSFCYCreateEDOrderLine (#7708, FCY-1012)
- Equal request and presentation of "E+D Production Order" at "Reservaton Entries" and "Reservation Structue" (#7746, FCY-1024)
- New functions in project forecast (#7772, FCY-1025)
- Create forecast entries by project account
- Register selected forecast entries
- Skip dialog in report "GetSourceDocuments" (#7853, FCY-1038)
- Removed code to insert "empty" data in table KVSKBAPurchOrderConfLine in trigger OnInsert of Purchase Line (#7854, FCY-1010)
- Fields with durations in milliseconds setting "obsolete" (#7861, FCY-1040)
Fields in "Capacity ledger Entry" and "Prod. Order Line" and oll dependent flowfields will be replaced in future.
New fields with calculated durations based on setup field "Show Capacity in" at "Production Setup" will be implemented with BC24. - Correction of field captions for new job task scheduling (#7863, FCY-1041) - 2023-11-15#
- General performance and stability improvements. - 2023-11-15#
- Creation of obligation entries for transfer orders after posting outbound shipment. (#7490, FCY-964)
- Style "bold" of job task types "Begin-Total", "End-Total" and "Total" corrected. (#7554, FCY-960)
- Assignemt of metal surcharges corrected. (#7568, FCY-973)
- Purchase items could be calculated in item calculation (#7174, FCY-920)
- Transfer of dimension code "sales person" from delivery schedules to assigned sales orders added. (#7456, FCY-957)
- Confirm in codeunit 5059264 "KVSFCYJobAddressManagement" not allowed the usage in websevices. (#7475, FCY-961)
- Job task scheduling by function. (#7494, FCY-846)
Link to KUMAhelp will be added in next time. - Delivery schedule lines could be assigned to dispatch order. (#7553, FCY-924)
- Subscriber for calulation added (#7567, FCY-462)
- Variance entries for indirect costs created for items with standard costing (#7637, FCY-896) - 2023-10-09#
- Transfer of suggested price into price list (#7078, FCY-900)
- Assignment of capacity unit of measure of resource to reference unit of measure in Manufacturing Setup (#7151, FCY-910)
- Differences in production overhead costs in Production Order Calculation and Item Calculation (#7156, FCY-901)
- Corrected inheritance of item attributes to item version (#7221, FCY-926)
- Obligo Quantity (Hours) should be 0 on Work Centers with unit cost calculation = units (#7242, FCY-929)
- Subcontracting cost were not respected if calculation module was not activated (#7273, FCY-930)
- Service: Non inventoriable items may not be added to warehouse shipment (#7308, FCY-942)
- Production Order Calculation did not always respect finished quantity (#7309, FCY-928)
- Subcontracting: added information to already created transfer orders (#7039, FCY-895)
- All Calculation Tracking Lines should be attached to the Production Order after status change (#7316, FCY-948)