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CreateRequestByProcessInfo(Record KVSMEDProcessPeriod, Integer, Code[20], Record KVSMEDProcessInformation, Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: Handles creating, validating, and updating an information request by the given process period. The procedure includes various checks, creating the request header and lines, updating blocking flags, creating request text and reply details. It also handles the release of the request and changes the status of the request.

procedure CreateRequestByProcessInfo(KVSMEDProcessPeriod: Record "KVSMEDProcessPeriod"; FromTableId: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; KVSMEDProcessInformation: Record "KVSMEDProcessInformation"; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean


  • KVSMEDProcessPeriod:
  • FromTableId:
  • DocumentNo:
  • KVSMEDProcessInformation:
  • ShowError:


RequestStatusChange(Record KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader, Enum KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus, Code[20], Boolean) : Boolean#

Summary: This procedure is used to request a change in the status of a KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader record. The new status is determined by the KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus parameter. The procedure performs several checks and adjustments to other fields based on the new status, and logs the change if necessary. The function takes four parameters: KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader (a variable record that will be updated), KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus (an enumeration that defines the new status), StatusCodeFilter (a code used to filter the status), and ShowError (a boolean that indicates whether errors should be shown or not). The function returns a boolean value indicating the success or failure of the status change request.

procedure RequestStatusChange(var KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader: Record "KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader"; KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus: Enum "KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus"; StatusCodeFilter: Code[20]; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean


  • KVSMEDInfoRequestHeader:
  • KVSMEDInfoRequestStatus:
  • StatusCodeFilter:
  • ShowError:
