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This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.


KVSPSAOnAfterCalculatedSalesPriceFound(Record KVSPSA Job Budget Line, Record KVSKBASalesPrice, Integer) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '21.0')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterCalculatedSalesPriceFound(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var TempGlobalSalesPrice: Record "KVSKBASalesPrice" temporary; CalledByFieldNo: Integer): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterCalculatedSalesPriceFound', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterCalculatedSalesPriceFound(var JobBudgetLine: Record "KVSPSA Job Budget Line"; var TempGlobalSalesPrice: Record "KVSKBASalesPrice" temporary; CalledByFieldNo: Integer)

KVSPSAOnAfterCheckJobUseResPricesInOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(Record Job Journal Line, Integer, Boolean, Codeunit KVSKBASalesPriceCalcMgt, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '23.5')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterCheckJobUseResPricesInOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsMainEventHandled: Boolean; Sender: Codeunit "KVSKBASalesPriceCalcMgt"; var IsEventHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterCheckJobUseResPricesInOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterCheckJobUseResPricesInOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsMainEventHandled: Boolean; Sender: Codeunit "KVSKBASalesPriceCalcMgt"; var IsEventHandled: Boolean)

KVSPSAOnAfterCopyJobResPriceToJobJnlLine(Record Job Journal Line, Record KVSPSAJob Resource Price) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterCopyJobResPriceToJobJnlLine(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; JobResourcePrice: Record "KVSPSAJob Resource Price"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterCopyJobResPriceToJobJnlLine', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterCopyJobResPriceToJobJnlLine(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; JobResourcePrice: Record "KVSPSAJob Resource Price")

KVSPSAOnAfterFindJobJnlLineResPrice(Record Job Journal Line, Record KVSKBAResourcePrice) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterFindJobJnlLineResPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var ResourcePrice: Record "KVSKBAResourcePrice"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterFindJobJnlLineResPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterFindJobJnlLineResPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var ResourcePrice: Record "KVSKBAResourcePrice")

KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceGLAccount(Record Job Journal Line) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceGLAccount(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceGLAccount', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceGLAccount(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line")

KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceItem(Record Job Journal Line) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceItem(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceItem', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceItem(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line")

KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceResource(Record Job Journal Line) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceResource(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceResource', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnAfterJobJnlLineFindJTPriceResource(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line")

KVSPSAOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(Record Job Journal Line, Integer, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeFindJobJnlLinePrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; CalledByFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

KVSPSAOnBeforeJobJnlLineFindJobResPrice(Record Job Journal Line, Record KVSPSAJob Resource Price, Enum KVSPSAJobResourcePriceType, Boolean, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '20.2')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeJobJnlLineFindJobResPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var JobResourcePrice: Record "KVSPSAJob Resource Price"; JobResourcePriceType: Enum "KVSPSAJobResourcePriceType"; var ReturnValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeJobJnlLineFindJobResPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeJobJnlLineFindJobResPrice(var JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var JobResourcePrice: Record "KVSPSAJob Resource Price"; JobResourcePriceType: Enum "KVSPSAJobResourcePriceType"; var ReturnValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

KVSPSAOnBeforeJobPlanningLineFindJTPrice(Record Job Planning Line, Boolean) :#


This Element will be removed or changed with a future Version of the App.

[Obsolete('The price calculation needs a redesign due to the standard changes, possibly the object will not be available in the future.', '21.0')]
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure KVSPSAOnBeforeJobPlanningLineFindJTPrice(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean): 
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"KVSPSASalesPriceCalcMgt", 'KVSPSAOnBeforeJobPlanningLineFindJTPrice', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingKVSPSAOnBeforeJobPlanningLineFindJTPrice(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)