KVSPSA Job Budget Line#
Name | Type | Note |
Job No. | Code[20] | |
Phase Code | Code[20] | |
Task Code | Code[20] | |
Step Code | Code[20] | |
Type | Enum (KVSPSAJobBudgetLineType) | |
No. | Code[20] | |
Starting Date | Date | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Quantity (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Direct Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
Total Cost (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Unit Price (LCY) | Decimal | |
Total Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Line Discount % | Decimal | |
Line Discount Amount (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Resource Group No. | Code[20] | |
Customer Disc. Group | Code[20] | |
Customer Price Group | Code[10] | |
Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Job Budget Quote Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Job Budget Order Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Res.Gr.JobBudg.Quote Qty. (B) | Decimal | FlowField |
Res.Gr.JobBudg.Order Qty. (B) | Decimal | FlowField |
Job Budget Name | Code[10] | |
Version No. | Code[20] | |
PSP Line No. | Integer | |
Line No. | Integer | |
Work Package Code | Code[20] | |
Active | Boolean | |
Usage Inv. Qty. | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Inv. Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Cost (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Usage Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Job Time Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Ending Date | Date | |
Resource Filter | Code[20] | FlowFilter |
PSPLineWorkStatus | Enum (KVSPSAWorkStatusType) | |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] | |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] | |
Dimension Set ID | Integer | |
Transfer to Purchase | Boolean | |
Transfer to Job Shipment | Boolean | |
No IC-Transfer | Boolean | |
Transfer to Transfer | Boolean | |
KVSPSAInvoicing Type | Enum (KVSPSAPspInvoicingType) | |
Work Type Code | Code[10] | |
Requisition | Boolean | |
Qty. in Purchase Order (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. Delivered in Purchase (B) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Purchase Quote (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. Delivered in Pur. n. inv. | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in unp. Job Shipment (B) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in post. Job Shipment (B) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Requ.-Lines (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Job Inventory (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Location Code | Code[10] | |
Bin Code | Code[20] | |
Qty. Time Obligo (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Reserved Quantity | Decimal | FlowField |
Reserve | Enum Reserve Method | |
Reserved Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
WP BOM Qty. | Decimal | |
Unit of Measure Code | Code[10] | |
Quantity | Decimal | FlowField |
Invoicing Quantity (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Invoicing Qty. per UOM | Decimal | |
Invoicing Quantity | Decimal | FlowField |
Invoicing Unit Cost (LCY) | Decimal | |
KVSPSAInvoicUnitOfMeasureCode | Code[10] | |
Purch. Unit Price (LCY) | Decimal | |
Act. Sales Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Act. Sales Price (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Act. Sales Line Amount (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Act. Sales Line Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Manual Description | Boolean | |
Posting Progress % | Decimal | |
Job Person Responsible | Code[20] | FlowField |
WBS Line Subproject Manager | Code[20] | FlowField |
Invoicing Qty. % | Decimal | |
Chargeable | Boolean | |
Profit | Decimal | FlowField |
Actual Profit | Decimal | |
Actual Profit Percent | Decimal | |
Usage Res. Grp. Qty. (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sales Order No. | Code[20] | FlowField |
Sales Order No. by ToDoNo | Code[20] | FlowField |
Closing Date | Date | |
KVSPSA25er Progress | Enum (KVSPSA25erProgressType) | |
Internal Resource | Boolean | |
Show in Res. Capacity Plan | Boolean | |
Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Transfer Budget Txt into Purch | Boolean | |
Transfer Budget Txt into Sales | Boolean | |
Alt. Sales Description | Text[100] | |
Alt. Sales Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Alt. Purch. Description | Text[100] | |
Alt. Purch. Description 2 | Text[50] | |
Duration in Days | Integer | |
Planning Type | Option | OptionMembers: Automatic,Manual |
Factor 2 | Decimal | |
