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DMS and ECM Interface#

24.3.397.0 - 2024-07-11#


  • Copy of multiple storage definition tags to multiple other storage definitions not possible (#11210, KUCON-110)
  • After Searchdefintion Switch Struktur is broken (#11271, KUCON-109)
  • Global Document Search abort with error (#11307, KUCON-113)
  • Files in the root directory are not displayed in Tree Grid Control (#11340, KUCON-111)
  • Missing second Factbox for Job Tasks on Job Card (#11415, KUCON-121)


24.2.366.0 - 2024-06-14#


  • Tag Search failes with "A provided field name is not possible" (#11325, KUCON-115)

24.1.351.0 - 2024-06-10#


  • Improve Feedback on Cleared Stream (#11232, KUCON-112)
    The App throws a Error: "Variable Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavInStream is not initialized." The cause of the problem lies in another app which clears the content of the document stream.

24.1.340.0 - 2024-05-29#


  • Padding of Drag'nDrop-Control must not set Padding-Right and Padding-Left (#10770, KUCON-87)
  • Error "The identifier 'docStorageSetup.Storage Type' could not be found" on opening User Settings (#10794, KUCON-89)
  • Display error of the search and search definition in the factboxes (#10822, KUCON-91)
  • Fixed Value / Parameter not editable after selecting Transformation Rule "Left-sided text" (#10847, KUCON-92)
  • Error message "Json Object already contains the key 'name'" in Documents Search Page (#10905, KUCON-94)
  • PDF files over 1.5 MB (1,536 KB) are not displayed (#10959, KUCON-35)
  • Connection/Search error ist not shown in the FactBox (#10985, KUCON-93)
  • Documents that are printed via an external printer are not archived (#11085, KUCON-96)
  • Different behavior between card and list when several files are to be stored at once (#11099, KUCON-99)
  • Error while creating new ELO Folder (#11146, KUCON-103)
  • “Open folder” in the search result only opens the ELO client, not the document. (#11152, KUCON-102)
  • Item with same Key already exists (#11158, KUCON-106)


  • New TreeGrid control add-in (#8529, KUCON-68)
  • Improve privacy and offline availability (#8606, KUCON-74)
  • Implementation of ELO Indexserver REST interface (#10600, KUCON-80)
  • Assisted Setup: Move "Test connection" to page, where the host is also entered (#10728, KUCON-84)
  • User specific oversteering of webclient uri (#10729, KUCON-85)
  • New Integration Events OnAfterUploadFile, OnBeforeUpdateFileTags, OnBeforeUpdateTagsAfterUploadFile (#10774, KUCON-88)
  • Multi Value Field Support (#10799, KUCON-90)
  • Adjust the drop zone style (#10983, KUCON-36)
  • Request and temporary store the real archiving date with the TempFileBuffer (#10987, KUCON-78)
  • Performance optimization when Searching Files by Tag (#11150, KUCON-86) - 2024-04-03#


  • Error with Connectivity Test (#10597, KUCON-79)


  • Rename AAD to Entra ID (#8644, KUCON-43)
  • Improve OAuth Token acquiring error handling (#10571, KUCON-77)
  • Fehlermeldung in Factbox beim Wechsel in einer Liste zwischen Elementen (#10609, KUCON-76)