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GetSessionAppStatus(Text, Version, Boolean, Integer, Enum KVSCORERegistrationCheckState, DateTime, Text, Text, Text, DateTime, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) :#

procedure GetSessionAppStatus(var appName: Text; var appVersion: Version; var httpRequestAllowed: Boolean; var accessLevel: Integer; var registrationState: Enum "KVSCORERegistrationCheckState"; var lastRegistrationCheckDateTime: DateTime; var uid: Text; var errorMessage: Text; var extendedData: Text; var userFirstOverrunDateTime: DateTime; var licenseExists: Boolean; var licenseIsValid: Boolean; var localLicenseEnabled: Boolean): 

GetSessionAppStatus(Guid, Text, Version, Boolean, Integer, Enum KVSCORERegistrationCheckState, DateTime, Text, Text, Text, DateTime, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) :#

procedure GetSessionAppStatus(var productId: Guid; var appName: Text; var appVersion: Version; var httpRequestAllowed: Boolean; var accessLevel: Integer; var registrationState: Enum "KVSCORERegistrationCheckState"; var lastRegistrationCheckDateTime: DateTime; var uid: Text; var errorMessage: Text; var extendedData: Text; var userFirstOverrunDateTime: DateTime; var licenseExists: Boolean; var licenseIsValid: Boolean; var localLicenseEnabled: Boolean): 

GetAppCenterInlineUrl() : Text#

Summary: GetAppCenterInlineUrl.

procedure GetAppCenterInlineUrl(): Text

Returns: Returns the URL of the account specific KUMAVISION AppCenter-Platform of the calling App.

GetAppCenterInlineUrl(Guid) : Text#

Summary: GetAppCenterInlineUrl.

procedure GetAppCenterInlineUrl(productId: Guid): Text


  • productId: Guid of the according app.

Returns: Returns the URL of the account specific KUMAVISION AppCenter-Platform of the given App-ID.

OpenBuyPackageSite() :#

Summary: OpenBuyPackageSite.

procedure OpenBuyPackageSite(): 


  • ``````:
  • productId: Guid of the according product/app.

Returns: Opens the URL of the account specific KUMAVISION AppCenter-Platform of the calling App to buy a new App-Package.

OpenBuyPackageSite(Guid) :#

Summary: OpenBuyPackageSite.

procedure OpenBuyPackageSite(productId: Guid): 


  • productId: Guid of the according product/app.

Returns: Opens the URL of the account specific KUMAVISION AppCenter-Platform of the given App-ID to buy a new App-Package.

CheckRegistration() :#

Summary: Runs the registration of the calling app.

procedure CheckRegistration(): 


  • ``````:
  • productId: Guid of the given product/app
  • productId: Guid of the given product/app

CheckRegistration(Guid) :#

Summary: /// Runs the registration of the calling app.

procedure CheckRegistration(productId: Guid): 


  • productId: Guid of the given product/app

ActionIsAllowed() : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the calling App is allowed or not. This call only requests usage of the calling app without special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Number of registered users is not requested. If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(): Boolean

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the calling App is allowed or not. This call only requests usage of the calling app without special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Number of registered users is not requested. If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(showError: Boolean): Boolean


  • showError: Defines if the monetization logic is able to break the logic by showing an error.

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID is allowed or not. This call only requests usage of the given app without special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Number of registered users is not requested. If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID is allowed or not. This call only requests usage of the given app without special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Number of registered users is not requested. If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid; showError: Boolean): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app
  • showError: Defines if the monetization logic is able to break the logic by showing an error.

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID and given module ID is allowed or not. This call requests usage of the given app including given special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Number of registered users is also requested. If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid; moduleID: Text): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app
  • moduleID: Unique ID of the special module to check

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid, Text, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID and given module ID is allowed or not. This call requests usage of the given app including given special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Check of registered Number of users can be included using parameter "doCheckUsers". If action is not allowed, an error will be raised.

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid; moduleID: Text; doCheckUsers: Boolean): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app
  • moduleID: Unique ID of the special module to check
  • doCheckUsers: Boolean-Switch to also do check of registered number of users

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid, Text, Boolean, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID and given module ID is allowed or not. This call requests usage of the given app including given special module request. Requested quantity for usage is 1. Check of registered Number of users can be included using parameter "doCheckUsers". Raising of an error depends on given parameter "showError".

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid; moduleID: Text; doCheckUsers: Boolean; showError: Boolean): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app
  • moduleID: Unique ID of the special module to check
  • doCheckUsers: Boolean-Switch to also do check of registered number of users
  • showError: Boolean-Switch to set whether an error should be raised

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

ActionIsAllowed(Guid, Text, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether usage of the given App-ID and given module ID is allowed or not. This call requests usage of the given app including given special module request. The requested quantity for usage is defined by parameter "licensedQuantity". Check of registered Number of users can be included using parameter "doCheckUsers". Raising of an error depends on given parameter "showError".

procedure ActionIsAllowed(appID: Guid; moduleID: Text; licensedQuantity: Integer; doCheckUsers: Boolean; showError: Boolean): Boolean


  • appID: Guid of the according app
  • moduleID: Unique ID of the special module to check
  • licensedQuantity: Integer value to set the neccessary quantity for checking registration
  • doCheckUsers: Boolean-Switch to also do check of registered number of users
  • showError: Boolean-Switch to set whether an error should be raised

Returns: Returns a Boolean-Variable whether Action is allowed or not

AddUsage(Integer) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to add used quantity to usage based monetization

procedure AddUsage(usedQuantity: Integer): 


  • usedQuantity: Integer value of the used quantity to added to the monetization usage

AddUsage(Guid, Integer) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to add used quantity to usage based monetization

procedure AddUsage(productId: Guid; usedQuantity: Integer): 


  • productId: Guid of the according product/app.
  • usedQuantity: Integer value of the used quantity to added to the monetization usage


OnBeforeCollectAppSourceAppsToLicense(Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnBeforeCollectAppSourceAppsToLicense(var appsDict: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSCORERegistrationManagement", 'OnBeforeCollectAppSourceAppsToLicense', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCollectAppSourceAppsToLicense(var appsDict: Dictionary)

OnBeforeCheckUserCollectModuleIds(Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnBeforeCheckUserCollectModuleIds(var userModulesDict: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSCORERegistrationManagement", 'OnBeforeCheckUserCollectModuleIds', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCheckUserCollectModuleIds(var userModulesDict: Dictionary)

OnBeforeNotLicensedGetModuleName(Text, Text) :#

Summary: Is used to get the name of the according module before throwing the message about missing license.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnBeforeNotLicensedGetModuleName(moduleID: Text; var moduleName: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSCORERegistrationManagement", 'OnBeforeNotLicensedGetModuleName', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeNotLicensedGetModuleName(moduleID: Text; var moduleName: Text)


  • moduleID: Defines the ID of the module to return the name for
  • moduleName: Returns the name of the searched module with moduleID