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GetPickParametersForDocumentLine(Code[10], Code[20], Code[10], Code[10], Code[10], Enum Item Reference Type, Code[20], Code[50], Enum KVSMEDPickMethod, Boolean, DateFormula, DateFormula) :#

procedure GetPickParametersForDocumentLine(LocationCode: Code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PostingCode: Code[10]; UoMCode: Code[10]; ReferenceType: Enum "Item Reference Type"; ReferenceTypeNo: Code[20]; ReferenceNo: Code[50]; var PickMethod: Enum "KVSMEDPickMethod"; var SingleLotPicking: Boolean; var OutboundExpireFormula: DateFormula; var InboundExpireFormula: DateFormula): 

CalculateWarehouseContentDetails(Code[10], Code[20], Code[10], Code[50], Code[50], Code[10], Decimal, Date, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Record KVSMEDWarehouseContentDetail) :#

Summary: This function calculates whse content detail entries for a location and an item/variant-combination based on delivered parameters and deliver these entries in a temporary table.

procedure CalculateWarehouseContentDetails(LocationCode: Code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; PostingCode: Code[10]; SingleLotQtyBase: Decimal; ExpirationAllowedFrom: Date; UseVariantFilter: Boolean; SkipNotAvailableLines: Boolean; CalculateAllQtyFields: Boolean; var TempWarehouseContentDetail: Record "KVSMEDWarehouseContentDetail" temporary): 


  • LocationCode: This parameter is used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a location code
  • ItemNo: This parameter is used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a item number
  • VariantCode: If this parameter is not blank then it's used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a variant code
  • SerialNo: This parameter is used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a serial number
  • LotNo: This parameter is used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a lot number
  • PostingCode: This parameter ist used for filtering the whse. content detail table to a posting code
  • SingleLotQtyBase: Used to return only position with equal or bigger available qty. as the qty. in this parameter
  • ExpirationAllowedFrom: Used for filtering the whse. content detail table with expiration date which is equal or bigger than this parameter
  • UseVariantFilter: Set the filter on variant code field in whse. content detail table also if parameter VariantCode is blank
  • SkipNotAvailableLines: Used to return only positions with available qty. bigger than zero
  • CalculateAllQtyFields: Steers if all qty. fields should be calculated for user view or only the necessary fields for calculation in processes and functions
  • TempWarehouseContentDetail: Temporary whse. content detail table which contains the results after calculation

CalculateBinContentDetails(Code[10], Code[20], Code[20], Code[10], Code[50], Code[50], Code[10], Decimal, Date, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Record KVSMEDBinContentDetail) :#

Summary: This function calculates bin content details based on calculation parameters

procedure CalculateBinContentDetails(LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; PostingCode: Code[10]; SingleLotQtyBase: Decimal; ExpirationAllowedFrom: Date; OnlyAvailableLines: Boolean; UseVariantFilter: Boolean; OnlyInventoryBinsPar: Boolean; var TempBinContentDetail: Record "KVSMEDBinContentDetail" temporary): 


  • LocationCode:
  • BinCode:
  • ItemNo:
  • VariantCode:
  • SerialNo:
  • LotNo:
  • PostingCode:
  • SingleLotQtyBase:
  • ExpirationAllowedFrom:
  • OnlyAvailableLines:
  • UseVariantFilter:
  • OnlyInventoryBinsPar:
  • TempBinContentDetail: Calculated result

RunInventoryOverview(Code[10], Code[20], Code[10], Code[50], Code[50], Code[10], Decimal, Date, Boolean, Boolean) :#

procedure RunInventoryOverview(LocationCode: Code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; PostingCode: Code[10]; SingleLotQtyBase: Decimal; ExpAlowedFromDate: Date; OnlyAvailableLinePar: Boolean; UseVariantFilter: Boolean): 

RunBinInventoryOverview(Code[10], Code[20], Code[20], Code[10], Code[50], Code[50], Code[10], Decimal, Date, Boolean, Boolean, Enum KVSMEDBinInvntOverviewViewMode, Record KVSMEDBinContentDetail) :#

Summary: Opens the KVSMEDBinInventoryOverview page with the specified parameter. Returns the selected KVSMEDBinContentDetail records in view mode "Item Tracking" and "LookUp".

procedure RunBinInventoryOverview(LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; PostingCode: Code[10]; SingleLotQtyBase: Decimal; ExpAllowedFromDate: Date; OnlyInventoryBins: Boolean; OnlyAvailableLines: Boolean; ViewMode: Enum "KVSMEDBinInvntOverviewViewMode"; var TempBinContentDetailResult: Record "KVSMEDBinContentDetail" temporary): 


  • LocationCode:
  • BinCode:
  • ItemNo:
  • VariantCode:
  • SerialNo:
  • LotNo:
  • PostingCode:
  • SingleLotQtyBase:
  • ExpAllowedFromDate:
  • OnlyInventoryBins:
  • OnlyAvailableLines:
  • ViewMode:
  • TempBinContentDetailResult: Selected KVSMEDBinContentDetail result record


OnAfterSalesLine2WhseShipmentLine(Record Sales Line, Record Warehouse Shipment Line) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSalesLine2WhseShipmentLine(salesLinePar: Record "Sales Line"; var whseShipmentLineVar: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMEDWarehouseLib", 'OnAfterSalesLine2WhseShipmentLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterSalesLine2WhseShipmentLine(salesLinePar: Record "Sales Line"; var whseShipmentLineVar: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line")

OnAfterPurchLine2WhseShipmentLine(Record Purchase Line, Record Warehouse Shipment Line) :#

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterPurchLine2WhseShipmentLine(purchLinePar: Record "Purchase Line"; var whseShipmentLineVar: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMEDWarehouseLib", 'OnAfterPurchLine2WhseShipmentLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnAfterPurchLine2WhseShipmentLine(purchLinePar: Record "Purchase Line"; var whseShipmentLineVar: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line")