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SetParameterForRecordRelatedFiles(RecordRef, Boolean) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to call the document search page related to a record. This procedure must be called to set parameters on page document search just before opening the page itself using .Run oder .RunModal calls.

procedure SetParameterForRecordRelatedFiles(baseRecRef: RecordRef; newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Boolean): 


  • baseRecRef: Given referenced record for which you want to call the document search page for.
  • newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Activate this flag in order to execute the search automatically whith opening the page. Set to false if you want to set more filter criteria manually.

SetParameterForSearchByDefinition(RecordRef, Code[20], Boolean) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to call the document search page with informations related to a record and a search definition. This procedure must be called to set parameters on page document search just before opening the page itself using .Run oder .RunModal calls.

procedure SetParameterForSearchByDefinition(baseRecRef: RecordRef; searchDefinition: Code[20]; newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Boolean): 


  • baseRecRef: Given referenced record for which you want to call the document search page for.
  • searchDefinition: Search Definition Code which should be used for search.
  • newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Activate this flag in order to execute the search automatically whith opening the page. Set to false if you want to set more filter criteria manually.

SetParameterForSearchByText(Text, Boolean) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to call the document search page with a given search text. This procedure must be called to set parameters on page document search just before opening the page itself using .Run oder .RunModal calls.

procedure SetParameterForSearchByText(newSearchText: Text; newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Boolean): 


  • newSearchText: Given search text for which you want to call the document search page for.
  • newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Activate this flag in order to execute the search automatically whith opening the page. Set to false if you want to set more filter criteria manually.

SetParameterForSearchByTags(Record KVSDMSArchivingTagCode, Boolean, Boolean) :#

Summary: Use this procedure in order to call the document search page with a given set of filtered archiving tags and values. This procedure must be called to set parameters on page document search just before opening the page itself using .Run oder .RunModal calls.

procedure SetParameterForSearchByTags(var TempTags: Record "KVSDMSArchivingTagCode" temporary; newFindDocsWithSingleTagMatch: Boolean; newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Boolean): 


  • TempTags: Given temporary set of archiving tag codes and values used as filter criteria to call the document search page for.
  • newFindDocsWithSingleTagMatch: Specifies if documents should be shown in the search results if matching not all tags but at least a single one.
  • newExecuteSearchOnOpenPage: Activate this flag in order to execute the search automatically whith opening the page. Set to false if you want to set more filter criteria manually.