This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.
Name | Type | Note |
Document No. | Code[20] | |
Line No. | Integer | |
KVSMTCService Item No. | Code[20] | |
Service Item Group Code | Code[10] | |
Item No. | Code[20] | |
Serial No. | Code[50] | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Repair Status Code | Code[10] | |
Priority | Option | OptionMembers: Low,Medium,High |
Response Time (Hours) | Decimal | |
Response Date | Date | |
Response Time | Time | |
Starting Date | Date | |
Starting Time | Time | |
Finishing Date | Date | |
Finishing Time | Time | |
Service Shelf No. | Code[10] | |
Warranty Starting Date (Parts) | Date | |
Warranty Ending Date (Parts) | Date | |
Warranty | Boolean | |
Warranty % (Parts) | Decimal | |
Warranty % (Labor) | Decimal | |
Warranty Starting Date (Labor) | Date | |
Warranty Ending Date (Labor) | Date | |
Contract No. | Code[20] | |
Location of Service Item | Text[30] | FlowField |
Loaner No. | Code[20] | |
Vendor No. | Code[20] | |
Vendor Item No. | Text[20] | Warning: Obsolete |
Fault Reason Code | Code[10] | |
Service Price Group Code | Code[10] | |
Fault Area Code | Code[10] | |
Symptom Code | Code[10] | |
Fault Code | Code[10] | |
Resolution Code | Code[10] | |
Fault Comment | Boolean | FlowField |
Resolution Comment | Boolean | FlowField |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Service Item Loaner Comment | Boolean | FlowField |
Actual Response Time (Hours) | Decimal | |
Document Type | Enum Service Document Type | |
Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code | Code[10] | |
Adjustment Type | Option | OptionMembers: Fixed,Maximum,Minimum |
Base Amount to Adjust | Decimal | |
No. of Active/Finished Allocs | Integer | FlowField |
No. of Allocations | Integer | FlowField |
No. of Previous Services | Integer | FlowField |
Contract Line No. | Integer | |
Ship-to Code | Code[10] | |
Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Resource Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Allocation Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Repair Status Code Filter | Code[10] | FlowFilter |
Allocation Status Filter | Option | OptionMembers: Nonactive,Active,Finished,Canceled,Reallocation Needed FlowFilter |
Responsibility Center | Code[10] | |
Service Order Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Resource Group Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Release Status | Enum Service Doc. Release Status | |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Version No. | Integer | |
Doc. No. Occurrence | Integer | |
KVSMTCLotNo | Code[50] | |
KVSMTCSaleSourceDocType | Enum Sales Document Type | |
KVSMTCSaleSourceDocNo | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCSaleSourceLineNo | Integer | |
KVSMTCLocationCode | Code[10] | |
KVSMTCQuantity | Decimal | |
KVSMTCBinCode | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCCallNo | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCCallLineNo | Integer | |
KVSMTCOutstandingQty | Decimal | |
KVSMTCReceiveQuantity | Decimal | |
KVSMTCQtyToShip | Decimal | |
KVSMTCQtyShipped | Decimal | |
KVSMTCDateArchived | Date | |
KVSMTCDocumentProcessID | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCLoanItemTrackingNo | Code[50] | |
KVSMTCPostingCode | Code[10] | |
KVSMTCServiceCondition | Enum (KVSMTCServiceOpCondition) | |
KVSMTCOperationPlace | Enum (KVSMTCServiceOperationPlace) | |
KVSMTCCurrentPlace | Enum (KVSMTCServiceOperationPlace) | |
KVSMTCOperationTemplateCode | Code[20] | |
KVSMTCItemTrackingNo | Code[50] | |
KVSMTCReplItemTrackingNo | Code[50] | |
KVSMTCRepairStatusEntryDT | DateTime | FlowField |
KVSMTCMinAmountCostEstimate | Decimal | |
KVSMTCTechnician | Code[20] | |
VendorItemNo | Text[50] |