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OnBeforeSendInfoRequestToPrinter(Record KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader, Record KVSMEDCommunicationDocument, Boolean) :#

Summary: This integration event is triggered before sending an information request to the printer. This event allows subscribers to implement custom logic before the information request is sent to the printer. If the event is handled by a subscriber (IsHandled is set to true), the default printing logic will be bypassed.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSendInfoRequestToPrinter(var KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader: Record "KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader"; var KVSMEDCommunicationDocument: Record "KVSMEDCommunicationDocument"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMEDInfoRequestOutputLib", 'OnBeforeSendInfoRequestToPrinter', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeSendInfoRequestToPrinter(var KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader: Record "KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader"; var KVSMEDCommunicationDocument: Record "KVSMEDCommunicationDocument"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


  • KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader: The record of type KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader that holds the header information of the information request.
  • KVSMEDCommunicationDocument: The record of type KVSMEDCommunicationDocument that holds the document information related to the communication.
  • IsHandled: A boolean flag that indicates whether the event has been handled by a subscriber. If set to true, the default handling of the event will be skipped.