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SetDocumentForPrintJobDocEntry(Integer, Integer, Enum KVSMEDPPDocumentType, InStream) :#

Summary: Handles the setup of a document for a print job entry. This procedure takes the parameters of print job entry number, document ID, document type, and an input stream. It creates a new record in the TempPrintJobDocument table and fills the fields with the provided values. Then, it creates an output stream from the document field, copies the content from the input stream, and updates the record.

procedure SetDocumentForPrintJobDocEntry(PrintJobEntryNo: Integer; DocumentId: Integer; KVSMEDPPDocumentType: Enum "KVSMEDPPDocumentType"; InStream: InStream): 


  • PrintJobEntryNo: The number of the print job entry
  • DocumentId: The ID of the document
  • KVSMEDPPDocumentType: The type of the document, represented by an enumeration
  • InStream: The input stream containing the document data