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TestConnectivity(Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks whether the connectivity to the host is given.

procedure TestConnectivity(var message: Text): Boolean


  • message: Specifies the message to show returned by the check procedure.

Returns: Return variable success of type Boolean that states if connection is possible.

UploadFile(Variant, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Text, Text, Dictionary, InStream) : Text#

procedure UploadFile(sourceRecord: Variant; documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; directoryPath: Text; fileName: Text; tags: Dictionary; fileContentAsStream: InStream): Text

UpdateFileTags(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Dictionary) :#

procedure UpdateFileTags(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; updatedTags: Dictionary): 

MoveAllFilesFromDirectoryToAnotherDirectory(Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text) :#

Summary: Move all files from an directory to another directory.

procedure MoveAllFilesFromDirectoryToAnotherDirectory(fromSiteID: Text; fromDriveID: Text; fromDirectoryPath: Text; toSiteID: Text; toDriveID: Text; toDirectoryPath: Text): 


  • fromSiteID: Site ID of the source site.
  • fromDriveID: Drive ID of the source drive.
  • fromDirectoryPath: Directory path of the source directory.
  • toSiteID: Site ID of the target site.
  • toDriveID: Drive ID of the target drive.
  • toDirectoryPath: Directory path of the target directory.

GetFileTags(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, List, Dictionary, Text) : Boolean#

procedure GetFileTags(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; filteredTagCodeList: List; var tags: Dictionary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean

GetFileListFromDirectory(Text, Text, Text, Enum KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Get list of all files within a Directory.

procedure GetFileListFromDirectory(siteID: Text; driveID: Text; directoryPath: Text; retrieveFileMode: Enum "KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode"; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • siteID: Site Id of the site to list files from.
  • driveID: Drive Id of the drive to list files from.
  • directoryPath: Directory path to list files from.
  • retrieveFileMode: Specifes the Enum KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode which defines which entries to retrieve.
  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the returnable list of files and tags.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetFileListFromDirectory(Text, Text, Text, Text, Enum KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Get list of all files within a Directory.

procedure GetFileListFromDirectory(siteID: Text; driveID: Text; directoryPath: Text; fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Text; retrieveFileMode: Enum "KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode"; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • siteID: Site Id of the site to list files from.
  • driveID: Drive Id of the drive to list files from.
  • directoryPath: Directory path to list files from.
  • fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Array[20] of Text specifies the list of tag codes to retrieve.
  • retrieveFileMode: Specifes the Enum KVSDMSRetrieveFileMode which defines which entries to retrieve.
  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the returnable list of files and tags.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

SearchFilesByTags(Dictionary, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Boolean, Text, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

procedure SearchFilesByTags(searchTags: Dictionary; var filteredSearchDrives: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; findDocsWithSingleTagMatch: Boolean; fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Text; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean

SearchFilesByText(Text, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Text, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Search Files by given searchtext.

procedure SearchFilesByText(searchText: Text; var filteredSearchDrives: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Text; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • searchText: Text defining the searchterm to search for.
  • filteredSearchDrives: VAR Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive specifies the document drives to search within.
  • fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Array[20] of Text specifies the list of tag codes to retrieve.
  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the returnable list of files and tags.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetURLFromDirectory(Text, Text, Text) : Text#

Summary: Get URL from directory.

procedure GetURLFromDirectory(siteID: Text; driveID: Text; directoryPath: Text): Text


  • siteID: Site Id of the site to get the directory url from.
  • driveID: Drive Id of the drive to get the directory url from.
  • directoryPath: Directory path to get the directory url from.

Returns: Return value of type Text defines the url of the given directory path.

GetURLFromFile(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer) : Text#

Summary: Get URL from file.

procedure GetURLFromFile(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary): Text


  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the file informations to return the url for.

Returns: Return value of type Text defines the url of the given file.

GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer) : Boolean#

Summary: Get Base64 encoded data stream from file and save as "File Content" BLOB field within TempFileBuffer.

procedure GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary): Boolean


  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the file informations to return the Base64 encoded stream for.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Get Base64 encoded data stream from file.

procedure GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var b64FileContent: Text): Boolean


  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the file informations to return the Base64 encoded stream for.
  • b64FileContent: VAR Text specifies the base64 encoded file stream value.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Dictionary) : Boolean#

procedure GetBase64DataStreamFromFile(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var b64FileContents: Dictionary): Boolean

DeleteEntry(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Try to delete an Entry of the DMS or ECM. Success depends on the assigned compliance rules.

procedure DeleteEntry(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer specifies the file informations to delete.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

RetrieveAllAvailableSites(Record KVSDMSSiteBuffer) :#

Summary: Retrieve all available sites.

procedure RetrieveAllAvailableSites(var siteBuffer: Record "KVSDMSSiteBuffer"): 


  • siteBuffer: VAR Record KVSDMSSiteBuffer specifies the available sites within the DMS or ECM.

RetrieveAllAvailableDrivesForSite(Text, Record KVSDMSDriveBuffer) :#

Summary: Retrieve all available drives for given site.

procedure RetrieveAllAvailableDrivesForSite(siteID: Text; var driveBuffer: Record "KVSDMSDriveBuffer"): 


  • siteID: Site Id of the site to get the all drives from.
  • driveBuffer: VAR Record KVSDMSDriveBuffer specifies the available drives within the DMS or ECM for the given site.

GetSiteIDBySiteName(Text) : Text#

Summary: Get Site-ID by Site-Name.

procedure GetSiteIDBySiteName(siteName: Text): Text


  • siteName: Specifies the name of the site to return the id for.

Returns: Return value of type Text specifies the Site-ID assigned to the site with the given name.

GetDriveIDByDriveName(Text, Text) : Text#

Summary: Get Drive-ID by Drive-Name.

procedure GetDriveIDByDriveName(siteID: Text; driveName: Text): Text


  • siteID: Specifies the Site-Id of the site to look for a drive with the given name.
  • driveName: Specifies the name of the drive to return the id for.

Returns: Return value of type Text specifies the Drive-ID assigned to the drive with the given name.

LookupDirectoryPathForStorageDefinition(Text, Text, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Lookup Directory-Path and returns a selected directory path for storage definition.

procedure LookupDirectoryPathForStorageDefinition(siteID: Text; driveID: Text; var directoryPath: Text): Boolean


  • siteID: Specifies the Site-Id of the site to look for directories.
  • driveID: Specifies the Drive-Id to look for directories. A Lookup page will be opened to select the according directory path.
  • directoryPath: VAR Text specifies the directory path that has been choosen by the user using the lookup page.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetAllArchivingSystemFieldCodes(Text, Text, Record KVSDMSTagBuffer) :#

Summary: Get all archiving system field codes (tags).

procedure GetAllArchivingSystemFieldCodes(siteID: Text; driveID: Text; var tagBuffer: Record "KVSDMSTagBuffer"): 


  • siteID: Specifies the Site-Id of the site to look for tags.
  • driveID: Specifies the Drive-Id to look for tags.
  • tagBuffer: VAR Record KVSDMSTagBuffer specifies the list of found tags .

SetForCompanyCode(Text) :#

Summary: Set the Company Code to handle values for.

procedure SetForCompanyCode(newValue: Text): 


  • newValue: Text that specifies the company code.

SearchFilesBySearchDefinition(Variant, Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Search files by given search definition.

procedure SearchFilesBySearchDefinition(sourceRecord: Variant; searchDefinition: Record "KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition"; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • sourceRecord: Variant specifying the record to get files for.
  • searchDefinition: Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition defines the assigned search definition to use for searching files.
  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer that will be filled with the found file entries.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

SearchFilesBySearchDefinition(Variant, Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition, Text, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Search files by given search definition.

procedure SearchFilesBySearchDefinition(sourceRecord: Variant; searchDefinition: Record "KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition"; fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Text; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var errorMessage: Text): Boolean


  • sourceRecord: Variant specifying the record to get files for.
  • searchDefinition: Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition defines the assigned search definition to use for searching files.
  • fileTagsToRetrieveArray: Array[20] of Text defining the array of file tags to retrieve.
  • TempFileBuffer: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSFileBuffer that will be filled with the found file entries.
  • errorMessage: VAR Text specifies the Error Message that possibly occurs.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

FindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(RecordRef, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Find Storage Definition for record.

procedure FindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(recRef: RecordRef; var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; excludeBackgroundPostingDefinitions: Boolean): Boolean


