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24.0.1397.0 - 2024-04-08#


  • Extended Cancellation - Input Check not in correct unit (#10623, KBA-1554)
    If the base unit of an item has a smaller quantity than that of a sales/purchase unit, an error occurred when checking the value.
    This error has been fixed.


  • Delete obsolete objects, functions and events (#8634, KBA-1525)
    Obsolete objects, functions and events have been deleted for BC24, including fieldstyle management.
  • KVSKBADefSalespersonCode2 in "Ship-to Address" for Sales (#10525, KBA-1379)
    We enhanced the Microsft Standard functionality for the “Salesperson Code” in the Ship To Adress with the “Salesperson Code” in the KUMAVISON BOOSTER Funktion.
  • Standard Service Block visible false (#10587, KBA-1478)
    The KUMAVISION base has its own fields for blocking the service. These are converted to the standard fields. Until then, the standard fields are hidden.

24.0.1345.0 - 2024-04-03#


  • Problem with Cover Sheet Report (#10658, KBA-1569)
    Problems with missing fields when activating the MS feature report layouts have been fixed.