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GetHealthcareInsuranceCustomer(Code[20], Code[20]) : Boolean#

Summary: Gets the customer no. of the healthinsurance assigned to a given customer

procedure GetHealthcareInsuranceCustomer(CustomerNo: Code[20]; var CustNoHealthcareInsurance: Code[20]): Boolean


  • CustomerNo: Customer no. for which the health insurance is to be found
  • CustNoHealthcareInsurance: Number of the assigned health insurance

Returns: true if a health insurance is found

GetPhysican(Code[20], Code[20]) : Boolean#

Summary: Gets the customer no. of the physician assigned to a given customer

procedure GetPhysican(CustomerNo: Code[20]; var PhysicianContactNo: Code[20]): Boolean


  • CustomerNo: Customer no. for which the physician is to be found
  • PhysicianContactNo: Contact no. of the assigned physician

Returns: true if a physician is found

GetContactCustomerNo(Code[20], Code[20]) : Boolean#

Summary: Gets the customer no. for a given contact no.

procedure GetContactCustomerNo(ContactNoPar: Code[20]; var CustomerNoVar: Code[20]): Boolean


  • ContactNoPar: Contact no.
  • CustomerNoVar: Customer no.

Returns: true if the customer no. is found