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KVSEDX WMS Whse.Rcpt.Line#


Name Type Note
No. Code[20]
Line No. Integer
Whse. Receipt No. Text[20]
Whse. Receipt Line No. Integer
Source No. Code[20]
Source Line No. Integer FlowField
Item No. Code[20]
Description Code[100]
Description 2 Code[100]
Variant Code Code[10]
Quantity Decimal FlowField
Qty. to Receive Decimal
Qty. Outstanding Decimal FlowField
Qty. Received Decimal FlowField
KVSEDX Reservation Entry Link Code[50]
KVSEDX Reservation Entries Integer FlowField
KVSEDX Package Line Link Code[50]
KVSEDX Package Lines Integer FlowField
KVSEDX Purch. Rcpt. No. Code[20]
EDX Message Log Integer FlowField
EDX Errors Integer FlowField
KVSEDX Partner No. Code[30] FlowField


LogModify(Integer) :#

procedure LogModify(fieldNoPar: Integer):