EDX Partner No. | Code[30] | |
EDX Document | Code[30] | |
EDX Channel | Enum (KVSEDX Channel) | |
EDX Starting Date | Date | |
EDX Document Description | Text[100] | |
Partner Type | Enum (KVSEDX Partner Type) | |
Partner NAV No. | Code[20] | |
FTP Enable SSL | Boolean | |
File Type | Enum (KVSEDX File Type Message) | |
Doc. Table No. | Integer | |
Document Type | Enum (KVSEDX Document Type) | |
Object ID | Integer | |
Object ID Partner | Integer | |
EDX Document Partner | Code[30] | |
Object Type | Enum (KVSEDX Object Type Process.Msg) | |
Disable create Transmission ID | Boolean | |
Collect Documents Possible | Boolean | |
Include PDF Possible | Boolean | |
EDX Transmission Type | Enum (KVSEDX Transmission Type) | |
EDX File Path | Text[100] | |
EDX Partner Company | Text[30] | |
Webservice Function | Boolean | |
Webservice Function Name | Text[50] | |
Processing Sequence | Integer | |
Message Encoding | Enum (KVSEDX Encoding) | |
Inbound prevent Upload | Boolean | |
Release NAV Document | Boolean | |
Show BC Document | Enum (KVSEDX Show BC Document) | |
Automatic Processing | Boolean | |
Automatic Processing Steps | Enum (KVSEDX Automatic Proces. Steps) | |
Azure Forwarding Type | Text[30] | |
Azure Forwarding Identifier | Text[30] | |
Azure Forwarding Destination | Text[250] | |
Confirmation | Boolean | |
Confirmation Check | Boolean | |
Confirmation Reasons | Enum (KVSEDX Confirmation Reason) | |
Waiting time for conf. (min.) | Integer | |
Clearing Center Message | Boolean | FlowField |
Type | Enum (KVSEDX Registered Message Type) | FlowField |
Our Account No. | Text[20] | |
EDX Partner No. Company | Code[30] | |
Next List No. | Code[10] | |
Transmission Nos. | Code[20] | |
Automatically Archive | Boolean | |
Use Item Reference | Boolean | |
Use Unit of Measure Mapping | Boolean | |
Test Indicator | Boolean | |
Collect Documents | Boolean | |
Ignore Zero-Invoice | Boolean | |
Override Sell-To Data | Boolean | |
Ignore Zero-Cr.Memo | Boolean | |
ToleranceDaysPromisedDeliveryA | Integer | |
ToleranceDaysPromisedDeliveryS | Integer | |
Direct Purch. Invoice | Boolean | |
Include PDF | Boolean | |
Expiry of storage period | Duration | |
FTP Server | Code[100] | |
FTP User | Text[50] | |
FTP Password | Text[30] | |
FTP File Path Partner | Text[100] | |
FTP PasswordId | Guid | |
Run on Mondays | Boolean | |
Run on Tuesdays | Boolean | |
Run on Wednesdays | Boolean | |
Run on Thursdays | Boolean | |
Run on Fridays | Boolean | |
Run on Saturdays | Boolean | |
Run on Sundays | Boolean | |
Starting Time | Time | |
Ending Time | Time | |
Earliest Start Date/Time | DateTime | |
Last Start Date/Time | DateTime | |
Interval | Duration | |
Max. time for interm. doc. | Duration | |
ANVEO Project Code | Code[20] | |
ANVEO Format Code | Code[20] | |
ANVEO Code | Code[20] | |
Receiver E-Mail Address | Text[50] | |
E-Mail Subject | Text[50] | |
E-Mail Body | Blob | |
Post NAV Document | Boolean | |
Use Posting Date | Enum (KVSEDX Use Posting Date) | |
Post Drop Shipment only | Boolean | |
CC Receiver E-Mail Address | Text[50] | |
BCC Receiver E-Mail Address | Text[50] | |
Error E-Mail Address | Text[200] | |
OAuth Code | Code[20] | |
EDX Partner Company Id. | Guid | |