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See also the following ChangeLogs#

24.9.2402.0 - 2025-02-05#


    • Cancellation of sales shipment for transfer not possible (#12939, MEDT-1538)
      now it is not possible to modify the Qty. to Cancel in Posted Shipment Lines (Sales and Purchase) . It is only possible to cancle the complete Quantity. Lines with Delivery Typ = Transfer are skipped. In Posted Purch. Receipt Lines it is checked whether there is an open Inspection Order No. and if is true, this line is also skipped.
    • Description in standard service code card - line (#12969, MEDT-1545)
      Description of any type in standard service code bill of materials lines will be copied to service lines while inserting.
    • Reservation Entry in combination with Sales Order and Tracking Result (#13220, MEDT-1575)
      Item tracking is only inherited if the ‘Item Tracking Result’ indicator in the component lines is set to YES.
    • Value Posting for Sales Invoice / Sales Credit memo (#13245, MEDT-1579)
      It could happen that after posting a value invoice or value credit memo using item tracking, the reservation entries were not deleted when posting. This has been corrected. In addition, a possible error message when selecting item tracking, which occurred due to reservation items without a receipt, has been fixed.
    • Create Warehouse + Shipping Advise (#13341, MEDT-1591)
      It could happen that a sales order with a reserved quantity and the shipping instruction "Complete Shipment" could not be picked. This has been corrected.
    • Warehous Pick will be create twice in some special cases (#13414, MEDT-1611)
      In a Warehouse Shipment it is possible to create a new pick by actin "Create pick". It was possible that this action created a second pick without deleting the first one. This was corrected.

24.8.2158.0 - 2024-12-17#


  • Purchase return from service order: Transfer booking code (#12737, MEDT-1509)
    On creating a purchase document out of a service line, it was possible, that the posting code was not transferred. This was corrected.
  • Discount Reason and Garduated Price Setup for Sales Process (#12845, MEDT-1524)
  • Allow manual numbers in MDR documents (#12897, MEDT-1530)
    Number of MDR DMS Documents can be inserted manually if it is allowed depending on settings in number series.
  • Posting Code is missing for Warehouse Entry from Assembly Output-Posting (#12943, MEDT-1539)
    Posting Code of all lines is transferred to Warehouse Entries.
  • Create service order from serial information card (#12967, MEDT-1544)


  • Conversion table accessories (#12666, MEDT-1491)
    The architecture of table Accessories was redesigned. In the past, the primary key was the tracking information (Item No. + Variant Code + Serial No.). In the new table the primary key is the "Call No." + "Call Line No.". The old table is migrated during the first use into the new table. Entries in the old table, which could not be migrated automatically, can be migrated afterwards manually. The Accessory can be called now in the Service Order Subpage, in the Sales (Return) Order Subpage, in the Purchase (Return) Order Subpage, in the Service Warehouse Receipt and in the Warehouse Shipment Subpage.

24.7.1890.0 - 2024-11-14#


  • Error using source filter in warehouse shipment (#12147, MEDT-1401)
    On using the action "Use Filters to Get Src. Docs." in the page Warehouse Shipment, it could happen, that an error message occured, that it wasn't possible to save the record. This was corrected.
  • Bin code is removed from the service line when it is created directly via program code (#12359, MEDT-1442)
    The Bin Code is not removed anymore on creating a new service line
  • Additional Fields Sales and Purchase Order (#12377, MEDT-1453)
    Optimization of the transfer of additional fields into sales and purchasing documents.
  • Posting code from the standard service code is not transferred to the service line (#12415, MEDT-1459)
    On creating a Service Line by using a Standard Service Code, the field "Posting Code" was ignored. This was corrected.

24.6.1743.0 - 2024-10-22#


  • Warehouse Pick from Production Order is missing (#12473, MEDT-1467)
    It could happen, that from a released production order no pick could be created. This was corrected.

