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GetCreateJobPurchaseParameters(Record KVSPSACreateJobPurchParameters) :#

Summary: Get Definitions from Global ParameterTable

procedure GetCreateJobPurchaseParameters(var CreateJobPurchParameters: Record "KVSPSACreateJobPurchParameters"): 

GetDef(Code[20], Enum KVSPSAPurchDocTypeCreatePSP, Boolean, Code[10], Code[10]) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

Summary: Get Definitions from global variables

[Obsolete('Use New Function GetCreateJobPurchaseParameters and the new Parameter Table', '23.2')]
procedure GetDef(var DefJobNo: Code[20]; var DefDocType: Enum "KVSPSAPurchDocTypeCreatePSP"; var DefJobAdress: Boolean; var ReqWhseTemplate: Code[10]; var ReqWhseName: Code[10]): 

GetShipToLocationAddress(Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

Summary: Get value of variable GetShipToLocationAddress

[Obsolete('Use New Function GetCreateJobPurchaseParameters and the new Parameter Table', '23.2')]
procedure GetShipToLocationAddress(var ShipToLocationAddress: Boolean): 

Protected Variables#


Type: Record (KVSPSACreateJobPurchParameters)