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Extends #437dbf0e84ff417a965ded2bb9650972#Company Information


Name Type Note
KVSMTCDocDefaultBarcodeFont Code[50] Warning: Obsolete
KVSMTCDocDefaultBarcodeFontNew Text[50]


KVSMTCGetDefaultBarcodeFont() : Text[50]#

Summary: Provides the default barcode font from the field KVSMTCDocDefaultBarcodeFont. the field "KVSMTCDocDefaultBarcodeFont" must have a value, The Field "KVSMTCDocDefaultBarcodeFont" references to the Table KVSKBAReportFormatOption. The field content of KVSKBAReportFormatOption."Option Value" is returned.

procedure KVSMTCGetDefaultBarcodeFont(): Text[50]

Returns: The field content of KVSKBAReportFormatOption."Option Value". 'IDAutomationSC39M' if the field is empty