24.6.1682.0 - 2024-10-11#


  • Item Transfer Posting and Reservation (#12131, MEDT-1396)
    It was not possible to transfer items in the item transfer posting journal which were reserved by another document. This was corrected.
  • Reservation is not transferred from Purchase Order to Sales Order in combination with Inspection Orders (#12218, MEDT-1418)
    When using reservations from the sales order on purchase orders, problems could occur in connection with inspection orders. This has been corrected.
  • Service - goods issue takes into account all undelivered service lines (#12245, MEDT-1421)
    On creating a warehouse shipment in the service order, only service lines with Dest. Document Type = Sales are regarded. On creating a warehouse shipment in the service order, a pick is created now automatically.
  • Posted origin document in posted goods issue calls up posted sales delivery instead of posted service delivery (#12248, MEDT-1422)
    In the subpage of the page "Posted Warehouse Shipment" it was not possible to open the source document of posted service shipments. This was corrected.
  • Equipment Tracking changes (#12291, MEDT-1375)
    Transactions that are not made with the working capital posting code no longer affect the owner and posessor in the Serial No. Information. Service bookings are now entered with a positive quantity in the equipment assignment ledger entry. In the equipment assignment ledger entries there is a new field "Canceled by Entry No.", which is now filled when the "Quantity Canceled" is entered during the booking.


  • DMS/ECM Integration for "Issued Delivery Reminder" and "Issued Purchase Order Confirmation Reminder" (#11216, MEDT-1260)
    The reports 5049500 Purchasing delivery reminder and report 5048917 Order confirmation reminder have been extended to include DMS archiving. If the reports are entered in the PrintPortalReport list (with the PrintPortal option ‘Archiving for single print only’ = false), then batch printing with archiving to the DMS is now possible.

24.5.1607.0 - 2024-09-20#


If the MEDTEC Master Layout has been individually customized, this customization will be overwritten during the installation. To avoid data loss, modified layouts should be backed up before installation. After installation, these backed-up layouts can be reapplied using the "Update Master Layout"/"Masterlayout aktualisieren" feature.


  • Production Structurlist - Subcontractor Price (#10992, MEDT-1168)
    The Subcontractor prices are displayed correctly for Subcontract Workcenter in the Production Structurlist.
  • Filter ItemLines and SalesLineStatus SignalLights (#11430, MEDT-1284)
    Optimization of filtering values for signal lights.
  • Prevent creation of empty picks (#11862, MEDT-1353)
    On creating picks from a production order, it happened sometimes, that empty pick documents were created. This was corrected.
  • MDR Check Authorization wrong check for Sales Credit / Sales Return order (#11947, MEDT-1364)
    MDR authorization checks works correctly now also for credit memos and return orders.
  • Booking service inbound with missing warehouse employee setup (#11959, MEDT-1367)
    If on posting a not expected service inbound, an error appears on releasing the sales return, a rollback will be performed now. The rollback deletes the sales return and the service order.
  • Filter behavior of signal lights optimized (#12008, MEDT-1378)
    Signal Lights in Sales Lines List and Sales List Status can be filtered to shrink the view.
  • Function GetSourceDocumentLines in Warehouse Shipment throws error message (#12032, MEDT-1381)
    It is possible to add multiple document lines of different source document to one warehouse shipment.