Factor 3 | Decimal | |
Factorresult 1 | Decimal | |
Factorresult 2 | Decimal | |
Factorresult 3 | Decimal | |
Calc. 1 % | Decimal | |
Calc. 2 % | Decimal | |
Calc. 3 % | Decimal | |
Base Amount for Calc. 2 | Decimal | |
Base Amount for Calc. 3 | Decimal | |
Qty. post. Inv. Ledger | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Qty. post. Inv. Ledger | Decimal | FlowField |
Manual Direct Unit Cost | Boolean | |
Order Qty. (Base) | Decimal | |
PSP Line Description | Text[100] | FlowField |
Fixed Job Price | Boolean | |
Order Qty. | Decimal | |
Purchase By Vendor | Code[20] | |
PSP Line Pos. No. | Code[20] | FlowField |
PSPLineStatus | Enum Job Status | FlowField |
Transfer-from Code | Code[10] | |
Purchase without Job No. | Boolean | |
Vendor Language Code | Code[10] | |
Calc. Defaults Applied | Boolean | |
Progress % | Integer | |
To-Do No. | Code[20] | |
Status | Enum (KVSPSAJobBudgetStatus) | |
Priority | Option | OptionMembers: Low,Normal,High |
Qty. to Complete | Decimal | |
Estimated Qty. to Complete | Decimal | |
Estimated Amt to Compl. (LCY) | Decimal | |
No. of Precursors | Integer | FlowField |
Precursors | Text[250] | |
No. of Successors | Integer | FlowField |
Successors | Text[250] | |
Fixed Starting Date | Boolean | |
Fixed Ending Date | Boolean | |
New Starting Date (PL) | Date | |
New Ending Date (PL) | Date | |
New Duration in Days (PL) | Integer | |
Planning Conflict (PL) | Boolean | |
Source IC Partner Bud.Line No. | Integer | |
Status IC Post Processing | Option | OptionMembers: ,Open,Processed |
Source IC Partner To-Do No. | Code[20] | |
Qty. IC Obligo (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Price IC Obligo (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Stock Liability | Decimal | FlowField |
Sell-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Sell-to Customer Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Bill-to Customer No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-to Customer Name | Text[100] | FlowField |
Manual Sales Price | Boolean | |
Job Invoice Currency Code | Code[10] | FlowField |
Invoice Currency Date | Date | |
Invoice Currency Factor | Decimal | |
Sales Price in FCY | Boolean | |
Unit Price (ICY) | Decimal | |
Total Price (ICY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Line Discount Amount (ICY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Sales Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Purch. Unit Price | Decimal | |
Job Description | Text[100] | FlowField |
Job Description 2 | Text[50] | FlowField |
Variant Code | Code[10] | |
Qty. per Unit of Measure | Decimal | |
Planned | Boolean | |
Item Reference No. | Code[50] | |
Item Reference Unit of Measure | Code[10] | |
Item Reference Type | Enum Item Reference Type | |
Item Reference Type No. | Code[30] | |
Version No. Option | Option | OptionMembers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 |
Job Inventory | Decimal | FlowField |
Inventory | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. on Purch. Order | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. on Sales Order | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. on Service Order | Decimal | FlowField |
In Resource Planing | Boolean | |
Qty. in Prod. Order (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Assembly Order (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Transfer Order (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Tran. Rct. Line (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Tran. Shp. Line (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. in Order Quote (Base) | Decimal | FlowField |
Price Calculation Method | Enum Price Calculation Method | |
Cost Calculation Method | Enum Price Calculation Method | |
Created by Sales Document | Boolean | |
Last Unit Cost Update | Date | |
Last Unit Cost Update User | Code[50] | |
Sliding Average Unit Cost | Boolean | |
Last Unit Cost | Decimal | |
Quantity (Base) WBS/Budget | Decimal | |
Usage Quantity (Base) W/B | Decimal | |
Qty. Time Commitm. (Base) W/B | Decimal | |
Distribution Calc. Formula | Code[20] | |
Quantity Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Quantity Unassigned | Decimal | |
Period Unit Type | Enum (KVSPSAPeriodUnitType) | |
Quantity Periods | Integer | |
Quantity (Actual) | Decimal | |
Rem. Quantity (Usage) | Decimal | |
Sales Total (Open) | Decimal | |
Qty. (Planned in Fut.) | Decimal | |
Last Planning Update | Date | |
Last Invoicing Update | Date | |
Invoicing Quantity Fixed | Boolean | |
Hide Invoicing | Boolean | |
Inv. Quantity Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Qty. Unassigned | Decimal | |
