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GetCoreRegistrationImplementationEventId() : Text#

Summary: Returns the event id of the core registration implementation event.

procedure GetCoreRegistrationImplementationEventId(): Text

Returns: KVS001

GetNotificationSendEventId() : Text#

Summary: Returns the event id of the notification send event.

procedure GetNotificationSendEventId(): Text

Returns: KVS002

GetNotificationActionHandlerEventId() : Text#

Summary: Returns the event id of the notification action handler event.

procedure GetNotificationActionHandlerEventId(): Text

Returns: KVS003

GetNotificationRecallEventId() : Text#

Summary: Returns the event id of the notification recall event.

procedure GetNotificationRecallEventId(): Text

Returns: KVS004

GetFeatureTelemetryEventId() : Text#

Summary: Returns the event id of the feature telemetry event.

procedure GetFeatureTelemetryEventId(): Text

Returns: KVS005

FeatureTelemetry() : Codeunit#

Summary: Returns an Instance of the Feature Telemetry codeunit.

procedure FeatureTelemetry(): Codeunit

Telemetry() : Codeunit#

Summary: Returns an Instance of the Telemetry codeunit.

procedure Telemetry(): Codeunit