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24.3.2066.0 - 2024-07-12#


  • Sales condition lines remain unchanged on changed sales lines price manually (#11552, KBA-1696)
    If a price or discount from a price condition is changed manually in the sales line, the calculation lines of the respective condition are now deleted. The same applies to the discount in purchasing. Furthermore, no discount calculation lines are transferred from pricing if no line discount is allowed.

24.3.2036.0 - 2024-07-09#


  • Dispatch order lines are not created correctly (#11314, KBA-1666)
    Dispatch order lines were not created correctly in the service area, this error has been fixed
  • No dispach order is created and posted if the location uses the dispatch type "package" (#11323, KBA-1648)
    Posting was detached from the creation of the shipping order. A message appears if the quantity is insufficient.
  • Wrong Lookups at Call Position (#11343, KBA-1673)
    The filters for the lookups /drilldows on the call position have been corrected. Further detail improvements have been made.
  • Missing Barcode for Logistic Documents (#11440, KBA-1690)
    The logistic document number was not printed correctly as s barcode. This issue has been fixed.
  • Issue in Codes for special notes (priotexts) for Purchase Request (#11447, KBA-1691)
    The purchase setup was used to find the prio code and not the purchase request setup. This has been changed.
  • Cancel Function creates wrong reservation entry (#11497, KBA-1697)
    Incorrect reservation entries were created by the cancellation functions, this behavior has been stopped and the incorrect record are automatically corrected by this update.


  • Time-limited Texts for documents (#8064, KBA-1371)
    Added a starting and ending date to all beginning and ending texts. After posting or copying a document, the texts will be transfered to the new document if they are in a valid date range. See also Online
  • Handling of dangerous goods in small quantities in the dispatch order (#8171, KBA-1214)
    With the application of dangerous goods in limited quantities, the customer as the sender ensures that only a certain quantity of a dangerous good is handed over to a deliverer per day. Shipping in limited quantities (LQ) monitors compliance with certain quantities per inner packaging and package for the facilitated transportation of dangerous goods. In principle, no dangerous goods processing is provided, as no determination of dangerous goods classes, lists of dangerous goods, creation of sheets, operating regulations or checks for storage and mixed shipping are provided. No storage regulations or shipping regulations are mapped either.
  • Conversion of number series management to new logic (#8656, KBA-1528)
    The changes made by MS for the number series have been adopted.
  • Allow V-LOG Endpoint Authentication (#11141, KBA-1611)
    It is now possible to add authentication information to the V-LOG connection. We currently support anonymous and basic authentication.
  • Inserting multiple lines (sales & purchase) via the attribute search (#11164, KBA-1589)
    It is now possible to select several lines in the attribute search and then transfer them to the source document.
  • VLOG in KVS Core Connection Test (#11305, KBA-1663)
    The KVS Core Connection Test can now also be used to check the VLOG connection.
  • Make Enum "KVSKBASalesPCommTypeFilter" extensible (#11321, KBA-1675)
    The enum "KVSKBASalesPCommTypeFilter" has been refactored to allow for future extensions. This change enables the enum to be more flexible and adaptable to new requirements.
  • Loosening the block on the shared use of standard and KBA functions automatic post sales lines (#11355, KBA-1572)
    The function of the KBA to automatically post sales lines can now be used together with the setting "Attached/Assigned" in the field "Auto Post Non-Invt. via Whse." of the sales setup. The option in the All sales setup field "Auto Post Non-Invt. via Whse." is still not permitted in connection with "Last Delivery" entries in the "Added Sales Line Shipment Setup".
  • Move price lines to other price list (new calculation of prices) (#11365, KBA-1225)
    Price list lines can be moved to other valid price lists. The moved lines receive the status of the target price list. This is used, for example, to archive price list lines that can be moved to an inactive price list.
  • Table 5048780 KVSKBASourceLocation is obsolete (#11432, KBA-1538)
    The logic for the source locations has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Data migration will not occur automatically because the new logic operates directly over the locations, and the data cannot be transferred on a 1 to 1 basis. Please review your data and migrate to the "New Load Carrier Posting System".
  • EventPublisher Codeunit KVSKBASalesLib - CheckCompleteDelivery() (#11437, KBA-1689)
    An OnBefore event was created for the CheckCompleteDelivery procedure.

