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GeneralFieldsCheck(Variant, Boolean) : Boolean#

procedure GeneralFieldsCheck(var RecordForCheckVariant: Variant; RunWizzardPagePar: Boolean): Boolean

EditCust(Record Customer) :#

procedure EditCust(var Customer: Record "Customer"): 

FinishCustomer(Record Customer, Boolean) :#

Summary: This function is for external usage to process mandatory checking and set maintenance status for customer Parameter "RunWizzardPage" gives the choice to run this function with using of the wizzard page and display and rework abort and notes messages. If parameter "RunWizzardPage" is set to false the wizzard will not run only the checks of type "Action" are considered! This function consider also the checking of assigned partner roles.

procedure FinishCustomer(var Customer: Record "Customer"; RunWizzardPage: Boolean): 


  • Customer:
  • RunWizzardPage:

EditVend(Record Vendor) :#

procedure EditVend(var Vendor: Record "Vendor"): 

EditItem(Record Item) :#

procedure EditItem(var ItemVar: Record "Item"): 

FinishItem(Record Item, Boolean) :#

Summary: This function is for external usage to process mandatory checking and set maintenance status for item Parameter "RunWizzardPage" gives the choice to run this function with using of the wizzard page and display and rework abort and notes messages. If parameter "RunWizzardPager" is set to false the wizzard will not run only the checks of type "Action" are considered!

procedure FinishItem(var Item: Record "Item"; RunWizzardPage: Boolean): 


  • Item:
  • RunWizzardPage:

FinishContact(Record Contact, Boolean) :#

Summary: This function starts the mandatory field checking for a contact and according to the status of checks releases the record. This function also consider the assigned partner roles to the contact

procedure FinishContact(var Contact: Record "Contact"; RunWizzardPage: Boolean): 


  • Contact:
  • RunWizzardPage:


OnCheckMaintenanceCompleteOnFinishSNInformation(Record Serial No. Information, Boolean, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckMaintenanceCompleteOnFinishSNInformation(var serialNoInformation: Record "Serial No. Information"; runWizzardPage: Boolean; var MaintenanceCompletedLoc: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMEDMandatoryFieldsLibTrade", 'OnCheckMaintenanceCompleteOnFinishSNInformation', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCheckMaintenanceCompleteOnFinishSNInformation(var serialNoInformation: Record "Serial No. Information"; runWizzardPage: Boolean; var MaintenanceCompletedLoc: Boolean)