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Not Extensible

This object is not extensible.

Summary: Page "KVSCORERegistrationDialog" is in general used to show a registration dialog with actions instead of an error.


SetActionButtonText(Text) :#

Summary: Set the button text for calling the hyperlink.

procedure SetActionButtonText(input: Text): 


  • input: Text value defining the action button text.

SetActionButtonUrl(Text) :#

Summary: Set the action URL for hyperlinking.

procedure SetActionButtonUrl(input: Text): 


  • input: Text value defining the Hyperlink-URL to show.

SetDescriptionText(Text) :#

Summary: Set the error description that will be shown as error text.

procedure SetDescriptionText(input: Text): 


  • input: Text value defining the error message.

SetInternalInformation(Text, DateTime) :#

Summary: Set the UID and Last Registration Check Date/Time that will be shown as Internal Information.

procedure SetInternalInformation(uid: Text; lastRegCheckDateTime: DateTime): 


  • uid: App specific UID
  • lastRegCheckDateTime: DateTime value of the last done registration check