24.2.1849.0 - 2024-06-13#


  • Description in the prepayment invoice line is not drawn correctly if “Compress Prepayment”=False (#11124, KBA-1632)
    The translation of the G/L account was always pulled, now it is only pulled if “Compress Prepayment”= True in the Sales Header.
  • Printing of comments on service invoice with double service item line (#11127, KBA-1634)
    Fixed a bug where service comments in the header were not printed or were printed incorrectly. These comments are now only printed if the “Show Internal Information” option is activated on the request page of the report.
  • Parameter ‘Use in dispatch order’ is not saved when leaving the line (#11225, KBA-1645)
    The current value of the parameter “Use in dispatch order” was overwritten when the line was created, this error has been fixed.
  • Package No. Information Card without Package No. (#11227, KBA-1640)
    It was possible to set a Package Type without a Package No., which created an empty Package Information Card. This bug has been fixed.
  • Value of goods in header is not updated for single parcel shipments (#11264, KBA-1660)
    The calculation of the value of goods for posted shipping orders in combination with single package deliveries was incorrect and has been corrected.
  • Put-away list printing not possible - transfer header missing (#11278, KBA-1664)
    Due to an error message it was not possible to print a putaway list that was created from a transfer order, this error has been fixed.


  • Display order confirmation in delivery reminder (#6595, KBA-736)
    Add the Order Confirmation No. to the Delivery Reminder and move fields in the delivery reminder reports.
  • Printout of the reminder level in the printout of the reminder (#10668, KBA-1540)
    Add reminder level from the reminder lines to the reminder report.
  • Sales Shipment: Show Line with Outstanding Quantities (#10781, KBA-1584)
    Only items are displayed if outstanding lines are set to be printed for a shipping document.
  • Deactivate editability of totals/bundle in purchase lines (#11030, KBA-1577)
    To avoid input errors, the “Line Amount” field for totals/bundles is not editable in the purchase line
  • Codeunit 5048786 KVSKBAPurchRcptCancelPostCU, Def() - Remove internal (#11097, KBA-1616)
    The internal in the procedure has been removed. But this functionality will be deleted as soon as the standard function for split quantities has been adapted.
  • UDI Label Interface Enhancementes (#11159, KBA-1488)
    Storage Handling Conditions and Critical Warnings can now be queried from the label interface from UDI. Additional values and comments of these data records are also transferred.

24.1.1773.0 - 2024-06-05#


  • New feature multiple page extension breaks dependent apps (#11160, KBA-1639)
    It is definitely a breaking change at the moment. MS will not currently fix the problem. The change has therefore been removed.

24.1.1695.0 - 2024-05-22#


  • Appsource Validation Error ES: Procedure GetRec has other parameters than W1 (#11103, KBA-1631)
    The GetRec procedure in the “Cust. Invoice Disc.” has one more parameter in ES than in the W1 version. The W1 function has been duplicated for use in the KBA.
  • Dispatch Order Create Error on Post --> Ship & Invoice (#10742, KBA-1492)
    A bug was fixed that prevented the posting of a dispatch order with a batch item under certain circumstances.
  • Option "One Order per Blanket Order" Problem with first line (#10904, KBA-1606)
    When assigning blanket orders when creating purchasing documents from the requisition worksheet, no data was saved for the blanket orders in the first line. This resulted in more orders than necessary. The data is now saved for each line.
  • Error when using service fee in combination with zero position not equal to No (#10921, KBA-1612)
    Fix a bug that appeared when releasing a sales order with a service charge with a null position.
  • Alternative line are copied from the quote to the order when the document is copied (#11027, KBA-1619)
    Alternative lines are no longer copied from the quote to other document types when the document is copied.
  • Production Order Cancel function calculates incorrect overhead costs (#11059, KBA-1615)
    When production orders are canceled, the calculation of overhead cost may contain errors in the calculation. This error has been fixed.


