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ArchiveDocCounter(Dictionary, Boolean, Integer) : Text#

procedure ArchiveDocCounter(AdditionalValues: Dictionary; OnlyWithAttachedFilePar: Boolean; var numberOfDocumentsPar: Integer): Text

ArchiveDocumentWithoutFM(Record KVSMTCDIIMDocument, Dictionary, Text[250], Boolean) : Text#

procedure ArchiveDocumentWithoutFM(var IMDocumentVar: Record "KVSMTCDIIMDocument"; AdditionalValues: Dictionary; CategoryPar: Text[250]; IMDocTemporary: Boolean): Text

ArchiveDocumentWithStatus(Record KVSMTCDIIMDocument, Integer, Text[1024], Integer, Boolean, Dictionary, Boolean, Text[250]) : Text#

procedure ArchiveDocumentWithStatus(var IMDocumentVar: Record "KVSMTCDIIMDocument"; TableIDPar: Integer; RecPositionPar: Text[1024]; FldMapPar: Integer; SetStatusPar: Boolean; AdditionalValues: Dictionary; IMDocTemporary: Boolean; CategoryPar: Text[250]): Text

CreateAdditionalValues(Dictionary, Integer, Text, Integer, Text) : Boolean#

procedure CreateAdditionalValues(var AdditionalValues: Dictionary; TableIDPar: Integer; RecPositionPar: Text; FldMapPar: Integer; var ErrorTextVar: Text): Boolean

DMSIsActive() : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether the DMS interface is active. This function should be called before using any other interface function.

procedure DMSIsActive(): Boolean

Returns: True --> DMS interface is active. False --> DMS interface is not active

GetArchivedDoc(Dictionary, Record KVSMTCDIIMDocument) : Integer#

procedure GetArchivedDoc(var IndexFields: Dictionary; var di-IM DocumentPar: Record "KVSMTCDIIMDocument"): Integer

GetArchivedDocsWithIndex(Dictionary, Record KVSMTCDIIMDocument, Record KVSMTCDIQueryResultBlob, Record KVSMTCDIQueryResultIndex, Boolean, Text[250]) : Integer#

procedure GetArchivedDocsWithIndex(var IndexFields: Dictionary; var di-IM DocumentPar: Record "KVSMTCDIIMDocument"; var di-QueryResultBlobPar: Record "KVSMTCDIQueryResultBlob"; var di-QueryResultIndexPar: Record "KVSMTCDIQueryResultIndex"; GetFilesPar: Boolean; SchemaPar: Text[250]): Integer

GetSchemaDictonary(Text) : Dictionary#

Summary: Returns a dictonary of of index fields in a given schema

procedure GetSchemaDictonary(Schema: Text): Dictionary


  • Schema: Schema from witch the index fields are returned

Returns: Dictonary of index fields in the given schema

GetStandardReportFieldMapping(Text) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for report archiving for a given table

procedure GetStandardReportFieldMapping(TableName: Text): Integer


  • TableName: Table name to return the default fieldmapping

Returns: Default fieldmapping for report archiving

GetStandardReportFieldMapping(Text, Integer) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for report archiving for a given table

procedure GetStandardReportFieldMapping(TableName: Text; ReportID: Integer): Integer


  • TableName: Table name to return the default fieldmapping
  • ReportID: For this report the Fieldmapping is searched. If no special fieldmapping exists, the standard fieldmapping for the table is used

Returns: Default fieldmapping for report archiving

GetStandardReportFieldMappingForRecord(RecordRef) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for report archiving for a given table

procedure GetStandardReportFieldMappingForRecord(RecordRef: RecordRef): Integer


  • RecRef: Record to find fieldmapping for

Returns: Default fieldmapping for report archiving

GetStandardReportFieldMappingForRecord(RecordRef, Integer) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for report archiving for a given table

procedure GetStandardReportFieldMappingForRecord(RecordRef: RecordRef; ReportID: Integer): Integer


  • RecRef: Record to find fieldmapping for
  • ReportID: For this report the Fieldmapping is searched. If no special fieldmapping exists, the standard fieldmapping for the table is used

Returns: Default fieldmapping for report archiving

GetStandardFieldMapping(Text, Boolean) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for archiving or query for a given table

procedure GetStandardFieldMapping(TableName: Text; ForArchiving: Boolean): Integer


  • TableName: Table name to return the default fieldmapping
  • ForArchiving: True --> archiving. False --> query.

Returns: Default fieldmapping for archiving or query

GetStandardFieldMappingForRecord(RecordRef, Boolean) : Integer#

Summary: Returns the default fieldmapping for archiving or query for a given record

procedure GetStandardFieldMappingForRecord(RecRef: RecordRef; ForArchiving: Boolean): Integer


  • RecRef: Record to find fieldmapping for
  • ForArchiving: True --> archiving. False --> query.

Returns: Default fieldmapping for archiving or query

GetStandardFieldMappingSchema(Text, Boolean) : Text#

procedure GetStandardFieldMappingSchema(TableName: Text; ForArchiving: Boolean): Text