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Name Type Note
Creditsafe ID Text[30]
Name Text[100]
Name 2 Text[50]
Address Text[100]
Address 2 Text[50]
City Text[30]
Phone No. Text[30]
Country Code Code[10]
Fax No. Text[30]
VAT Registration No. Text[20]
Post Code Code[20]
E-Mail Text[80]
Home Page Text[80] Warning: Obsolete


ExistsByCreditsafeID(Text) : Boolean#

Summary: ExistsByCreditsafeID is used to check if an changed address record does exist for the given creditsafe id.

procedure ExistsByCreditsafeID(crsID: Text): Boolean


  • crsID: Text that specifies the given creditsafe id.

Returns: Return value of type Boolean specifies if a changed address exists for the given creditsafe id.

CallCheckAddress(Text) :#

Summary: CallCheckAddress is used to call the changed address page in order of transferring the company or address data to the current record.

procedure CallCheckAddress(crsID: Text): 


  • crsID: Text that specifies the given creditsafe id.

RecRef2ChangedAddress(Integer, Code[20], Record KVSCRSChangedAddress, Text) :#

Summary: RecRef2ChangedAddress is internally used in order to convert a given company type and company no to the needed structure of a changed address record for comparison.

procedure RecRef2ChangedAddress(companyType: Integer; companyNo: Code[20]; var crsChangedAddress: Record "KVSCRSChangedAddress"; var captionText: Text): 


  • companyType: Defines the company table used for the given record. (e.g. 18 for customer or 23 for vendor)
  • companyNo: Code[20] - Defines the customer no., vendor no. or contact no. of the record for comparison.
  • crsChangedAddress: VAR Record KVSCRSChangedAddress returns the changed address record that has been converted by the given parameters.
  • captionText: VAR Text returns the caption of the underlying record data table.