CreateProcessStepDocumentLink(Record KVSMTCProcessStep, Integer, Integer, Code[20], Code[50], Integer, Integer, Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink) :#
Summary: Creates a document link for a process step with specified source information.
procedure CreateProcessStepDocumentLink(ProcessStepPar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStep"; SourceTypePar: Integer; SourceSubtypePar: Integer; SourceIDPar: Code[20]; SourceBatchNamePar: Code[50]; SourceProdOrderLinePar: Integer; SourceRefNoPar: Integer; var ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"):
: The process step record to link to.SourceTypePar
: The type of the source document.SourceSubtypePar
: The subtype of the source document.SourceIDPar
: The ID of the source document.SourceBatchNamePar
: The batch name of the source document.SourceProdOrderLinePar
: The production order line number.SourceRefNoPar
: The reference number of the source.ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar
: Variable to store the created document link.
CreateProcessStepDocLinkBaseData(Record KVSMTCProcessStep, Code[20], Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink) :#
Summary: Creates base data for a process step document link.
procedure CreateProcessStepDocLinkBaseData(ProcessStepPar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStep"; SourceIDPar: Code[20]; var ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"):
: The process step record to create base data for.ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar
: Variable to store the created document link base data.
SetProcessStepDocLinkFilterBySimilarProcessStep(Record KVSMTCProcessStep, Boolean, Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink) :#
Summary: Creates base data for a process step document link.
procedure SetProcessStepDocLinkFilterBySimilarProcessStep(ProcessStepPar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStep"; CreateLinkPar: Boolean; var ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"):
: The process step record to create base data for.ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar
: Variable to store the created document link base data.
SetProcessStepDocLinkFilterBySource(Integer, Integer, Code[20], Code[50], Integer, Integer, Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink) :#
Summary: Sets filters on process step document links based on source document information.
procedure SetProcessStepDocLinkFilterBySource(SourceTypePar: Integer; SourceSubtypePar: Integer; SourceIDPar: Code[20]; SourceBatchNamePar: Code[50]; SourceProdOrderLinePar: Integer; SourceRefNoPar: Integer; var ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"):
: The type of the source document to filter by.SourceSubtypePar
: The subtype of the source document to filter by.SourceIDPar
: The ID of the source document to filter by.SourceBatchNamePar
: The batch name of the source document to filter by.SourceProdOrderLinePar
: The production order line number to filter by.SourceRefNoPar
: The reference number of the source to filter by.ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar
: Variable containing the process step document links to be filtered.
SetProcessStepDocumentLinksDeleted(Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink) :#
Summary: Marks the specified process step document links as deleted in the system.
procedure SetProcessStepDocumentLinksDeleted(var ProcessStepDocumentLinkVar: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"):
: Record variable containing the process step document links to be marked as deleted.
OnCreateProcessStepDocLinkByProcessStep(Record KVSMTCProcessStep, Record KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCreateProcessStepDocLinkByProcessStep(ProcessStep: Record "KVSMTCProcessStep"; var ProcessStepDocumentLink: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"; DocumentCreated: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMTCProcessDocumentLib", 'OnCreateProcessStepDocLinkByProcessStep', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateProcessStepDocLinkByProcessStep(ProcessStep: Record "KVSMTCProcessStep"; var ProcessStepDocumentLink: Record "KVSMTCProcessStepDocumentLink"; DocumentCreated: Boolean)