Inv. Quantity (Open) | Decimal | |
Starting Date Filter | Date | FlowFilter |
Inv. Amount Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Inv. Amount Unassigned | Decimal | |
Outst. Order Amount | Decimal | FlowField |
Do not Calc. Distr. Sugg. Line | Boolean | |
Period Filter Code | Code[20] | |
Last Manual Update | Date | |
Amount Periods | Decimal | |
Matrix Line No. | Integer | |
Distribution Level Type | Enum (KVSPSADistributionLevelType) | FlowField |
Quantity Act. + Comm. | Decimal | |
Remaining Quantity | Decimal | |
Inv. Qty. Act. + Comm. | Decimal | |
Remaining Inv. Quantity | Decimal | |
Total Cost Act. + Comm. | Decimal | |
Remaining Total Cost | Decimal | |
Remaining Total Price | Decimal | |
Total Cost Commitment | Decimal | |
Quantity Origin | Decimal | |
Inv. Quantity Origin | Decimal | |
Total Cost Origin | Decimal | |
Total Price Origin | Decimal | |
Time Com. (Inv. Qty) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost Obligo (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Commitment (LCY) | Decimal | FlowField |
Transfer Addition | Boolean | |
Is Addition | Boolean | |
Addition at | Date | |
Add. from PSP Version | Code[20] | |
Add. from PSP Job Budget | Code[20] | |
Add. from PSP Descr. | Text[100] | |
Skip Recalculation | Boolean | |
Keep Total Quantity | Boolean | |
Use Resource Capacity | Boolean | |
Distribution Base Type | Enum (KVSPSADistributionBaseType) | |
Total Cost Assigned | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost Unassigned | Decimal | |
Skip Quantity Recalculation | Boolean | |
Total Cost (Act. + Pl.) | Decimal | |
No Active Planning | Boolean | |
Distribute Differences | Boolean | |
Quantity Assigned (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Starting Date Filter (Distr.) | Date | FlowFilter |
Ending Date Filter (Distr.) | Date | FlowFilter |
Inv. Qty. Assign. (Per.) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Cost Assig. (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Total Price As. (Period) | Decimal | FlowField |
Factor 1 | Decimal | |
Qty. Job Time Journal | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. unp. ZDE-Line | Decimal | FlowField |
Qty. unp. Time Sheet | Decimal | FlowField |
Sell-To Contact No. | Code[20] | |
Bill-To Contact No. | Code[20] |
ApplyDiscount(Interface Price Calculation) :#
procedure ApplyDiscount(var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"):
ApplyPrice(Integer, Interface Price Calculation) :#
procedure ApplyPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"):
AutoAllocation() :#
procedure AutoAllocation():
CalcOrderQty() :#
procedure CalcOrderQty():
CalcOutStandingInvQtyBase() : Decimal#
Summary: Get Calculated Outstanding Invoice Quantity (Base);
procedure CalcOutStandingInvQtyBase(): Decimal
CalcSalesUnitCost() :#
procedure CalcSalesUnitCost():
CalcUnitPriceWithFactor() :#
Summary: Calc. Unit Price with factors
procedure CalcUnitPriceWithFactor():
ChangeWP() :#
procedure ChangeWP():
ChangeWP(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
procedure ChangeWP(var JobBudgetLines: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
ClearFieldCausedPriceCalculation() :#
procedure ClearFieldCausedPriceCalculation():
CreateDim(List) :#
procedure CreateDim(DefaultDimSource: List):
CreateNewToDoNo() :#
Summary: CreateNewToDoNo can be only called if the to-do no. is empty. the number series from the setup is used to get the next number in the sequence. The record will not be written to the database.
procedure CreateNewToDoNo():
DisableFindBudgetLinePrice() : Boolean#
Summary: Checks if the finding of the budget line price is disabled.
procedure DisableFindBudgetLinePrice(): Boolean
Returns: True = Disabled, False = Not Disabled
ErrorStatusComplete() :#
procedure ErrorStatusComplete():
FindUnitCost(Integer) :#
procedure FindUnitCost(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
FindUnitPrice(Integer) :#
procedure FindUnitPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
GetDefaultFactor() :#
Summary: Get Default Factors by Job Budget Calculation Defaults
procedure GetDefaultFactor():
GetDirectUnitCost(Integer) :#
procedure GetDirectUnitCost(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
GetLineNoAndUniquePos() : Text#
procedure GetLineNoAndUniquePos(): Text
GetLineWithPrice(Interface Line With Price) :#
procedure GetLineWithPrice(var LineWithPrice: Interface "Line With Price"):
GetOutStandingQtyBase() : Decimal#
procedure GetOutStandingQtyBase(): Decimal
GetPrecisionForBudgetLine() : Decimal#
Summary: returns the rounding precision for the distribution entries for the current job budget line.