  • Optimize Call Frequency for MDR License (#11457, MEDT-1302)
    Replaced license checks with module/application area checks where applicable.
  • Function get source documents in warehouse shipment (#11597, MEDT-1226)
    Action button to get source documents has been added to Warehouse Shipment.
  • Automation of Master Layout Assignment during Installation (#11818, MEDT-1343)
    During the installation of the KUMAVISION medtec app, the specific MEDTEC Master Layout is automatically assigned to all relevant KBA and MEDTEC reports across all companies. This eliminates the need for manual layout installation. The process is executed once and recorded in the database. Important Note Regarding Individually Modified Layouts: If the MEDTEC Master Layout has been individually customized, this customization will be overwritten during the installation. To avoid data loss, modified layouts should be backed up before installation. After installation, these backed-up layouts can be reapplied using the "Update Master Layout"/"Masterlayout aktualisieren" feature.
  • Service: Synchronization of call documents and customer service calling (#11969, MEDT-1371)
    In the pages "Customer Service Call" and "Finished Customer Service Call" the part "Related Documents" was replaced by the infobox "Call Documents". It is not possible anymore to delete a service call manually. The document types "Posted Warehouse Shipment", "Transfer Shipment", "Transfer Receipt" and open and posted "Service Invoice" were added to the call documents. In the open and finished customer service call lines the following columns are shown now as calculated fields to the related service item line: - Service Condition - Operation Place - Current Place

24.4.1442.0 - 2024-08-09#


  • Quantity (base) is not validated in the optimized order when unit code is changed (#11137, MEDT-1247)
    From the order worksheet, the "Optimized Order" auxiliary window can be accessed. Here it is now possible to change the unit code. This is written back to the order worksheet when you leave the window.
  • Unable to create picking from production with "Warehouse picking optional" (#11243, MEDT-1256)
    If several picking documents were created during the creation of the picking documents in the production order due to different locations, it could happen that an error message appeared that the warehouse activity already existed. This has been corrected. Fixed an issue where creating a transfer order from a purchase order would result in an error message indicating a missing transfer route. The error occurred because the "From Location" was incorrectly passed as "EMPTY" from the purchase order.
  • Conflict in reservation and item tracking leads to incorrect picking (#11688, MEDT-1329)
    If a reservation was existing and afterwards an item tracking was inserted, it was possible, that the detailed reservation entries were wrong. This was fixed. Further the action "Select entries" in the page "Item Tracking" das disabled, because it was possible to select not-available entries.


  • Integrate HTML editor in findings (#11529, MEDT-1310)
    In the service appraisals, there is now another field "Description HTML" in addition to descriptions 1 and 2. Clicking on the field opens the HTML editor. In the field itself, only the text itself can be seen. In the new info box, the text in HTML format.
  • Integrate repair status into service quote (#11530, MEDT-1311)
    In the Service Quotewindow, the following new status actions are now available in the row area: CE created, CE sent, CE accepted/not necessary, CE rejected, Service released, Other repair status
  • Show Set other repiar status in service lines and service quote lines technician (#11584, MEDT-1312)
    The "Set Other Repair Status" action has been added to the following four windows: Service Lines, Service Lines Technician, Service QuoteLines, Service Quote Lines Technician,
  • Service: Work Typ in Standard Service Code (#11635, MEDT-1264)
    The field "Work Type Code" was added in the "Standard Service Code Lines" to enable multiple prices for a ressource in the service bill of materials.

24.3.1386.0 - 2024-07-14#


  • Reservations for partial deliveries (#7644, MEDT-977)
    If items with the replenishment type = order quantity were partially delivered in an order, an error message could occur when registering the picking for a corresponding partial delivery in the associated sales order.
  • Missing Report for Function: Item Label Information (#11333, MEDT-1258)
    Labelinformation can be printed out of an item or attached to a warehouse receipt.
  • Delete completed service line (#11431, MEDT-1294)
    On deleting finished service lines the system asks now if you really want to delete the line. On changing the field "Dest. Document No." service lines the system asks now if you really want to change the field.
  • Warehouse Shipment Error during Posting Preview (#11509, MEDT-1308)
    A booking preview in Warehouse shipment was generally not possible until now. A preview before registering the picking is still not possible. A corresponding error message now appears.


  • Variant mandatory is only checked if variant exists (#11118, MEDT-1237)
    Microsoft Standard only checks for a variant when posting items with a variant requirement if variants have also been created for the item. If you want to avoid such postings, you can now do this by adding the new field "Variant exists" to the mandatory field check.
  • Connection RuB module in service (#11282, MEDT-1266)
    When processing a service order, a complaint or claim can be created directly from it. As the complaint or claim is generated directly from the service order, the documents are automatically linked to each other via the call number.

