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HandleNotificationActionOpenAssistedSetup(Notification) :#

Summary: This procedure is used as notification handler to call the assisted setup of the "DMS & ECM Interface" App.

procedure HandleNotificationActionOpenAssistedSetup(SetupNotification: Notification): 


  • SetupNotification: Notification.

GetDefaultStoDefCodeAndDescription(Integer, Code[20], Text[100]) :#

Summary: Gets a default Storage Definition Code and Description. This procedure can be used to calculate a default code and description based on the caption of the given table.

procedure GetDefaultStoDefCodeAndDescription(tableID: Integer; var defCode: Code[20]; var defDescription: Text[100]): 


  • tableID: Integer specifies the unique id of the table to return a default storage definition code and description for.
  • defCode: VAR Code[20] defines the calculated code to return.
  • defDescription: VAR Text[100] defines the calculated description to return.

GetDefaultStoDefCodeAndDescription(Text, Code[20], Text[100]) :#

Summary: Gets a default Storage Definition Code and Description. This procedure can be used to calculate a default code and description based on the caption of the given table.

procedure GetDefaultStoDefCodeAndDescription(sourceText: Text; var defCode: Code[20]; var defDescription: Text[100]): 


  • sourceText: Text specifies the default source text for which the preocedure needs to return a default storage definition code and description for.
  • defCode: VAR Code[20] defines the calculated code to return.
  • defDescription: VAR Text[100] defines the calculated description to return.

CreateTemporaryStorageDefinition(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Code[20], Text[100], Integer) :#

Summary: Create a temporary storage definition and add it to the temporary list.

procedure CreateTemporaryStorageDefinition(var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary; newCode: Code[20]; newDescription: Text[100]; newTableID: Integer): 


  • TempStorageDefinition: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the temporary list of.
  • newCode: Code[20] defines the unique code to create a new definition with.
  • newDescription: Text[100] defines the description of the storage definition to use.
  • newTableID: Integer specifies the id of the underlying table.

CreateTemporaryStorageDefinition(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Code[20], Text[100], Integer, Integer, Text) :#

Summary: Create a temporary storage definition and add it to the temporary list.

procedure CreateTemporaryStorageDefinition(var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary; newCode: Code[20]; newDescription: Text[100]; newTableID: Integer; filterFieldID: Integer; filterText: Text): 


  • TempStorageDefinition: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the temporary list.
  • newCode: Code[20] defines the unique code to create a new definition with.
  • newDescription: Text[100] defines the description of the storage definition to use.
  • newTableID: Integer specifies the id of the underlying table.
  • filterFieldID: Integer specifies the id of the field to set a filter on to.
  • filterText: Text specifies the textual form of the filter to use on the given filterFieldID.

CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionPlaceholder(Record KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder, Code[20], Enum KVSDMSDataSource, Integer, Integer, Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions) :#

Summary: Create a temporary storage definition placeholder and add it to the temporary list.

procedure CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionPlaceholder(var TempPlaceholder: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder" temporary; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; dataSource: Enum "KVSDMSDataSource"; tableNo: Integer; fieldNo: Integer; functionName: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"): 


  • TempPlaceholder: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder specifies the temporary list.
  • storageDefinitionCode: Code[20] specifies the unique code of the storage definition to add this placeholder definition to.
  • dataSource: Enum KVSDMSDataSource specifies the data source for the placeholder.
  • tableNo: Integer defines the table no. to use for the according placeholder entry.
  • fieldNo: Integer defines the id of the according table for the placeholder entry.
  • functionName: Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions specifies the function to use if data source is of type Function.

CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionTag(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag, Code[20], Code[20], Enum KVSDMSDataSource, Integer, Integer, Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions) :#

Summary: Create a temporary storage definition tag and add it to the temporary list.

procedure CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionTag(var TempTags: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag" temporary; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; tagCode: Code[20]; dataSource: Enum "KVSDMSDataSource"; tableNo: Integer; fieldNo: Integer; functionName: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"): 


  • TempTags: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag specifies the temporary list.
  • storageDefinitionCode: Code[20] specifies the unique code of the storage definition to add this tag definition to.
  • tagCode: Code[20] specifies the code of the tag to add.
  • dataSource: Enum KVSDMSDataSource specifies the data source for the tag.
  • tableNo: Integer defines the table no. to use for the according tag entry.
  • fieldNo: Integer defines the id of the according table for the tag entry.
  • functionName: Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions specifies the function to use if data source is of type Function.

CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionTag(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag, Code[20], Enum KVSDMSPredefinedTagType, Enum KVSDMSDataSource, Integer, Integer, Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions) :#

Summary: Create a temporary storage definition tag and add it to the temporary list.

procedure CreateTemporaryStorageDefinitionTag(var TempTags: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag" temporary; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; predefinedTagType: Enum "KVSDMSPredefinedTagType"; dataSource: Enum "KVSDMSDataSource"; tableNo: Integer; fieldNo: Integer; functionName: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"): 


  • TempTags: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag specifies the temporary list.
  • storageDefinitionCode: Code[20] specifies the unique code of the storage definition to add this tag definition to.
  • predefinedTagType: Enum KVSDMSPredefinedTagType specifies the pre-defined tag type to create a tag for. The code of the tag will be created automatically.
  • dataSource: Enum KVSDMSDataSource specifies the data source for the tag.
  • tableNo: Integer defines the table no. to use for the according tag entry.
  • fieldNo: Integer defines the id of the according table for the tag entry.
  • functionName: Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions specifies the function to use if data source is of type Function.

CreateExtTableRelationHeader(Integer, Integer, Text[100], Record KVSDMSExtTableRelHeader) : Boolean#

Summary: Create a new extended table relation header.

procedure CreateExtTableRelationHeader(fromTableID: Integer; toTableID: Integer; description: Text[100]; var extTableRelationHeader: Record "KVSDMSExtTableRelHeader"): Boolean


  • fromTableID: Integer specifies the source table to use.
  • toTableID: Integer specifies the target table to use.
  • description: Text[100] specifies the description to use.
  • extTableRelationHeader: VAR Record KVSDMSExtTableRelHeader defines the returnable created record.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies whether the procedure call has been successfull.

CreateExtTableRelationLine(Integer, Integer, Enum KVSDMSExtTableRelLineValueType, Integer, Text[250]) :#

Summary: Create extended table relation line.

procedure CreateExtTableRelationLine(tableRelationHeaderNo: Integer; toFieldNo: Integer; valueType: Enum "KVSDMSExtTableRelLineValueType"; fromFieldNo: Integer; fromConstantValue: Text[250]): 


  • tableRelationHeaderNo: Integer defines the unique no. of the table relation header you want to add a line to.
  • toFieldNo: Integer specifies the field no. of the target table record.
  • valueType: Enum KVSDMSExtTableRelLineValueType of the connection. Can be "Field" for a linked table field or "Constant" for recognizing a constant value.
  • fromFieldNo: Integer specifies the field no. of the source table record.
  • fromConstantValue: Text[250] specifies the constant value to set the table relation line link to.


OnCreateStorageDefinitionBeforeModify(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCreateStorageDefinitionBeforeModify(var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnCreateStorageDefinitionBeforeModify', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateStorageDefinitionBeforeModify(var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary)

OnCreateStorageDefinitionAfterModify(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCreateStorageDefinitionAfterModify(var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnCreateStorageDefinitionAfterModify', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateStorageDefinitionAfterModify(var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary)

OnAfterLoadTemporarySupportedStorageDefinitions(Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Record KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag, Record KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterLoadTemporarySupportedStorageDefinitions(var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary; var TempPlaceholder: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder" temporary; var TempTags: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag" temporary; var TempSubDirectories: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory" temporary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnAfterLoadTemporarySupportedStorageDefinitions', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterLoadTemporarySupportedStorageDefinitions(var TempStorageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition" temporary; var TempPlaceholder: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefPlaceholder" temporary; var TempTags: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinitionTag" temporary; var TempSubDirectories: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory" temporary)

OnGetNoOfAssistedSetupSteps(Integer) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnGetNoOfAssistedSetupSteps(var noOfSteps: Integer): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnGetNoOfAssistedSetupSteps', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnGetNoOfAssistedSetupSteps(var noOfSteps: Integer)

OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsBeforeAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions() :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsBeforeAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions(): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsBeforeAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsBeforeAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions()

OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsAfterAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions() :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsAfterAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions(): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSSetup", 'OnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsAfterAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterCreatePredefinedExtTableRelationsAfterAutoUpdateTableRelDescriptions()