Document Type | Enum Sales Document Type | |
Sell-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Document No. | Code[20] | |
Line No. | Integer | |
Type | Enum Sales Line Type | |
No. | Code[20] | |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Quantity Disc. Code | Code[20] | |
Shipment Date | Date | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Unit of Measure | Text[50] | |
Quantity | Decimal | |
Outstanding Quantity | Decimal | |
Qty. to Invoice | Decimal | |
Qty. to Ship | Decimal | |
Unit Price | Decimal | |
Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
VAT % | Decimal | |
Quantity Disc. % | Decimal | |
Line Discount % | Decimal | |
Line Discount Amount | Decimal | |
Amount | Decimal | |
Amount Including VAT | Decimal | |
Allow Invoice Disc. | Boolean | |
Gross Weight | Decimal | |
Net Weight | Decimal | |
Units per Parcel | Decimal | |
Unit Volume | Decimal | |
Appl.-to Item Entry | Integer | |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Price Group Code | Code[10] | |
Allow Quantity Disc. | Boolean | |
Job No. | Code[20] | |
Work Type Code | Code[10] | |
Cust./Item Disc. % | Decimal | |
Outstanding Amount | Decimal | |
Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced | Decimal | |
Shipped Not Invoiced | Decimal | |
Quantity Shipped | Decimal | |
Quantity Invoiced | Decimal | |
Shipment No. | Code[20] | |
Shipment Line No. | Integer | |
Profit % | Decimal | |
Bill-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Inv. Discount Amount | Decimal | |
Purchase Order No. | Code[20] | |
Purch. Order Line No. | Integer | |
Drop Shipment | Boolean | |
Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
VAT Calculation Type | Enum Tax Calculation Type | |
Transaction Type | Code[10] | |
Transport Method | Code[10] | |
Attached to Line No. | Integer | |
Exit Point | Code[10] | |
Area | Code[10] | |
Transaction Specification | Code[10] | |
Tax Area Code | Code[20] | |
Tax Liable | Boolean | |
Tax Group Code | Code[20] | |
VAT Bus. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
VAT Prod. Posting Group | Code[20] | |
Currency Code | Code[10] | |
Outstanding Amount (LCY) | Decimal | |
Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY) | Decimal | |
Reserve | Enum Reserve Method | |
Blanket Order No. | Code[20] | |
Blanket Order Line No. | Integer | |
VAT Base Amount | Decimal | |
Unit Cost | Decimal | |
System-Created Entry | Boolean | |
Line Amount | Decimal | |
VAT Difference | Decimal | |
Inv. Disc. Amount to Invoice | Decimal | |
VAT Identifier | Code[20] | |
IC Partner Ref. Type | Enum IC Partner Reference Type | |
IC Partner Reference | Code[20] | |
Prepayment % | Decimal | |
Prepmt. Line Amount | Decimal | |
Prepmt. Amt. Inv. | Decimal | |
Prepmt. Amt. Incl. VAT | Decimal | |
Prepayment Amount | Decimal | |
Prepmt. VAT Base Amt. | Decimal | |
Prepayment VAT % | Decimal | |
Prepmt. VAT Calc. Type | Enum Tax Calculation Type | |
Prepayment VAT Identifier | Code[20] | |
Prepayment Tax Area Code | Code[20] | |
Prepayment Tax Liable | Boolean | |
Prepayment Tax Group Code | Code[20] | |
Prepmt Amt to Deduct | Decimal | |
Prepmt Amt Deducted | Decimal | |
Prepayment Line | Boolean | |
Prepmt. Amount Inv. Incl. VAT | Decimal | |
IC Partner Code | Code[20] | |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Version No. | Integer | |
Doc. No. Occurrence | Integer | |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Bin Code | Code[20] | |
Qty. per Unit of Measure | Decimal | |
Planned | Boolean | |
Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | |
Quantity (Base) | Decimal | |
Outstanding Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. to Invoice (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. to Ship (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. Shipped Not Invd. (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. Shipped (Base) | Decimal | |
Qty. Invoiced (Base) | Decimal | |
FA Posting Date | Date | |
Depreciation Book Code | Code[10] | |
Depr. until FA Posting Date | Boolean | |
Duplicate in Depreciation Book | Code[10] | |
Use Duplication List | Boolean | |
Responsibility Center | Code[10] | |
Out-of-Stock Substitution | Boolean | |
Substitution Available | Boolean | FlowField |
Originally Ordered No. | Code[20] | |
Originally Ordered Var. Code | Code[10] | |
Item Category Code | Code[20] | |
Nonstock | Boolean | |
Purchasing Code | Code[10] | |
Special Order | Boolean | |
Special Order Purchase No. | Code[20] | |
Special Order Purch. Line No. | Integer | |
Item Reference No. | Code[50] | |
Item Reference Unit of Measure | Code[10] | |
Item Reference Type | Enum Item Reference Type | |
Item Reference Type No. | Code[30] | |
Completely Shipped | Boolean | |
Requested Delivery Date | Date | |
Promised Delivery Date | Date | |
Shipping Time | DateFormula | |
Outbound Whse. Handling Time | DateFormula | |
Planned Delivery Date | Date | |
Planned Shipment Date | Date | |
Shipping Agent Code | Code[10] | |
Shipping Agent Service Code | Code[10] | |
Allow Item Charge Assignment | Boolean | |
Return Qty. to Receive | Decimal | |
Return Qty. to Receive (Base) | Decimal | |
Return Qty. Rcd. Not Invd. | Decimal | |
Ret. Qty. Rcd. Not Invd.(Base) | Decimal | |
Return Amt. Rcd. Not Invd. | Decimal | |
Ret. Amt. Rcd. Not Invd. (LCY) | Decimal | |
Return Qty. Received | Decimal | |
Return Qty. Received (Base) | Decimal | |
Appl.-from Item Entry | Integer | |
Service Contract No. | Code[20] | |
Service Order No. | Code[20] | |
Service Item No. | Code[20] | |
Appl.-to Service Entry | Integer | |
Service Item Line No. | Integer | |
Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code | Code[10] | |
BOM Item No. | Code[20] | |
Return Receipt No. | Code[20] | |
Return Receipt Line No. | Integer | |
Return Reason Code | Code[10] | |
Allow Line Disc. | Boolean | |
Customer Disc. Group | Code[20] | |
Date Released | Date | |
KVSKBAUnitPricePriceUnit | Decimal | |
KVSKBAPriceUnit | Decimal | |
Item Price Group | Code[10] | |
Item Disc. Group | Code[20] | |
Alternative | Enum (KVSKBAAlternative) | |
Indentation | Integer | |
KVSKBAPositionNo | Code[20] | |
Totaling | Text[20] | |
Print Line | Boolean | |
KVSKBANullPosition | Enum (KVSKBANullPosition) | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAPostingCode | Code[10] | Warning: Obsolete |
KVSKBAProductCommGrpCode | Code[10] | |
KVSKBAPriceOrigin | Enum (KVSKBASalesPriceOrigin) | |
KVSKBALineDiscountOrigin | Option | OptionMembers: ,Item,Sales Line Discount,Blanket Order,Manual,Item Disc. Group,Sales Contract,External |
Quantity (Original) | Decimal | |
Release Min. Profit Checked On | DateTime | |
Release Min. Profit Checked By | Code[50] | |
Contract No. | Code[20] | |
Contract Line No. | Integer | |