KVSEDX Document Types#
Name | Type | Note |
EDX Document | Code[30] | |
Description | Text[100] | |
Channel | Enum (KVSEDX Channel) | |
File Type | Enum (KVSEDX File Type Message) | |
Doc. Table No. | Integer | |
Document Type | Enum (KVSEDX Document Type) | |
Object ID | Integer | |
Object ID Partner | Integer | |
EDX Document Partner | Code[30] | |
Object Type | Enum (KVSEDX Object Type Process.Msg) | |
Disable create Transmission ID | Boolean | |
Field Setup Active | Boolean | |
Collect Documents Possible | Boolean | |
Include PDF Possible | Boolean | |
Webservice Function | Boolean | |
Webservice Function Name | Text[50] | |
Processing Sequence | Integer | |
Message Encoding | Enum (KVSEDX Encoding) | |
GS1 BMS | Boolean | |
Inbound prevent Upload | Boolean | |
Expiry of storage period | Duration | |
Confirmation | Boolean | |
IC Role | Enum (KVSEDX Wizard IC Message Role) | |
Clearing Center Message | Boolean | |
Type | Enum (KVSEDX Registered Message Type) |
OnCreateEDXDocumentTypes(Record KVSEDX Document Types, Boolean) :#
Summary: The following event can be used to control the action "Update EDX Document Types". The EDX Document Types can be updated in the EDX setup via the "EDX Setup Wizard".
It can be decided whether standard EDX vouchers should be created or not.
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnCreateEDXDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var CreateEDXStandardDocumentTypesVar: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Document Types", 'OnCreateEDXDocumentTypes', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateEDXDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var CreateEDXStandardDocumentTypesVar: Boolean)
: Record variable which is used for insert.CreateEDXStandardDocumentTypesVar
: If False, no standard EDX documents will be created.
OnCreateExtDocumentTypes(Record KVSEDX Document Types) :#
Summary: The following event can be used to control the action "Update EDX Document types". The "EDX Document Types" can be updated in the EDX setup via the "EDX Setup Wizard".
Own customer project specific EDX Document Types can be created.
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“EDX Document“ := C_SAP_Customer;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.Description := C_SAP_Customer_Description;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.Channel := EDXDocumentTypesVar.Channel::Outbound;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Doc. Table No.“ := DATABASE::Customer;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Document Type“ := EDXDocumentTypesVar.“DocumentType“::Customer;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“File Type“ := EDXDocumentTypesVar.“File Type“::xml;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Object Type“ := EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Object Type“::XMLPort;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Object ID“ := XMLPORT::“SAP Customer“;
EDXDocumentTypesVar.“Object ID Partner“ := 0;
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnCreateExtDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Document Types", 'OnCreateExtDocumentTypes', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateExtDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types")
: Record variable which is used for insert
OnCreateEDI_ICDocumentTypes(Record KVSEDX Document Types, Boolean) :#
[IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
local procedure OnCreateEDI_ICDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var HandledVar: Boolean):
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Table::"KVSEDX Document Types", 'OnCreateEDI_ICDocumentTypes', '', false, false)]
local procedure DoSomethingOnCreateEDI_ICDocumentTypes(var EDXDocumentTypesVar: Record "KVSEDX Document Types"; var HandledVar: Boolean)