Entry No. | Integer | |
Calc. Worksheet Entry No. | Integer | |
Calculation Parameter No. | Code[20] | |
Calculation Date | Date | |
Calc. Batch Entry No. | Integer | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Calc. Amount per 1 Unit | Decimal | |
Calc. Amount fix per 1 Unit | Decimal | |
Quantity (Base) per 1 Unit | Decimal | |
Direct Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Indirect Cost % | Decimal | |
Overhead Rate | Decimal | |
Overhead Rate (Consumption) | Decimal | |
Indirect Cost % (Consumption) | Decimal | |
Up-to-dateness of Unit Cost | Date | |
Quantity Per | Decimal | |
Setup Time | Decimal | |
Run Time | Decimal | |
Indirect Cost % fixed | Decimal | |
Overhead Rate fixed | Decimal | |
Overhead Rate fixed (Cons.) | Decimal | |
Indirect Cost % fixed (Cons.) | Decimal | |
Ratio % | Decimal | |
Calculation Part No. | Code[20] | |
Calc. Part No. (Si.-Lev.) | Code[20] | |
Cost Group | Option | OptionMembers: ,Material Cost,Material Ovhd Cost,Capacity Cost,Capacity Ovhd Cost,Subcontracting Cost,Subcontracting Ovhd Cost,Mfg. Ovhd Cost,Seeling Ovhd Cost,Administration Ovhd Cost,Risk/Profit,Commission/Cash Discount/Sales Discount |
Cost Group (Si.-Lev.) | Option | OptionMembers: ,Material Cost,Material Ovhd Cost,Capacity Cost,Capacity Ovhd Cost,Subcontracting Cost,Subcontracting Ovhd Cost,Mfg. Ovhd Cost,Seeling Ovhd Cost,Administration Ovhd Cost,Risk/Profit,Commission/Cash Discount/Sales Discount |
Subcontracting | Boolean | |
Unit of Measure (Base) | Code[10] | |
Quantity. (Base) Higher Level | Decimal | |
Lotsize (Base) Higher Level | Decimal | |
User ID | Code[50] | |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Item Version Code | Code[20] | |
Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Item,Production BOM,Work Center,Machine Center,Resource,,,,,,Opportunity Cost,,,,,Additional Charge,Special Direct Cost,,,,,,,,,,Detail Line |
No. / Formula / Code | Code[80] | |
Expected Calc. Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Cost Type | Option | OptionMembers: Direct Cost,Indirect Cost,Totaled Cost,Details Total Direct Cost,Details Total Indirect Cost |
Calc. Cost | Decimal | |
Calculation Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Calc. Cost fixed | Decimal | |
Calc. Amount | Decimal | |
Calc. Amount fix | Decimal | |
Quantity (Base) | Decimal | |
Indention | Integer | |
Level | Integer | |
Structure BOM Entry No. | Integer | |
Source Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Routing,Production BOM,Item,Calculation Condition,BOM Component,,,,,,Production Order Line,Production Order Comp.,Production Order Routing,Production Order Opp. Cost,Prod.-Line Calc. Cond. (n.a.) |
Source No. | Code[20] | |
Source Sub No. | Code[20] | |
Source Sub 2 No. | Code[10] | |
Source Line No. | Integer | |
Source Ref. No. | Integer | |
Source Status | Option | OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished |
Row No. | Code[10] | |
Supplied-by Prod. Order Status | Option | OptionMembers: Simulated,Planned,Firm Planned,Released,Finished |
Supplied-by Prod. Order No. | Code[20] | |
Supplied-by PO Line No. | Integer | |
Req. Qty. (Base) Higher Level | Decimal | |
Factor Qty./Req. Qty. Hi.Lvl. | Decimal | |
Detail Line Cost Type | Option | OptionMembers: ,Direct Unit Cost,Indirekt Cost %,Overhead Rate |
Use Direct Amount Substr. | Boolean | |
Direct Amount Substr. | Decimal | |
Direct Amount Substr. fixed | Decimal | |
Share Of Total Cap. Cost | Decimal | |
Calculation | Option | OptionMembers: ,,Value,,Formula,Calculation Part,,,,,,,Job Planning Line |
Rounding Method Code | Code[10] | |