GetDescription() : Text#
Summary: The Description of the package
procedure GetDescription(): Text
SetupDataAvailable() : Boolean#
Summary: Procedure to check if the Package contains Setup Data
procedure SetupDataAvailable(): Boolean
DemoDataAvailable() : Boolean#
Summary: Procedure to check if the Package contains Demo Data
procedure DemoDataAvailable(): Boolean
DemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport() : Boolean#
Summary: Procedure to control if the package should be imported on an automated import. If your app provides multiple data packages which are in conflict with each other you should just mark one as automated importable. you should also think about whether it would make sense to trigger an event with an handled pattern to allow an app that has a dependency to yours to replace your default with its own.
procedure DemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport(): Boolean
SetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport() : Boolean#
Summary: Procedure to control if the package should be imported on an automated import. If your app provides multiple data packages which are in conflict with each other you should just mark one as automated importable. you should also think about whether it would make sense to trigger an event with an handled pattern to allow an app that has a dependency to yours to replace your default with its own.
procedure SetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport(): Boolean
CreateSetupData() :#
Summary: Procedure to Create the Setup Data
procedure CreateSetupData():
CreateDemoData() :#
Summary: Procedure to Create the Demo Data
procedure CreateDemoData():
RunSetup() :#
Summary: Procedure to run an corresponding Setup
procedure RunSetup():
ProvidingApp() : ModuleInfo#
Summary: Procedure to provide information about the providing App
procedure ProvidingApp(): ModuleInfo
OnBeforeDemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport(Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeDemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport(var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSICOSetupAndDemoDataPackage", 'OnBeforeDemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeDemoDataImportOnAutomatedImport(var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean)
OnBeforeSetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport(Boolean, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport(var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSICOSetupAndDemoDataPackage", 'OnBeforeSetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeSetupDataImportOnAutomatedImport(var result: Boolean; var isHandled: Boolean)