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This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.


Name Type Note
Configuration Data No. Code[20]
Entry No. Integer
Sorting Sequence Code[10]
Item Category Code Code[20]
Item Attribute ID Integer
Item Attribute Value ID Integer
Type Option OptionMembers: ,Item,Attribute
Code Code[20]
Description Text[100]
Indentation Integer
Is Leaf Boolean
Entry No. Parent Line Integer
Value Text[250]
Answered Option OptionMembers: ,Yes,No
Qty. per Top Item Decimal
Configuration Value Type Option OptionMembers: ,Formula,Set Base For Percent
Formula Text[250]
Item Attribute Description Text[100] FlowField
Item Attribute UoM Code Code[20] FlowField
Item Attribute Unit of Measure Text[30] FlowField
Item Category Description Text[100] FlowField
Base Item No. Code[20] FlowField
Base Item Description Text[100] FlowField
Item Attr. Value ID Descript. Text[100] FlowField
Item Attribute Code Code[20] FlowField
Item Attribute Value Code Code[20] FlowField
_Bisherige Lfd. Nr. Integer