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SetSourceRecord(Variant) :#

Summary: Set source record for displaying record assigned storage documents within factbox.

procedure SetSourceRecord(recVariant: Variant): 


  • recVariant: The given Record which the factbox data should be assigned to.

ClearSource() :#

Summary: This procedure can be used in order to remove the bounding of the factbox to an sub record of a list. For example, there can be a factbox assigned to an item record used within the Production Order Components page. If the item itself of a component does not exist, you need to clear the factbox as there is no assigned record.

procedure ClearSource(): 

SetFindSourceRecordByFilters(Boolean) :#

Summary: Set find source record by filters. If set to true, the factbox will get it`s entries by using the source table primary key field filters instead of the given record.

procedure SetFindSourceRecordByFilters(newValue: Boolean): 


  • newValue: Boolean value specifying whether to find the source record by filters instead of transfering the source recors itself.

SetEnforceDisableUpload(Boolean) :#

Summary: Set enforce disable upload. This procedure can be called in order to suppreee the display of the upload functionality e.g. of a sub record.

procedure SetEnforceDisableUpload(newValue: Boolean): 


  • newValue: Boolean value specifies whether you want to suppress the upload functionality within the factbox.

SetForCompanyCode(Text) :#

Summary: Set the Company Code to handle values for.

procedure SetForCompanyCode(newValue: Text): 


  • newValue: Text that specifies the company code.