  • Dispatch Order with Pick and Warehouse Shipment (#3512, KBA-332)
    You now have the option to create a dispatch order directly when registering a warehouse pick. To display this option, you must activate the field "Create Dispatch Handling Order from Pick" in the corresponding location.
  • Dispatch Order value of goods not correct for Purchase Return Shipment (#3551, KBA-348)
    The value of goods calculation of the dispatch planning has been adjusted, in the default case the value of goods is now calculated using the unit cost and the current line quantity.
  • Dispatch Order - New function to insert Direct Transfer (Transfer Order) (#5230, KBA-722)
    The direct transfer order can now be used in the dispatch order.
  • Block and Unblock Items for the Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal (#7114, KBA-1168)
    So that the Phys. Invt. for a directed location can also be posted with blocked items, the page and the logic for temporary blocking and unblocking have also been added to the item journal line.
  • Error when inserting extended text via document line (#7889, KBA-1342)
    Fix a bug where the document text page was not editable when opend via the flowfield in a subform.
  • Extension V-Log interface shipping method (#10665, KBA-324)
    Add value send_versandart to VLOG export. The value can be deposited with the Shipping Agent Services.
  • Add Sales Order Type at Page Sales Credit Memo (#10723, KBA-1578)
    Field "Sales Order Type" was displayed in the sales credit memo. It works as on the sales return order.
  • Item category hierarchy in pricing (#10731, KBA-1576)
    The logic has been changed so that the Customer Price Group is only used by the Customer if there is no Customer Price Group from the item category (with search in the item category hierarchy) on the first hierarchy level.
  • Performance Issue Insert table Packaging Material Entry (#10818, KBA-1595)
    There was an issue on the insert of the table Packaging Material Entry if TriState was actived. This issue was solved.
  • Obsolete Page KVSKBASetupDataISVSolution KVSKBACompanyInitFramework and (#10836, KBA-1598)
    We will be redesigning the InitFramework and how creating setup data for the KUMAVISON Base Apop (BOOSTER), so the report 5048750 KVSKBAInitialisationofKFW + report KVSKBAInitializeCommAllowance, codeunit 5049749 KVSKBACompanyInitFramework and page 5049749 KVSKBASetupDataISVSolution will be obsolete.
  • Posted Sales Invoice: Search Shipment date with order no. of the line instead of the header field (#10841, KBA-1599)
    A possible performance problem when printing a posted sales invoice is prevented if the Order No. field is taken from the line instead of the header to search for the delivery date.
  • Field "Quantiy per Quantity (Base)" in table KVSKBAPackagingMaterialAssign new decimal places (#10848, KBA-1601)
    The number of decimal places for the Field Quantiy per Quantity (Base) has been increased from 2 to 5
  • Reprinting labels that have been created via the label interface using the archive (#10880, KBA-689)
    Using the Label Print Job Archive it is possible to transfer labels again to the label printing programs (supported web interfaces).
    The original information is transferred again.
  • Simplify label printing of variants (#10889, KBA-1593)
    Previously, a label assignment had to be made for each variant. However, this is quite inconvenient.
    We first check whether there is a label assignment to item no., variant and item unit.
    If this is not the case, we check without variant, i.e. only with item no. and item unit.
    If there is also no assignment, then we check with variant but without item unit, i.e. only with item no. and variant.
    If there is also no assignment, then we only check with the item no.
  • "Default Salesperson Code 2" for Service (Quote, Order, Invoice, Credit Memo) (#10899, KBA-1544)
    The "Default Salesperson Code 2" has been transferred from sales to service and is now also available here.
  • Changes Field Variant Mandatory (#11000, KBA-928)
    We now use the standard field “Variant Mandatory if Exists” with the possible inheritance from the inventory setup for the variant mandatory.
    We use the behavior of the standard, if variables exist the check is performed, otherwise not (compatibility of third-party apps and no logical break between MS and base). The check is called from the old locations in the KBA.
  • Duplicate page names due to additional module (#11063, KBA-1625)
    The page names for the Purchase Request Approval Workflow have been specified in more detail.

24.1.1686.0 - 2024-05-21#


This release has been withdrawn.

24.1.1679.0 - 2024-05-21#


This release has been withdrawn.

24.0.1397.0 - 2024-04-08#


  • Extended Cancellation - Input Check not in correct unit (#10623, KBA-1554)
    If the base unit of an item has a smaller quantity than that of a sales/purchase unit, an error occurred when checking the value.
    This error has been fixed.


  • Delete obsolete objects, functions and events (#8634, KBA-1525)
    Obsolete objects, functions and events have been deleted for BC24, including fieldstyle management.
  • KVSKBADefSalespersonCode2 in "Ship-to Address" for Sales (#10525, KBA-1379)
    We enhanced the Microsft Standard functionality for the “Salesperson Code” in the Ship To Adress with the “Salesperson Code” in the KUMAVISON BOOSTER Funktion.
  • Standard Service Block visible false (#10587, KBA-1478)
    The KUMAVISION base has its own fields for blocking the service. These are converted to the standard fields. Until then, the standard fields are hidden.

24.0.1345.0 - 2024-04-03#


  • Problem with Cover Sheet Report (#10658, KBA-1569)
    Problems with missing fields when activating the MS feature report layouts have been fixed.