  • recRef: RecordRef defines the source record to find a storage definition for.
  • storageDefinition: VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the found and returned storage definition.
  • excludeBackgroundPostingDefinitions: Using this parameter you can specify whether storage definitions that are defined for background postings should be excluded.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

FindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(RecordRef, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Enum KVSDMSFindStorageDefType) : Boolean#

Summary: Find Storage Definition for record.

procedure FindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(recRef: RecordRef; var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; findStoragedefType: Enum "KVSDMSFindStorageDefType"): Boolean


  • recRef: RecordRef defines the source record to find a storage definition for.
  • storageDefinition: VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the found and returned storage definition.
  • findStoragedefType: Enum KVSDMSFindStorageDefType specifies the type of Storage Types to return. In Standard you can choose to return all, only background definitions or to exclude background definitions.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetAvailableSubdirectoryBufferForUpload(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Record KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory) : Boolean#

Summary: Get available subdirectory buffer for upload.

procedure GetAvailableSubdirectoryBufferForUpload(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; var TempSubdirectories: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory" temporary): Boolean


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to search upload directories for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition defines the calculated storage definition used for upload.
  • documentDrive: Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive specifies the document drive to upload files to.
  • TempSubdirectories: Temporary VAR Record KVSDMSStorageDefSubdirectory defines a list of directories found for uploading files.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Integer, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Calculates the storage directory with placeholders.

procedure CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryEntryNo: Integer; var directoryPath: Text): Boolean


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the storage directory for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the storage definition used for calculating the directory.
  • subDirectoryEntryNo: Specifies the entry no. of the selected sub directory.
  • directoryPath: VAR Text specifies the path of the selected directory entry.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Text, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Calculates the storage directory with placeholders.

procedure CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; var directoryPath: Text): Boolean


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the storage directory for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the storage definition used for calculating the directory.
  • subDirectoryPath: This parameter specifies the choosen sub directory path and will be included as part of the directoryPath.
  • directoryPath: VAR Text specifies the path of the selected directory entry including the sub directory path.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Text, Boolean, Text) : Boolean#

Summary: Calculates the storage directory with placeholders.

procedure CalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; showError: Boolean; var directoryPath: Text): Boolean


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the storage directory for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the storage definition used for calculating the directory.
  • subDirectoryPath: This parameter specifies the choosen sub directory path and will be included as part of the directoryPath.
  • showError: Boolean defines whether to show errors during calculation. If false, no error will be thrown by GUI.
  • directoryPath: VAR Text specifies the path of the selected directory entry including the sub directory path.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if procedure was successfull.

GetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord(Variant, Code[20], Enum KVSDMSDocumentTagType, Text) : Dictionary#

Summary: Get non-manually tags for the record will return all storage definition tags, that are not marked as "manually".

procedure GetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; tagType: Enum "KVSDMSDocumentTagType"; fileName: Text): Dictionary


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the storage definition tags for.
  • storageDefinitionCode: Code[20] specifies the storage definition code to use for calculation.
  • tagType: Enum KVSDMSDocumentTagType defines whether to choose the storage definition or the search definition as base for calculation.
  • fileName: Text specifying the fileName of the according storage file.

Returns: Return variable tags of type Dictionary of [Text, Text] defining the non-manually tags as Key-Value pair.

ShowEditManuallyTagsForFile(Text, Code[20], Dictionary) : Boolean#

procedure ShowEditManuallyTagsForFile(fileName: Text; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; var tags: Dictionary): Boolean

GetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses(Code[20], Dictionary) :#

procedure GetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses(storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; var tags: Dictionary): 

UpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Boolean) :#

Summary: Update tags for all files related to a record.

procedure UpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; showGUI: Boolean): 


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the files to update for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the storage definition used for calculating the tags.
  • showGUI: Boolean specifying whether to allow the display of a dialog window. If false, no dialog will be displayed.

UpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition, Boolean) :#

Summary: Update tags for all files related to a record.

procedure UpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; bySearchDefinition: Record "KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition"; showGUI: Boolean): 


  • sourceRec: Variant specifying the record to calculate the files to update for.
  • storageDefinition: Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition specifies the storage definition used for calculating the tags.
  • bySearchDefinition: Record KVSDMSDocSearchDefinition specifies the search definition that will be used in order to search the files to update.
  • showGUI: Boolean specifying whether to allow the display of a dialog window. If false, no dialog will be displayed.

