See also the following ChangeLogs#
25.3.2050.0 - 2025-02-04#
- Fixed wrong stauts in E+D-Order-Planning (#11837, FCY-1375)
- Fixed connection to multiple jobs in one sales order (#13143, FCY-1603)
- Fixed different prices in job planning line and connected sales line (#13145, FCY-1602)
- Fixed wrong amounts in page bom cost shares (#13151, FCY-1549)
- Fixed error on too long job task no. in job task (#13193, FCY-1614)
- Fixed Entry Type on Job Account Schedule (#13213, FCY-1562)
- Fixed incorrect due date in requisition line after change of vendor (#13316, FCY-1628)
- Fixed error on posting of prepayment invoices (#13362, FCY-1638)
- Fixed synchronisation of unit cost on sales line and job planning line (#13364, FCY-1635)
- Fixed division by zero on etagis-Import (#13460, FCY-1646)
- Set report KVSFCYCalculateSubcontracts to obsoleten (#11044, FCY-1070)
- Changed parameters on additional line types (#12410, FCY-1431)
- Set report KVSFCYBOMCostShareDistribution to obsolete (#13112, FCY-1558)
- Changed error on subproduction orders in E+D-Order on constructional view (#13128, FCY-1585)
- Set fields in transfer line to obsolet (#13222, FCY-1620)
- Set multiple reports to obsolet (#13228, FCY-1623)
- Changed item tracking in subcontracting order and put-away (#13299, FCY-1408)
- Changed date filter on unit cost in job ledger entries an job account schedule (#13389, FCY-1612)
- Set field KVSFCYNoPrintedProForma in sales header to obsolete (#13398, FCY-1641)
- Changed event OnBeforeTestAlternativeJobContractEntryNo in KVSFCYJobSalesManagement (#13400, FCY-1642)
- Shipping Agent is now transferred to sales line from job planning line (#13431, FCY-1643)
25.2.1927.0 - 2024-12-20#
- Fixed values in E+D-Order-Calculation (#12871, FCY-1527)
- Job connection on sales line was editable after posting (#12941, FCY-1545)
- Sales Line with job connection and negative quantity could not be invoiced (#12944, FCY-1546)
- Fixed error on Translation in job planning line (#12947, FCY-1391)
- Clearing of job fields on sales line did not reset job planning line correctly (#12955, FCY-1550)
- Fixed 100% discount by rounding on discount condition (#12983, FCY-1556)
- Wrong tests on posting of purchase orders with connection to jobs (#13004, FCY-1564)
- Wrong error on posting with posting code (#13007, FCY-1567)
- Fixed error on processing production order routing lines with specific bins (#13032, FCY-1574)
- Requistion Worksheet proposed wrong change on production orders(#13076, FCY-1185)
- Wrong sales price was chosen on sales condition with sales price (#13082, FCY-1570)
- Subcontracting date conflict was not set correctly (#13100, FCY-1588)
- Fixed error on report KVSFCYOpenPurchwitholdVersion (#13104, FCY-1583)
- Removed filter fields in job account schedule (#13111, FCY-1584)
- Additional field in obligo entries (#12708, FCY-1504)
- Quantity Proforma is now used on Proforma Invoice (#12882, FCY-1233)
- Job status on job tasks (#12904, FCY-1508)
- Set field "KVSFCYSimProdOrderStatusChange" in table "Jobs Setup" to obsolete (#12962, FCY-1554)
- Set fields "KVSFCYDisableJobReferences" and "KVSFCYSetDimFormJobRef" in table "Jobs Setup" to obsolete (#12971, FCY-1555)
- Set field "KVSFCYAssPositionDelimiter" in table "Jobs Setup" to obsolete (#13044, FCY-1577)
- Update etagis import entries with status "Error" (#13081, FCY-1579)
- Set field KVSFCYEDJobNo in production order to obsolete (#13092, FCY-1560)
- Permit carry out action in subcontracting worksheet without source locations (#13099, FCY-1587)
- Set functions in KVSFCYItemAvailFormsMgmt public (#13103, FCY-1589)
- Additional fields for etagis Interface (#13126, FCY-1557)
25.1.1809.0 - 2024-11-28#
- Fixed Error in cost adjusting of average costing (#12409, FCY-1456)
- Fixed potential transaction error on validateion of sales line (#12700, FCY-1501)
- Users could not enter item tracking on inventory movements (#12719, FCY-1505)
- Expected quantty was not calculated correctly on planning components (#12722, FCY-1519)
- Field Source Subline No. was not always filled in warehouse shipments (#12788, FCY-1529)
- Wrong pricing Information was shown in purchase delivery schedule (#12843, FCY-1390)
- Added field "Status" on job tasks (#12431, FCY-1460)
- Field "Reworked" was set to obsolete in production order tables (#12729, FCY-1513)
- Added information of delivery schedule in Posted Dispatch Order (#12818, FCY-1530)
- Set multiple fields in Item Category to obsolete (#12855, FCY-1532)
- Added ApplicationArea in table KVSFCYMaterials (#12856, FCY-1533)
25.1.1751.0 - 2024-11-14#
- General performance and stability improvements.
25.1.1707.0 - 2024-11-07#
- Fixed incorrect calculation of E+D-Order on change of manufacturing policy (#12200, FCY-1425)
- Fixed error on item availability by event in combination with purchase dlivery schedules (#12643, FCY-1482)
- Wizard for etagis-setup (#11890, FCY-1373)
- Check on deletion/modify of table KVSFCYMaterial (Tabelle 5026357) (#12233, FCY-1442)
- Project Account Setup: set Usage Account No. to obsolete (#12538, FCY-1474)
- Set table KVSFCYPseudoItem to obsolete (#12542, FCY-1475)
- Follow up to WIP on projects (#12591, FCY-1479)
Two fields that have been hidden and set to obsolete are reactivated: Table KVSFCYJobAccSchedColLayout field WIP Column (Caption changed to Calculation Target Column) and Table 5059261 KVSFCYJobAccScheduleLine field Calculation in Column. - Fixed potential bug which could lead to unfinishable production orders (#12620, FCY-1481)
- Project Account Schedule Column Layout: changed options of field "Entry Type" (#12659, FCY-1473)
- Etagis integration of projects (#12667, FCY-1410)
25.0.1587.0 - 2024-10-18#
- Incorrect Production BOM Version was shown in E+D-Order (#12259, FCY-1444)
- Respect Work Type Code at linking Purchase Line to Job Planning Line (#12284, FCY-1445)
- Negative Material Overhead Cost in Production Order Statistics (#12443, FCY-1461)
- Removed Projekt-Forecast (#11541, FCY-1283)
- Removed Ending Date in Job Planning Line (#12398, FCY-1455)
- Added action "Inventory Summary" on Job Card (#12399, FCY-1405)
- Removed Test on Job References on creation of job purchase orders (#12447, FCY-1463)