GetContact(Record Contact, Integer, Code[50]) :#
procedure GetContact(var Contact: Record "Contact"; TypeI: Integer; Code: Code[50]):
RDLC_GetDocTypeText(Integer, Code[20], Option, Text[100]) :#
Summary: Provides the translated document type text determined by the given parameters TableID, Document No and Document Type. Supported table ids are Database::"Sales Cr.Memo Header", Database::"Return Receipt Header", Database::"Sales Invoice Header", Database::"Sales Shipment Header", Database::"Sales Header", Database::"Purchase Header", Database::"Purch. Rcpt. Header", Database::"Purch. Inv. Header", "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr." An unsupported error occurs if the specified table id is not supported.
procedure RDLC_GetDocTypeText(TableID: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentType: Option; var ResultDocumentTypeText: Text[100]):
: Supported IDs are Database::"Sales Cr.Memo Header", Database::"Return Receipt Header", Database::"Sales Invoice Header", Database::"Sales Shipment Header", Database::"Sales Header", Database::"Purchase Header", Database::"Purch. Rcpt. Header", Database::"Purch. Inv. Header", "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."DocumentNo
: Result of this routine
RDLC_GetCaptionSalesOrderType() : Text[80]#
Summary: Provide the translation of label "Sales Order Type".
procedure RDLC_GetCaptionSalesOrderType(): Text[80]
Returns: "Sales Order Type" or translation
RDLC_SendSalesHeaderINIT(Record Sales Header, Integer) :#
Summary: Prepares this single instance codeunit. Caches Report ID, Sales Header and temporary Sales Lines records. Clears SalesShipHeader, SalesInvHeader, SalesCRHeader cache.
procedure RDLC_SendSalesHeaderINIT(SalesHeaderRecord: Record "Sales Header"; ReportIdVal: Integer):
: Initial value to cache documentsReportIdVal
: Report ID to cache
ClearAllVariables() :#
procedure ClearAllVariables():
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesHeader(Record Sales Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Sales Line" of the given "Sales Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesHeader(SalesHeaderRecord: Record "Sales Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Sales Line"
Returns: True if a "Sales Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionReturnShipHeader(Record Return Shipment Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Return Shipment Line" of the given "Return Shipment Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionReturnShipHeader(ReturnShipmentHeaderRecord: Record "Return Shipment Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Return Shipment Line"
Returns: True if a "Return Shipment Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionReturnReceiptHeader(Record Return Receipt Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Return Receipt Line" of the given "Return Receipt Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionReturnReceiptHeader(ReturnReceiptHeaderRecord: Record "Return Receipt Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Return Receipt Line"
Returns: True if a "Return Receipt Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesInvoiceHeader(Record Sales Invoice Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Sales Invoice Line" of the given "Sales Invoice Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesInvoiceHeader(SalesInvoiceHeaderRecord: Record "Sales Invoice Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Sales Invoice Line"
Returns: True if a "Sales Invoice Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesShipHeader(Record Sales Shipment Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Sales Shipment Line" of the given "Sales Shipment Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesShipHeader(SalesShipmentHeaderRecord: Record "Sales Shipment Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Sales Shipment Line"
Returns: True if a "Sales Shipment Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesCrMemoHeader(Record Sales Cr.Memo Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Sales Cr.Memo Line" of the given "Sales Cr.Memo Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesCrMemoHeader(SalesCrMemoHeaderRecord: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Sales Cr.Memo Line"
Returns: True if a "Sales Cr.Memo Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchHeader(Record Purchase Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Purchase Line" of the given "Purchase Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchHeader(PurchaseHeaderRecord: Record "Purchase Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Purchase Line"
Returns: True if a "Purchase Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchCrMemoHeader(Record Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Purch. Cr. Memo Line" of the given "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr." exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchCrMemoHeader(PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"
Returns: True if a "Purch. Cr. Memo Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchInvoiceHeader(Record Purch. Inv. Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Purch. Inv. Line" of the given "Purch. Inv. Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchInvoiceHeader(PurchInvHeaderRecord: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Purch. Inv. Line"
Returns: True if a "Purch. Inv. Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchReceiptHeader(Record Purch. Rcpt. Header) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Purch. Rcpt. Line" of the given "Purch. Rcpt. Header" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchReceiptHeader(PurchRcptHeaderRecord: Record "Purch. Rcpt. Header"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Purch. Rcpt. Line"
Returns: True if a "Purch. Rcpt. Line" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesHeaderArch(Record Sales Header Archive) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Sales Line Archive" of the given "Sales Header Archive" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionSalesHeaderArch(SalesHeaderArchiveRecord: Record "Sales Header Archive"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Sales Line Archive"
Returns: True if a "Sales Line Archive" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchHeaderArch(Record Purchase Header Archive) : Boolean#
Summary: Provides if any "Purchase Line Archive" of the given "Purchase Header Archive" exists, that has a value in the field "VAT %" that is not equal 0.
procedure ShouldPrintVATDescriptionPurchHeaderArch(PurchaseHeaderArchiveRecord: Record "Purchase Header Archive"): Boolean
: Used to filter the "Purchase Line Archive"
Returns: True if a "Purchase Line Archive" exists which has "VAT %" not equal 0
SetCallType(Enum KVSMTCCallSheet) :#
procedure SetCallType(var KVSMTCCallSheet: Enum "KVSMTCCallSheet"):
GetCallType(Enum KVSMTCCallSheet) :#
procedure GetCallType(var KVSMTCCallSheet: Enum "KVSMTCCallSheet"):
GetReminderDoArchiv(Boolean, Guid) :#
procedure GetReminderDoArchiv(var DoAddArchivedDocuments: Boolean; var ReferenceID: Guid):
GetBacklogPrint(Enum KVSMTCBacklogPrint) :#
Summary: Provides current BacklogPrint enum value.
procedure GetBacklogPrint(var KVSMTCBacklogPrint: Enum "KVSMTCBacklogPrint"):
: Reference to BacklogPrint Enum."
GetHideZeroQuantityLinesImpl(Boolean) :#
procedure GetHideZeroQuantityLinesImpl(var HideZeroQuantityLines: Boolean):
GetHideZeroQuantityLines(Boolean) :#
Summary: Provides flag whether to hide zero quantity lines.
procedure GetHideZeroQuantityLines(var HideZeroQuantityLines: Boolean):
: Reference to HideZeroQuantityLinesPar flag."
RDLC_SendCall(Code[20], Integer, Record Sales Header, Boolean, Enum KVSMTCCallSheet, Text[50], Text[50]) :#
procedure RDLC_SendCall(CallNo: Code[20]; ReportID: Integer; var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; LoanUnit: Boolean; PrintDocType: Enum "KVSMTCCallSheet"; var SellToAddr: Text[50]; var ShipToAddr: Text[50]):
OnRDLC_SetProcessFooterInfoOnAfterVSMEDPrintAccountDetails(Record Sales Header, Record Customer Bank Account, Text[100], Text[100]) :#
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnRDLC_SetProcessFooterInfoOnAfterVSMEDPrintAccountDetails(SalesHeaderPar: Record "Sales Header"; CustomerBankAccountPar: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var BankInfoText1Var: Text[100]; var BankInfoText2Var: Text[100]):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSMTCReportInterfaceHelper", 'OnRDLC_SetProcessFooterInfoOnAfterVSMEDPrintAccountDetails', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnRDLC_SetProcessFooterInfoOnAfterVSMEDPrintAccountDetails(SalesHeaderPar: Record "Sales Header"; CustomerBankAccountPar: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var BankInfoText1Var: Text[100]; var BankInfoText2Var: Text[100])