ConvertTagNameArrayToCommaSeparatedList(Text) : Text#

Summary: Convert tag name list to comma separated list.

procedure ConvertTagNameArrayToCommaSeparatedList(tagArray: Text): Text


  • tagArray: array[20] of Text defines the tag array that will be used for conversion.

Returns: Return value of type Text specifying the comma separated lit of tags names.

ConvertTagNameListToCommaSeparatedList(List) : Text#

procedure ConvertTagNameListToCommaSeparatedList(tagList: List): Text

GetFileTagsToRetrievedArrayFromDisplayDefinition(Code[20]) : Text#

Summary: Get file tags to retrieved array from display definition.

procedure GetFileTagsToRetrievedArrayFromDisplayDefinition(displayDefinitionCode: Code[20]): Text


  • displayDefinitionCode: Code[20] defines the code of the display definition to calculate the file tags for.

Returns: Return variable displayDefinitionTagCodeArray of type array[20] of Text specifying the list of tags that are assigned to the according display definition.


OnCalcDataSourceValueForFunctionElse(Variant, Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Text, Text, Text, Text[250], Text) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCalcDataSourceValueForFunctionElse(sourceRec: Variant; dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; parameter: Text; fileName: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnCalcDataSourceValueForFunctionElse', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCalcDataSourceValueForFunctionElse(sourceRec: Variant; dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; parameter: Text; fileName: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text)

OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTableElse(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Integer, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTableElse(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; tableId: Integer; var isAllowed: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTableElse', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTableElse(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; tableId: Integer; var isAllowed: Boolean)

OnAfterSetFilterFindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(RecordRef, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetFilterFindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(recRef: RecordRef; var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterSetFilterFindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterSetFilterFindStorageDefinitionForSourceRecord(recRef: RecordRef; var storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition")

OnBeforeCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Text, Text, Text) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; var directoryPath: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; var directoryPath: Text)

OnAfterCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(Variant, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Text, Text, Text, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; var directoryPath: Text; var result: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterCalcStorageDirectoryWithPlaceholders(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; subDirectoryPath: Text; runForCompanyCode: Text; var directoryPath: Text; var result: Boolean)

OnAfterGetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord(Variant, Code[20], Enum KVSDMSDocumentTagType, Text, Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; tagType: Enum "KVSDMSDocumentTagType"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterGetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterGetNonManuallyTagsForSourceRecord(sourceRec: Variant; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; tagType: Enum "KVSDMSDocumentTagType"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary)

OnAfterUpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(Variant, Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Record KVSDMSStorageDefinition, Text) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterUpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(sourceRec: Variant; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; runForCompanyCode: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterUpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterUpdateTagsForAllFilesRelatedToRecord(sourceRec: Variant; var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; storageDefinition: Record "KVSDMSStorageDefinition"; runForCompanyCode: Text)

OnBeforeDoesRecRefMatchRecordViewGeneric(RecordId, Integer, Codeunit Temp Blob, Text, Boolean, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeDoesRecRefMatchRecordViewGeneric(sourceRecordID: RecordId; tableId: Integer; tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeDoesRecRefMatchRecordViewGeneric', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeDoesRecRefMatchRecordViewGeneric(sourceRecordID: RecordId; tableId: Integer; tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean)

OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForOwnRecord(Variant, Integer, Text, Text[250], Text, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForOwnRecord(sourceRec: Variant; fieldNo: Integer; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text; var isHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForOwnRecord', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForOwnRecord(sourceRec: Variant; fieldNo: Integer; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text; var isHandled: Boolean)

OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForRelatedRecordWithRelationChain(Variant, Integer, Integer, Integer, Text, Text[250], Text, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForRelatedRecordWithRelationChain(sourceRec: Variant; tableId: Integer; relationChainNo: Integer; fieldNo: Integer; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text; var isHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForRelatedRecordWithRelationChain', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeCalcDataSourceValueForRelatedRecordWithRelationChain(sourceRec: Variant; tableId: Integer; relationChainNo: Integer; fieldNo: Integer; runForCompanyCode: Text; formatString: Text[250]; var result: Text; var isHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterShowEditManuallyTagsForFile(Text, Code[20], Text, Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterShowEditManuallyTagsForFile(fileName: Text; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterShowEditManuallyTagsForFile', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterShowEditManuallyTagsForFile(fileName: Text; storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary)

OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForDirectoryPlaceholder(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForDirectoryPlaceholder(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var isAllowed: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForDirectoryPlaceholder', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForDirectoryPlaceholder(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var isAllowed: Boolean)

OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTagType(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Enum KVSDMSDocumentTagType, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTagType(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; tagType: Enum "KVSDMSDocumentTagType"; var isAllowed: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTagType', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCheckDataSourceFunctionAllowedForTagType(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; tagType: Enum "KVSDMSDocumentTagType"; var isAllowed: Boolean)

OnBeforeRemoveInvalidCharactersFromDirectoryPath(Text, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeRemoveInvalidCharactersFromDirectoryPath(var directoryPath: Text; var isHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeRemoveInvalidCharactersFromDirectoryPath', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeRemoveInvalidCharactersFromDirectoryPath(var directoryPath: Text; var isHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterGetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses(Code[20], Text, Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses(storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterGetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterGetManuallyTagsSubstitutionValuesForBackgroundProcesses(storageDefinitionCode: Code[20]; runForCompanyCode: Text; var tags: Dictionary)

OnCheckParametersForDataSourceFunctionAreValid(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Text[250], Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckParametersForDataSourceFunctionAreValid(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; parameters: Text[250]; var parametersAreValid: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnCheckParametersForDataSourceFunctionAreValid', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCheckParametersForDataSourceFunctionAreValid(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; parameters: Text[250]; var parametersAreValid: Boolean)

OnAssistEditParameterForDataSourceFunction(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Text[250]) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAssistEditParameterForDataSourceFunction(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var parameters: Text[250]): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAssistEditParameterForDataSourceFunction', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAssistEditParameterForDataSourceFunction(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var parameters: Text[250])

OnDoesDataSourceFunctionRequireParameter(Enum KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions, Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnDoesDataSourceFunctionRequireParameter(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var result: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnDoesDataSourceFunctionRequireParameter', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnDoesDataSourceFunctionRequireParameter(dataSourceFunction: Enum "KVSDMSDataSourceFunctions"; var result: Boolean)

OnTransformDataSourceValueElse(Text, Enum KVSDMSTransformationRule, Text, Text) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnTransformDataSourceValueElse(dataSourceValue: Text; transformationRule: Enum "KVSDMSTransformationRule"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var transformedValue: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnTransformDataSourceValueElse', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnTransformDataSourceValueElse(dataSourceValue: Text; transformationRule: Enum "KVSDMSTransformationRule"; runForCompanyCode: Text; var transformedValue: Text)

OnBeforeUploadFileImplementation(Variant, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Text, Text, Dictionary, InStream) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUploadFileImplementation(sourceRecord: Variant; var documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; var directoryPath: Text; var fileName: Text; var tags: Dictionary; var fileContentAsStream: InStream): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeUploadFileImplementation', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeUploadFileImplementation(sourceRecord: Variant; var documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; var directoryPath: Text; var fileName: Text; var tags: Dictionary; var fileContentAsStream: InStream)

OnAfterUploadFile(Variant, Record KVSDMSDocumentDrive, Text, Text, Dictionary, Text) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterUploadFile(sourceRecord: Variant; documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; directoryPath: Text; fileName: Text; tags: Dictionary; fileID: Text): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnAfterUploadFile', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterUploadFile(sourceRecord: Variant; documentDrive: Record "KVSDMSDocumentDrive"; directoryPath: Text; fileName: Text; tags: Dictionary; fileID: Text)

OnBeforeUpdateFileTags(Record KVSDMSFileBuffer, Dictionary) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeUpdateFileTags(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var updatedTags: Dictionary): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSDMSDocumentStorageProcessor", 'OnBeforeUpdateFileTags', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeUpdateFileTags(var TempFileBuffer: Record "KVSDMSFileBuffer" temporary; var updatedTags: Dictionary)