Id() : Guid#
Summary: Returns the ID of the dispatch provider.
procedure Id(): Guid
Returns: The ID as a GUID.
Name() : Text#
Summary: Returns the name of the dispatch provider.
procedure Name(): Text
Returns: The name as text.
Version() : Text#
Summary: Returns the version of the dispatch provider.
procedure Version(): Text
Returns: The version as text.
Description() : Text#
Summary: Returns the description of the dispatch provider.
procedure Description(): Text
Returns: The description as text.
Send(Variant, Text) : Boolean#
Summary: Sends the provided record and updates the response text.
procedure Send(Rec: Variant; var ResponseText: Text): Boolean
: The record to send.ResponseText
: The response text to update.
Returns: True if the record was sent successfully.
Status(Variant, Text) : Boolean#
Summary: Updates the status of the provided record and clears the response text, if successful.
procedure Status(Rec: Variant; var ResponseText: Text): Boolean
: The record to update.ResponseText
: The response text to clear, if successful.
Returns: True if the status was updated successfully.