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This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.


InitPage(Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the function will not be available in the future.', '18.3')]
procedure InitPage(ForItem: Boolean): 

LoadItem(Record Item) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the function will not be available in the future.', '18.3')]
procedure LoadItem(Item: Record "Item"): 

LoadCustomer(Record Customer) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the function will not be available in the future.', '18.3')]
procedure LoadCustomer(Customer: Record "Customer"):