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Quality Management#

24.3.404.0 - 2024-07-10#


  • Blank check report to print out (#8182, QME-189)
    It is now possible to print the report 'check report' as a blank version.

24.2.382.0 - 2024-06-25#


  • Duplicate Update Tags (#11397, QME-235)
    If the app is repeatedly installed and uninstalled, duplicates are created in an update table that finally prevents the installation, this error has been fixed.

24.1.342.0 - 2024-06-07#


  • Reference from Posted Whse. Receipt to closed inspection order (#10917, QME-219)
    The inspection order no. is now also stored in the posted warehouse receipt lines.

24.1.323.0 - 2024-05-21#


  • Posting preview in the warehouse receipt is not working correctly (#11028, QME-220)
    If the booking preview was used with the QM app, an incorrect message was displayed at the end of the preview and a new posting was only possible after logging in again. This error has been fixed.
  • Registration PutAway not possible after QS inspection (#11089, QME-222)
    Registration Put-Away not possible after inspection, this error has been fixed. - 2024-04-25#


  • Inspection Result with Inspection Mandatory On Release (#10645, QME-197)
    It is now possible to force the entry of test values in a inspection order even if the test result has been set to "error", this function must be activated in the quality assurance setup. - 2024-04-25#


  • Open Inspection Order from Finished Prod. Order (#10675, QME-206)
    It is now possible to open the corresponding Inspection Order directly from the Finished Production Order.
  • New Table Quality Employee (#10756, QME-211)
    New Table Quality Employee for setting the assigned user in an inspection order.
  • Authorisation of manual postings in the Item journal worksheet / Inventory (#10850, QME-191)
    Whether manual bookings are permitted can now be defined for each user. The old setup switch in the QM setup is now without function. - 2024-04-15#


  • Translation Error in KVSQME - Insp. Order Header (5483787) -Field Status (1, Option, PK) (#10737, QME-209)
    The missing and incorrect translations have been corrected. - 2024-04-03#


  • Implementierung Change Loq Quick Access (#3561, QME-65)