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GetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Boolean, Code[20], Code[20]) :#

Summary: Returns a new number and the used number series by utilizing the standard codeunit "No. Series". UsedNoSeries takes priority in getting the next new number. If there is no valid UsedNoSeries, DefaultNoSeries will be used.

procedure GetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UsageDate: Date; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]): 


  • DefaultNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the corresponding setup table
  • UsedNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the same table the new number is for
  • UsageDate: The date of retrieval, this will influence which line is used
  • HideErrorsAndWarnings: Whether errors should be ignored
  • NewNoSeries: The Number Series that is used for the new Number
  • NewNo: The new Number generated from the NewNoSeries

GetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean, Code[20], Code[20]) :#

Summary: Returns a new number and the used number series by utilizing the standard codeunit "No. Series". UsedNoSeries takes priority in getting the next new number. If there is no valid UsedNoSeries, DefaultNoSeries will be used.

procedure GetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]): 


  • DefaultNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the corresponding setup table
  • UsedNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the same table the new number is for
  • HideErrorsAndWarnings: Whether errors should be ignored
  • NewNoSeries: The Number Series that is used for the new Number
  • NewNo:

GetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Code[20], Code[20]) :#

Summary: Returns a new number and the used number series by utilizing the standard codeunit "No. Series". UsedNoSeries takes priority in getting the next new number. If there is no valid UsedNoSeries, DefaultNoSeries will be used.

procedure GetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UsageDate: Date; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]): 


  • DefaultNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the corresponding setup table
  • UsedNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the same table the new number is for
  • UsageDate: The date of retrieval, this will influence which line is used
  • NewNoSeries: The Number Series that is used for the new Number
  • NewNo:

GetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20]) :#

Summary: Returns a new number and the used number series by utilizing the standard codeunit "No. Series". UsedNoSeries takes priority in getting the next new number. If there is no valid UsedNoSeries, DefaultNoSeries will be used.

procedure GetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]): 


  • DefaultNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the corresponding setup table
  • UsedNoSeries: The Number Series Code located in the same table the new number is for
  • NewNoSeries: The Number Series that is used for the new Number
  • NewNo:

SetDefaultSeries(Code[20], Code[20]) :#

Summary: Sets the default series based on the provided No. Series Code.

procedure SetDefaultSeries(var NewNoSeriesCode: Code[20]; NoSeriesCode: Code[20]): 


  • NewNoSeriesCode: NewNoSeriesCode to be set as default.
  • NoSeriesCode: Existing NoSeriesCodeto check for default series.


OnBeforeGetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Boolean, Code[20], Code[20], Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeGetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UseDate: Date; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSKBANoSeriesMgt", 'OnBeforeGetNextNo', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeGetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UseDate: Date; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

OnAfterGetNextNo(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Boolean, Code[20], Code[20]) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UseDate: Date; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20]): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSKBANoSeriesMgt", 'OnAfterGetNextNo', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterGetNextNo(DefaultNoSeries: Code[20]; UsedNoSeries: Code[20]; UseDate: Date; HideErrorsAndWarnings: Boolean; var NewNoSeries: Code[20]; var NewNo: Code[20])

OnBeforeSetDefaultSeries(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetDefaultSeries(var NewNoSeriesCode: Code[20]; NoSeriesCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSKBANoSeriesMgt", 'OnBeforeSetDefaultSeries', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnBeforeSetDefaultSeries(var NewNoSeriesCode: Code[20]; NoSeriesCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)