procedure GetPrecisionForBudgetLine(): Decimal
Returns: rounding precision
GetPriceCalculationHandler(Enum Price Type, Interface Price Calculation) :#
procedure GetPriceCalculationHandler(PriceType: Enum "Price Type"; var PriceCalculation: Interface "Price Calculation"):
GetProfitPercent() : Decimal#
procedure GetProfitPercent(): Decimal
GetUnitPrice(Integer, Boolean) :#
procedure GetUnitPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean):
InitFactor() :#
Summary: Init Factor fields
procedure InitFactor():
InitNewRecord(Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
procedure InitNewRecord(JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
InUnpostedJobDoc(Code[20]) : Boolean#
procedure InUnpostedJobDoc(var UnPostJobDocNo: Code[20]): Boolean
IsCalendarEnabled() : Boolean#
procedure IsCalendarEnabled(): Boolean
IsPriceCalcCalledByField(Integer) : Boolean#
procedure IsPriceCalcCalledByField(CurrPriceFieldNo: Integer): Boolean
PlanPriceCalcByField(Integer) :#
procedure PlanPriceCalcByField(CurrPriceFieldNo: Integer):
RowID1() : Text[250]#
procedure RowID1(): Text[250]
SalesBudgetBlocked() : Boolean#
Summary: Get Sales Budget Blocked value
procedure SalesBudgetBlocked(): Boolean
SearchItemByAttributes() :#
procedure SearchItemByAttributes():
SetDontCalcQty() :#
procedure SetDontCalcQty():
SetIsCreateTransfer() :#
procedure SetIsCreateTransfer():
SetSkipAddedTables() :#
Summary: Set the variable Skip Added Tables to true. This variable is used for functions with added table, like to autom. explode the ext. Text
procedure SetSkipAddedTables():
SetUpdateTotalCost(Boolean) :#
procedure SetUpdateTotalCost(UpdateTotalCost: Boolean):
ShowDimensions() :#
procedure ShowDimensions():
ShowItemAvailability(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Option) :#
procedure ShowItemAvailability(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; AvailabilityType: Option):
StartChangeTypeNoReport() :#
procedure StartChangeTypeNoReport():
StartSplitBudgetLineReport() :#
procedure StartSplitBudgetLineReport():
StartToDoNoSearch() :#
procedure StartToDoNoSearch():
UpdateDirectUnitCost(Integer) :#
procedure UpdateDirectUnitCost(CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
UpdateItemPurchQTYPrice() :#
procedure UpdateItemPurchQTYPrice():
UpdateItemSalesQTYPrice() :#
procedure UpdateItemSalesQTYPrice():
UpdateUnitCost() :#
procedure UpdateUnitCost():
UpdateUnitPrice(Integer, Boolean) :#
procedure UpdateUnitPrice(CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean):
KVSPSAOnAfterApplyPrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterApplyPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterApplyPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterApplyPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnAfterGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterGetDirectUnitCostProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnAfterGetLineWithPrice(Interface Line With Price) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterGetLineWithPrice(var LineWithPrice: Interface "Line With Price"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterGetLineWithPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterGetLineWithPrice(var LineWithPrice: Interface "Line With Price")
KVSPSAOnAfterGetUnitPriceProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterGetUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterGetUnitPriceProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterGetUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnAfterHandleResourceServicePackage(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Resource) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterHandleResourceServicePackage(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterHandleResourceServicePackage', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterHandleResourceServicePackage(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource")
KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromJob(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Job) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromJob(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Job: Record "Job"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromJob', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromJob(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Job: Record "Job")
KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromWBSLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSAJobPSPLine) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromWBSLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromWBSLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterInitDefaultsFromWBSLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; JobPSPLine: Record "KVSPSAJobPSPLine")
KVSPSAOnAfterSetReservationFilters(Record Reservation Entry, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterSetReservationFilters(var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry"; JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterSetReservationFilters', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterSetReservationFilters(var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry"; JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")
KVSPSAOnAfterTransferFieldsFromTempBudgetLineAfterInitInType(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterTransferFieldsFromTempBudgetLineAfterInitInType(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var TempJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line" temporary):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterTransferFieldsFromTempBudgetLineAfterInitInType', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterTransferFieldsFromTempBudgetLineAfterInitInType(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var TempJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line" temporary)
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCost(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; ValidateDirectUnitCost: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCost', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; ValidateDirectUnitCost: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; ValidatePrice: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; ValidatePrice: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPriceProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var SkipMessage: Boolean; var DeleteDistribution: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeAskDeleteDistributionQuestion(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var SkipMessage: Boolean; var DeleteDistribution: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcUnitPriceWithFactorJobBudgetLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcUnitPriceWithFactorJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; FieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCalcUnitPriceWithFactorJobBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCalcUnitPriceWithFactorJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; FieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckClosingInvoiceOnModifyJobBudgetLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckClosingInvoiceOnModifyJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckClosingInvoiceOnModifyJobBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCheckClosingInvoiceOnModifyJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckFixedJobPrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckFixedJobPrice(var Rec: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Result: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckFixedJobPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCheckFixedJobPrice(var Rec: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Result: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckSalesBudgetBlocked(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckSalesBudgetBlocked(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var IsSalesBudgetBlocked: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckSalesBudgetBlocked', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCheckSalesBudgetBlocked(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var IsSalesBudgetBlocked: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, List) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var DefaultDimSource: List):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCreateDim(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var DefaultDimSource: List)
