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GetShipToAddress(Code[20], Code[10], Code[20], Code[10]) : Boolean#

procedure GetShipToAddress(CustomerNoPar: Code[20]; ProcessTypePar: Code[10]; var ContactNoVar: Code[20]; var ShipToCodeVar: Code[10]): Boolean

GetCustomerContact(Code[20], Code[20]) : Boolean#

procedure GetCustomerContact(CustomerNoPar: Code[20]; var ContactNoVar: Code[20]): Boolean

LookUpShipToCodeContact(Code[20], Code[20], Code[20]) : Boolean#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('ShipToCodeContactNoVar wrong parameter length. Use LookUpShipToCodeContactNew instead', '24.3')]
procedure LookUpShipToCodeContact(CustomerNoPar: Code[20]; var ShippingContactNoVar: Code[20]; var ShipToCodeContactNoVar: Code[20]): Boolean

LookUpShipToCodeContactNew(Code[20], Code[20], Code[10]) : Boolean#

Summary: This procedure allows the selection of a shipping address for a specified customer and returns the corresponding contact and shipping codes.

procedure LookUpShipToCodeContactNew(CustomerNo: Code[20]; var ShippingContactNo: Code[20]; var ShipToCodeContactNo: Code[10]): Boolean


  • CustomerNoPar: The customer number for which the shipping address is to be looked up.
  • ShippingContactNoVar: A reference variable that will contain the contact number of the shipping address after a successful selection.
  • ShipToCodeContactNoVar: A reference variable that will contain the shipping code of the shipping address after a successful selection.

Returns: Returns 'true' if a shipping address was successfully selected; otherwise, 'false'.

Remarks: This procedure uses a temporary table to store the shipping addresses of the specified customer and then displays a page to select the shipping address. If the user selects a shipping address and confirms the selection, the corresponding contact and shipping codes are returned in the reference variables.