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ClearDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding() :#

Summary: Used to clear the deferral rolling rounding amounts for the non-Deductible VAT.

procedure ClearDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding(): 

ClearFirstDeferralPostingBuffer() :#

Summary: Used to clear the first Deferral Posting Buffer. The first entry must not be regarded for rolling rounding of the non-deductible VAT amounts of the entries per period.

procedure ClearFirstDeferralPostingBuffer(): 

GetDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding(Record Gen. Journal Line, Record Deferral Posting Buffer, Decimal, Decimal) : Boolean#

Summary: Used to get the deferral rolling rounding amounts for the non-Deductible VAT for the lines per period. The return value is only true for the deferral postings per period.

procedure GetDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; DeferralPostingBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer"; var VATAmountRounding: Decimal; var DeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding: Decimal): Boolean


  • GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line".
  • DeferralPostingBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer".
  • VATAmountRounding: VAR Decimal.
  • DeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding: VAR Decimal.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean.

GetDeferralNonDeductVATGenJournalLine(Record Gen. Journal Line) :#

Summary: Provides access to the stored rounding amount values in the SingleInstance codeunit. GenJournalLine."VAT Difference" = VAT Amount rounding difference GenJournalLine."Non-Deductible VAT Diff." = Non-deductible VAT Amount rounding difference

procedure GetDeferralNonDeductVATGenJournalLine(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"): 


  • GenJournalLine: VAR Record "Gen. Journal Line".

GetPostedJobDeferrals() : Boolean#

Summary: Used to get the info, if a job ledger entry has been posted during deferrals, to update the last job ledger entry no. in GL Register

procedure GetPostedJobDeferrals(): Boolean


IsFirstDeferralPostingBuffer(Record Deferral Posting Buffer) : Boolean#

Summary: Used to determine, whether Deferral Posting Buffer in process is the first Deferral Posting Buffer. The first entry must not be regarded for rolling rounding of the non-deductible VAT amounts of the entries per period.

procedure IsFirstDeferralPostingBuffer(DeferralPostingBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer"): Boolean


  • DeferralPostingBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer".

Returns: Return value of type Boolean.

IsJobDeferralActivated() : Boolean#

Summary: IsJobDeferralActivated can tell you, if deferrals should be posted to jobs.

procedure IsJobDeferralActivated(): Boolean

Returns: True, if activated in Jobs Setup

IsPSADeferralJobPosting() : Boolean#

Summary: Used to get the info, whether the Non-Deductible VAT % must be recalculated during PSA Deferral General Journal Line amount validation The temporary PSA Deferral General Journal Line may not contain all necessary information, therefore the proper values may be calculated before

procedure IsPSADeferralJobPosting(): Boolean


SetDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding(Record Gen. Journal Line, Decimal, Decimal) : Decimal#

Summary: Used to set the deferral rolling rounding amounts for the non-Deductible VAT.

procedure SetDeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; VATAmountRounding: Decimal; DeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding: Decimal): Decimal


  • GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line".
  • VATAmountRounding: Decimal.
  • DeferralNonDeductVATAmountRounding: Decimal.

Returns: Return value of type Decimal.

SetFirstDeferralPostingBuffer(Record Deferral Posting Buffer) :#

Summary: Used to set the first Deferral Posting Buffer. The first entry must not be regarded for rolling rounding of the non-deductible VAT amounts of the entries per period.

procedure SetFirstDeferralPostingBuffer(var DeferralPostingBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer"): 


  • DeferralPostingBuffer: VAR Record "Deferral Posting Buffer".

SetPostedJobDeferrals(Boolean) :#

Summary: If you create a Job ledger entry during deferral posting, set this to true - so, the GL Register can be updated with the latest job ledger entryno.

procedure SetPostedJobDeferrals(PostedJobDeferrals: Boolean): 


  • PostedJobDeferrals:

SetPSADeferralJobPosting(Boolean) :#

Summary: The Non-Deductible VAT % calculation is skipped during PSA Job Deferral G/L Journal Line validation, if set to true The previously filled values based on the original General Journal Line are therefore retained

procedure SetPSADeferralJobPosting(PSADeferralJobPosting: Boolean): 


  • PSADeferralJobPosting: