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KVSEDX OAuth Connection Mgt#


RetrieveAccessToken(Record KVSEDX OAuth Connections, Boolean, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: This function acquires / refreshes the Access Token of a given OAuth Connection and automatically saves it in the OAuth Connection Record. If the OAuth Connection stores Tokens per User, the Token of the currently active User will be updated.

procedure RetrieveAccessToken(var KVSEDXOAuthConnections: Record "KVSEDX OAuth Connections"; AllowUseCache: Boolean; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean


  • OAuthConnection: Specifies the OAuth Connection the Token should be acquired for.
  • AllowUseCache: Specifies whether cached Tokens will be used if existing. This can reduce the number of user interactions when working with authorized authentication, hence this option should be set to TRUE in most cases.
  • ShowError: Specifies whether errors occuring during token acquisition should be displayed as an error message.

Returns: States whether the token could be retrieved successfully or not.