24.2.1293.0 - 2024-06-18#


  • MDR Check Authorization wrong check (#8026, MEDT-1048)
    Authorization checks were modified, checks on document control page were added.
  • Marketing Cockpit - DrillDown for Call is missing (#8237, MEDT-1088)
    It is possible to navigate to a call directly out of a card in marketing cockpit. Action 'Reset Consignee Informations in Serial No. Card' is hidden in calls with call classification 'Service'.
  • Create new Inventory with Physical Inventory Order is not possible (#11165, MEDT-1251)
    Location Codes that have been blocked for posting by physical inventory will also be taken into account by physical inventory orders.
  • PrintPortal: Archiving of reports partitially selects wrong storage definition (#11211, MEDT-1257)
    The search for the storage definition was corrected, so that the storage definition is determined not for the table but for the current record. Thus, the correct storage definition is also found for tables for which there are several storage definitions with filters.
  • Create Vendor from Contact Card don't use the Vendor Template (#11238, MEDT-1270)
    "Create Vendor" from Contact Card use the Vendor Template now.
  • Pick is not possible, if there is no production order connected (#11253, MEDT-1273)


  • Image Utils Service considers Papersize and Orientation (#8390, MEDT-1124)
  • Update: Security Enhancement Through Use of SecretText (#10791, MEDT-1213)
    Adoption of the 'SecretText' data type for passwords in combination with the Codeunit X509Certificate2. This change increases security and is in line with Business Central's recommendations.

24.1.1221.0 - 2024-05-24#


  • Picking ignores the defined reservation in the sales order (#10745, MEDT-1198)
    In order to prevent picking from producing incorrect results due to missing Detailed Reservation Entries, it is now checked when the sales order is released whether a corresponding Detailed Reservation Entry exists for all reservation entries. If not, it will be generated.
  • Warehouse Shipment is not issued if another Warehouse Shipment line was deleted beforehand (#10746, MEDT-1199)
    If a pick for a seles order line with reservation was created and registered and afterwards the warehouse shipment was deleted and the pick cancelled, it could be possible, that no further warehouse shipment was created. This has beed corrected.
  • Service corrections (#10804, MEDT-1200)
    Some improvements in the service module:
  • When creating service orders from the SN card, the following information is now filled:
    o Line number
    o Item tracking number
    o Status + status history
  • When service orders are deleted, the associated service offers are now also archived and deleted
  • In sales orders with transfer lines, the location codes are no longer updated when the document is generated.
  • For internal repairs
    o All service lines are set to the free discount
    o The booking code UV is entered initially
    o “Current location” and “Place of activity” are preset with “In the house”.
  • When transferring service offer lines to the service order lines, service reference, service direction and service creditor are now also transferred
  • The finished call window has been aligned with the open call window
  • The call number was added to the service archive window. faded in
  • In the expected service receipt, the storage location was hidden in the head and displayed in the lines


  • Whse. Get Bin Content have to use Detail Entries to get Posting Code (#10637, MEDT-1181)
    The Report "Whse. Get Bin Content" can now be used in the Item Journal Line. Analogous to Transfer Journal Line.
  • Extensions Service Shipments (#10690, MEDT-1184)
    Two additions have been implemented in the service shipments:
  • The new "Posting Type" field shows whether a "Consumption", a "Sales Components" or a "Sales Service" has been posted.
  • The appraisals can now be displayed in the subpage.

24.0.1042.0 - 2024-04-11#


  • Consider posting code on warehouse movements (#7111, MEDT-899)
    The posting code is taken into account in movement worksheets and the actions 'Create Movement', 'Get Bin Content' and 'Calculate Bin Replenishment'.