KVSPSAOnBeforeDisableFindBudgetLinePrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeDisableFindBudgetLinePrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Disable: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeDisableFindBudgetLinePrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeDisableFindBudgetLinePrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Disable: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDefaultFactor(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDefaultFactor(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDefaultFactor', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeGetDefaultFactor(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeGetDirectUnitCostProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeGetDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeGetUnitPriceProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeGetUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeGetUnitPriceProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeGetUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeHandleResourceServicePackage(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Resource, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeHandleResourceServicePackage(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeHandleResourceServicePackage', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeHandleResourceServicePackage(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeInitFactorJobBudgetLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean, Integer) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeInitFactorJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; FieldNo: Integer):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeInitFactorJobBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeInitFactorJobBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean; FieldNo: Integer)
KVSPSAOnBeforeRefreshUnitPriceByField(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeRefreshUnitPriceByField(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var FieldNo: Integer; var GetRecordBefore: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeRefreshUnitPriceByField', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeRefreshUnitPriceByField(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var FieldNo: Integer; var GetRecordBefore: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeResetStatusOnFinishProgress(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Record Jobs Setup) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeResetStatusOnFinishProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeResetStatusOnFinishProgress', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeResetStatusOnFinishProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup")
KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgress(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Record Jobs Setup) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgress', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgress(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup")
KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgressCase(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Record Jobs Setup) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgressCase(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgressCase', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeSetStatusOnFinishProgressCase(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CurrentFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; JobsSetup: Record "Jobs Setup")
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCost(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; ValidateDirectUnitCost: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCost', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; ValidateDirectUnitCost: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateDirectUnitCostProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateProgressFromStatus(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateProgressFromStatus(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateProgressFromStatus', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateProgressFromStatus(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Code[10]) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobInvoiceCurrencyCode: Code[10]):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateSalesPriceFCY(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobInvoiceCurrencyCode: Code[10])
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitCost', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitCost(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; ValidatePrice: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPrice(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; xJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; ValidatePrice: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPriceProcedure', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeUpdateUnitPriceProcedure(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; UpdateDiscountOnly: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnSetTypeFilterForJobBudgetCalcDefaultsInGetDefaultFactor(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSAJob Budget Calc Defaults, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnSetTypeFilterForJobBudgetCalcDefaultsInGetDefaultFactor(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobBudgetCalcDefaults: Record "KVSPSAJob Budget Calc Defaults"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnSetTypeFilterForJobBudgetCalcDefaultsInGetDefaultFactor', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnSetTypeFilterForJobBudgetCalcDefaultsInGetDefaultFactor(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var JobBudgetCalcDefaults: Record "KVSPSAJob Budget Calc Defaults"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnValidateBuyFromVendorNoOnBeforeUpdateItemPurchQtyPrice(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateBuyFromVendorNoOnBeforeUpdateItemPurchQtyPrice(JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateBuyFromVendorNoOnBeforeUpdateItemPurchQtyPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateBuyFromVendorNoOnBeforeUpdateItemPurchQtyPrice(JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGLAccount(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record G/L Account) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGLAccount(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; GLAccount: Record "G/L Account"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGLAccount', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGLAccount(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; GLAccount: Record "G/L Account")
KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGroupResource(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Resource Group) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGroupResource(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; ResourceGroup: Record "Resource Group"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGroupResource', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeGroupResource(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; ResourceGroup: Record "Resource Group")
KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeItem(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Item) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeItem(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Item: Record "Item"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeItem', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeItem(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Item: Record "Item")
KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeResource(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record Resource) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeResource(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeResource', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateNoAfterValidateTypeResource(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; Resource: Record "Resource")
KVSPSAOnValidateTypeOnCopyFromOldBudgetLine(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnValidateTypeOnCopyFromOldBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var OldJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnValidateTypeOnCopyFromOldBudgetLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnValidateTypeOnCopyFromOldBudgetLine(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var OldJobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line")
KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckStatusComplete(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Boolean) :#
Summary: If IsHandled is true, it will be an exit in CheckStatusComplete and not check will be perform
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckStatusComplete(JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSPSA Job Budget Line", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeCheckStatusComplete', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeCheckStatusComplete(JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)