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CheckMEDLicence_Technology(Enum KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks the license against the "KUMAVISION healthcare365 - Technology + Maintenance" (KUMAVISION healthcare365 – Technik + Wartung) license and "KUMAVISION Core" module setup "Technology Module active" field (KUMAVISION healthcare365 - Technik + Wartung).

procedure CheckMEDLicence_Technology(showError: Enum "KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption"): Boolean


  • showError: CheckLicense_ReturnTrueFalse checks only the license not the activation of the module and returns a return value, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ShowError checks the license and the activation of the module and throws an error message in the negative case, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ReturnTrueFalse checks the license and the activation of the module and returns a return value.

Returns: true/false in dependency of the showError parameter

CheckMEDLicence_ActionModule(Enum KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks the license against the "KUMAVISION healthcare365 Base" license and "KUMAVISION Core" module setup "Activate Proposal active" field (KUMAVISION healthcare365 - Anlagenaktivierung).

procedure CheckMEDLicence_ActionModule(showError: Enum "KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption"): Boolean


  • showError: CheckLicense_ReturnTrueFalse checks only the license not the activation of the module and returns a return value, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ShowError checks the license and the activation of the module and throws an error message in the negative case, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ReturnTrueFalse checks the license and the activation of the module and returns a return value.

Returns: true/false in dependency of the showError parameter

CheckMedLicence_MDR(Enum KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks the license against the "KUMAVISION healthcare365 Base" license and "KUMAVISION Core" module setup "MDR active" field ( KUMAVISION healthcare365 - MDR).

procedure CheckMedLicence_MDR(showError: Enum "KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption"): Boolean


  • showError: CheckLicense_ReturnTrueFalse checks only the license not the activation of the module and returns a return value, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ShowError checks the license and the activation of the module and throws an error message in the negative case, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ReturnTrueFalse checks the license and the activation of the module and returns a return value.

Returns: true/false in dependency of the showError parameter

CheckMedLicence_WarehouseComfort(Enum KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption) : Boolean#

Summary: Checks the license against the "KUMAVISION healthcare365 Base" license and "KUMAVISION Core" module setup "Warehouse Comfort active" field ( KUMAVISION healthcare365 - Lager Komfort).

procedure CheckMedLicence_WarehouseComfort(showError: Enum "KVSMEDLicenseCheckOption"): Boolean


  • showError: CheckLicense_ReturnTrueFalse checks only the license not the activation of the module and returns a return value, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ShowError checks the license and the activation of the module and throws an error message in the negative case, CheckLicenseAndActivation_ReturnTrueFalse checks the license and the activation of the module and returns a return value.

Returns: true/false in dependency of the showError parameter