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Name Type Note
Entry No. Integer
Request Type Enum (KVSCRSRequestType)
Company Type Integer
Company No. Code[20]
Request by Creditsafe ID Text[30]
Request by SafeNumber Text[30]
Request by VAT ID Text[30]
Request by Name Text[151]
Request by Address Text[151]
Request by City Text[30]
Request DateTime DateTime
Request User Code[50]
Request by Country Code[2]
Request Matchtype Enum (KVSCRSMatchType)
Request by Post Code Text[30]
Request Language Enum (KVSCRSLanguages)
Request DE Reason Code Enum (KVSCRSDEReasonCodes)
Response Company Count Integer
Response Rating Code[10]
Response Rating Description Text[50]
Response Provider Integer
Response Provider Description Text[50]
Response Register No. Text[20]
Response Credit Limit Decimal
Response BLOB Blob
Response DateTime DateTime
Response Main Activity Code Text[20]
Response Main Act. Description Text[250]
Response Latest Turnover Text[50]
Response Number of Employees Text[50]
Credit Report BLOB Blob
Status Code[20]
Status Description Text[250]
Is Invalid Boolean


LoadLastCheck(Variant) :#

Summary: This procedure loads the last creditsafe request that has successfully been done for the given record.

procedure LoadLastCheck(variantRec: Variant): 


  • variantRec: Specifies the given contact, customer or vendor.

LoadData(Variant) :#

Summary: This procedure loads all of the creditsafe requests that have been done regarding the given record.

procedure LoadData(variantRec: Variant): 


  • variantRec: Specifies the given contact, customer or vendor.

DeleteData(Variant, Boolean) :#

Summary: This procedure will delete the Creditsafe-Information of this company

procedure DeleteData(variantRec: Variant; isRecursive: Boolean): 


  • variantRec: Specifies the given contact, customer or vendor.
  • isRecursive: Specifies if the procedure is called by itself. As a delete operation of a contact will also delete the assigned customer or vendor and vice versa if this flag is set to false. If set to true, only the creditsafe data assinged to the current record will be deleted.

ExportBLOB() :#

Summary: This procedure is used to call the export of the data file of the current Creditsafe Response.

procedure ExportBLOB(): 

ExportReportBLOB() :#

Summary: This procedure is used to call the export of the report BLOB of the current Creditsafe Response. Within this procedure, the "OnExportReportBLOB" event is fired by which you can override the standard process of exporting the document.

procedure ExportReportBLOB():